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5 years ago
#lang br
(require xenomorph rackunit)
(define-simple-check (check-xenomorphic type val)
(let ([de (decode type (encode type val #f))])
(if (flonum? val)
(check-= de val 0.01)
(check-equal? de val))))
(define bigint (x:string #:pre-encode number->string
#:post-decode string->number))
(check-xenomorphic bigint 1234567890987654321)
(define exact (x:list #:type bigint
#:length 2
#:pre-encode (λ (x) (list (numerator x) (denominator x)))
#:post-decode (λ (nd) (apply / nd))))
(check-xenomorphic exact 12345678/8765)
(define real (x:versioned-dict
#:type uint8
#:version-key 'version
(cons 0 (list (cons 'val exact)))
(cons 1 (list (cons 'val float))))
#:pre-encode (λ (num) (list (cons 'val num)
(cons 'version (if (exact? num)
#:post-decode (λ (h) (hash-ref h 'val))))
(define pi 3.141592653589793)
5 years ago
(check-xenomorphic real pi)
(define complex (x:list #:type real
#:length 2
#:pre-encode (λ (num) (list (real-part num) (imag-part num)))
#:post-decode (λ (ri) (+ (first ri) (* 0+1i (second ri))))))
(check-xenomorphic complex 3/4+5i)