You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#lang debug racket/base
(require "pass.rkt" "drawing.rkt" "quad.rkt" racket/match racket/string)
(provide (all-defined-out))
3 years ago
(define (unstackify inst-str)
(define tok-port (open-input-string inst-str))
(let loop ([acc null][stack null])
(match (read tok-port)
[(? eof-object?) (reverse acc)]
(match (cons tok stack)
[(list* 'doc sym rest) (loop (cons ($doc sym) acc) rest)]
[(list* 'page sym rest) (loop (cons ($page sym) acc) rest)]
[(list* 'text charint rest) (loop (cons ($text charint) acc) rest)]
[(list* 'move x y rest) (loop (cons ($move ($point x y)) acc) rest)]
[new-stack (loop acc new-stack)])])))
(define-syntax-rule (define-render-pass (PASS-NAME ARG)
EXPRS ...)
(define-pass (PASS-NAME ARG)
3 years ago
#:precondition string?
#:postcondition values
3 years ago
(let ([ARG (unstackify ARG)])
EXPRS ...)))
(define-render-pass (render-to-text xs)
(define move-posns (map $move-posn (filter $move? xs)))
(define xmax (add1 (apply max (map $point-x move-posns))))
(define ymax (add1 (apply max (map $point-y move-posns))))
(define char-pos-table (make-hasheqv))
;; scan over the instructions and record where the chars want to go
(let loop ([current-loc 0+0i][xs xs])
(unless (null? xs)
(match xs
[(cons ($move ($point x y)) rest)
(loop (make-rectangular x y) rest)]
[(cons ($text c) rest)
(hash-set! char-pos-table current-loc c)
(loop current-loc rest)]
[(cons _ rest) (loop current-loc rest)])))
;; fill in a character grid
(for/list ([y (in-range ymax)])
3 years ago
(map integer->char
(for/list ([x (in-range xmax)])
(hash-ref char-pos-table (make-rectangular x y) (char->integer #\space)))))) "\n")))
(require racket/gui)
(define-render-pass (render-to-bitmap xs)
(define move-posns (map $move-posn (filter $move? xs)))
(define xmax (add1 (apply max (map $point-x move-posns))))
(define ymax (add1 (apply max (map $point-y move-posns))))
(define em-scale 30)
(define target (make-bitmap (* em-scale xmax) (* em-scale ymax)))
(define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap target]))
(send dc scale em-scale em-scale)
(define face-list (get-face-list 'mono))
(when (null? face-list)
(error 'no-mono-font-available))
(define my-face (car face-list))
(send dc set-font (make-font #:size 1 #:face my-face))
(send dc set-text-foreground "black")
(let loop ([current-loc 0+0i][xs xs])
(unless (null? xs)
(match xs
[(cons ($move ($point x y)) rest)
(loop (make-rectangular x y) rest)]
3 years ago
[(cons ($text charint) rest)
(send dc draw-text (string (integer->char charint)) (real-part current-loc) (imag-part current-loc))
(loop current-loc rest)]
[(cons _ rest) (loop current-loc rest)])))
(make-object image-snip% target))