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#lang racket/base
(require racket/class
6 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define (resolve-void-pointer type val)
[type (values type val)]
[(VoidPointer? val) (values (· val type) (· val value))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'Pointer:size "VoidPointer" val)]))
(define (find-top-ctx ctx)
[(· ctx parent) => find-top-ctx]
[else ctx]))
(define-subclass xenomorph-base% (Pointer offset-type type-in [options (mhasheq)])
(field [type (and (not (eq? type-in 'void)) type-in)])
(define pointer-style (or (· options type) 'local))
(define allow-null (or (· options allowNull) #t))
(define null-value (or (· options nullValue) 0))
(define lazy (· options lazy))
(define relative-getter-or-0 (or (· options relativeTo) (λ (ctx) 0))) ; changed this to a simple lambda
(define/augment (decode port [ctx #f])
(define offset (send offset-type decode port ctx))
[(and allow-null (= offset null-value)) #f] ; handle null pointers
(define relative (+ (caseq pointer-style
[(local) (· ctx _startOffset)]
[(immediate) (- (pos port) (send offset-type size))]
[(parent) (· ctx parent _startOffset)]
[(global) (or (· (find-top-ctx ctx) _startOffset) 0)]
[else (error 'unknown-pointer-style)])
(relative-getter-or-0 ctx)))
(define ptr (+ offset relative))
[type (define val (void))
(define (decode-value)
[(not (void? val)) val]
(define orig-pos (pos port))
(pos port ptr)
(set! val (send type decode port ctx))
(pos port orig-pos)
(if lazy
(LazyThunk decode-value)
[else ptr])]))
(define/augment (size [val #f] [ctx #f])
(let*-values ([(parent) ctx]
[(ctx) (caseq pointer-style
[(local immediate) ctx]
[(parent) (· ctx parent)]
[(global) (find-top-ctx ctx)]
[else (error 'unknown-pointer-style)])]
[(type val) (resolve-void-pointer type val)])
(when (and val ctx)
(ref-set! ctx 'pointerSize (and (· ctx pointerSize)
(+ (· ctx pointerSize) (send type size val parent)))))
(send offset-type size)))
(define/augment (encode port val [ctx #f])
(unless ctx
;; todo: furnish default pointer context? adapt from Struct?
(raise-argument-error 'Pointer:encode "valid pointer context" ctx))
(if (not val)
(send offset-type encode port null-value)
(let* ([parent ctx]
[ctx (caseq pointer-style
[(local immediate) ctx]
[(parent) (· ctx parent)]
[(global) (find-top-ctx ctx)]
[else (error 'unknown-pointer-style)])]
[relative (+ (caseq pointer-style
[(local parent) (· ctx startOffset)]
[(immediate) (+ (pos port) (send offset-type size val parent))]
[(global) 0])
(relative-getter-or-0 (· parent val)))])
(send offset-type encode port (- (· ctx pointerOffset) relative))
(let-values ([(type val) (resolve-void-pointer type val)])
(ref-set! ctx 'pointers (append (· ctx pointers) (list (mhasheq 'type type
'val val
'parent parent))))
(ref-set! ctx 'pointerOffset (+ (· ctx pointerOffset) (send type size val parent))))))))
;; A pointer whose type is determined at decode time
(define-subclass object% (VoidPointer type value))