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10 years ago
#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax typed/racket/base racket/syntax))
10 years ago
(require/typed racket/list [flatten ((Listof QuadAttrPair) . -> . (Listof QuadAttrPair))]
[empty? ((Listof Any) . -> . Boolean)]
10 years ago
;; struct implementation
10 years ago
(define-type QuadAttrKey Symbol)
(define-type QuadAttrValue Any)
(define-type QuadAttrs (HashTable QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue))
(define-type QuadList (Listof Quad))
(struct Quad ([attrs : QuadAttrs] [list : QuadList]) #:transparent
#:property prop:sequence (λ(q) (Quad-list q)))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(define Quad-attr-ref
[([q : Quad] [key : QuadAttrKey])
(hash-ref (Quad-attrs q) key)]
[([q : Quad] [key : QuadAttrKey] [default : QuadAttrValue])
(hash-ref (Quad-attrs q) key (λ() default))]))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(define cannot-be-common-attrs '(width x y page))
10 years ago
(define attr-missing (gensym))
10 years ago
(define-type QuadAttrPair (Pairof QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue))
(: gather-common-attrs ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof QuadAttrPair)))
10 years ago
(define (gather-common-attrs qs)
10 years ago
(: check-cap (QuadAttrPair . -> . Boolean))
(define (check-cap cap)
(equal? (Quad-attr-ref (car qs) (car cap) attr-missing) (cdr cap)))
(let loop
([qs qs]
[common-attr-pairs : (Listof QuadAttrPair) (if (Quad-attrs (car qs))
10 years ago
10 years ago
[(empty? common-attr-pairs) #f]
[(empty? qs) (flatten common-attr-pairs)]
[else (loop (cdr qs) (filter check-cap common-attr-pairs))])))
(define-syntax (define-quad-type stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ Id)
(with-syntax (
[Ids? (format-id #'Id "~as?" #'Id)]
[Quads->Id (format-id #'Id "Quads->~a" #'Id)])
(struct Id Quad ())
(define-predicate Ids? (Listof Id))
;; quad converter
(: Quads->Id ((Listof Quad) . -> . Id))
(define (Quads->Id qs)
(Id #hash() '()))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(define-quad-type Hello)
(define-quad-type Gbye)
(define h (Hello #hash((foo . bar)) (list (Hello #hash() '()))))
(define h2 (Quads->Hello '()))