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#lang br
(require quad pict)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (quad->pict q)
(match-define (list xmin ymin xmax ymax) (bounding-box q))
(define scaling-factor 3)
(define stroke-width 0.5)
(define margin 3)
(λ (dc dx dy)
(send dc scale scaling-factor scaling-factor)
(send dc translate (+ (- xmin) stroke-width margin) (+ (- ymin) stroke-width margin))
(let loop ([q q][idx 0])
;; outer edge
(send dc set-pen "slategray" stroke-width 'solid)
(send dc set-brush "white" 'solid)
(define args (append (quad-origin q) (quad-size q)))
(send dc draw-rectangle . args)
;; join pt
(send dc set-pen "slategray" 0 'solid)
(send dc set-brush (if (zero? idx) "black" "red") 'solid)
(define pt-args (append (map sub1 (to-point q)) (list 2 2)))
(send dc draw-rectangle . pt-args)
(map (λ (qe) (loop qe (add1 idx))) (quad-elems q))))
(* scaling-factor (+ (- xmax xmin) (* stroke-width 2) (* margin 2)))
(* scaling-factor (+ (- ymax ymin) (* stroke-width 2) (* margin 2)))))
4 years ago
(module+ main
(define q1 (make-quad #:size '(25 25)))
(define q2 (make-quad #:size '(15 15)))
(quad->pict (position (attach-to q1 'e q2 'w))))