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7 years ago
PDFImage = require '../image'
module.exports =
initImages: ->
@_imageRegistry = {}
@_imageCount = 0
image: (src, x, y, options = {}) ->
if typeof x is 'object'
options = x
x = null
x = x ? options.x ? @x
y = y ? options.y ? @y
if typeof src is 'string'
image = @_imageRegistry[src]
if not image
if src.width and src.height
image = src
image = @openImage src
unless image.obj
image.embed this
@page.xobjects[image.label] ?= image.obj
w = options.width or image.width
h = options.height or image.height
if options.width and not options.height
wp = w / image.width
w = image.width * wp
h = image.height * wp
else if options.height and not options.width
hp = h / image.height
w = image.width * hp
h = image.height * hp
else if options.scale
w = image.width * options.scale
h = image.height * options.scale
else if
[bw, bh] =
bp = bw / bh
ip = image.width / image.height
if ip > bp
w = bw
h = bw / ip
h = bh
w = bh * ip
else if options.cover
[bw, bh] = options.cover
bp = bw / bh
ip = image.width / image.height
if ip > bp
h = bh
w = bh * ip
w = bw
h = bw / ip
if or options.cover
if options.align is 'center'
x = x + bw / 2 - w / 2
else if options.align is 'right'
x = x + bw - w
if options.valign is 'center'
y = y + bh / 2 - h / 2
else if options.valign is 'bottom'
y = y + bh - h
# Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
@y += h if @y is y
@transform w, 0, 0, -h, x, y + h
@addContent "/#{image.label} Do"
return this
openImage: (src) ->
if typeof src is 'string'
image = @_imageRegistry[src]
if not image
image = src, 'I' + (++@_imageCount)
if typeof src is 'string'
@_imageRegistry[src] = image
return image