You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1.6 KiB

7 years ago
PDFFont = require '../font'
module.exports =
initFonts: ->
# Lookup table for embedded fonts
@_fontFamilies = {}
@_fontCount = 0
# Font state
@_fontSize = 12
@_font = null
@_registeredFonts = {}
# Set the default font
@font 'Helvetica'
font: (src, family, size) ->
if typeof family is 'number'
size = family
family = null
# check registered fonts if src is a string
if typeof src is 'string' and @_registeredFonts[src]
cacheKey = src
{src, family} = @_registeredFonts[src]
cacheKey = family or src
cacheKey = null unless typeof cacheKey is 'string'
@fontSize size if size?
# fast path: check if the font is already in the PDF
if font = @_fontFamilies[cacheKey]
@_font = font
return this
# load the font
id = 'F' + (++@_fontCount)
@_font =, src, family, id)
# check for existing font familes with the same name already in the PDF
# useful if the font was passed as a buffer
if font = @_fontFamilies[]
@_font = font
return this
# save the font for reuse later
if cacheKey
@_fontFamilies[cacheKey] = @_font
@_fontFamilies[] = @_font
return this
fontSize: (@_fontSize) ->
return this
currentLineHeight: (includeGap = false) ->
@_font.lineHeight @_fontSize, includeGap
registerFont: (name, src, family) ->
@_registeredFonts[name] =
src: src
family: family
return this