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6 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(define anything (seteq 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(struct cell (x y can-be) #:transparent)
(define (cell-solved? c)
(= 1 (set-count (cell-can-be c))))
(define (floor3 x)
(floor (/ x 3)))
(define (neighbor-of? l r)
(or (same-row? l r)
(same-col? l r)
(same-box? l r)))
(define (same-box? l r)
(and (= (floor3 (cell-x l)) (floor3 (cell-x r)))
(= (floor3 (cell-y l)) (floor3 (cell-y r)))))
(define (same-row? l r)
(= (cell-x l) (cell-x r)))
(define (same-col? l r)
(= (cell-y l) (cell-y r)))
;; a grid is a list of cells
(define hrule "-----------")
;; board : string ... -> grid
(define (board . ss)
(list r1 r2 r3 (== hrule)
r4 r5 r6 (== hrule)
r7 r8 r9)
(define rs
(list r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9))
(for/list ([r (in-list rs)]
[y (in-naturals)])
(parse-row y r))))
(define (parse-row y r)
(for/list ([c (in-string r)]
[i (in-naturals)])
[(or (= i 3) (= i 7))
(if (char=? c #\|)
(error 'parse-row))]
(define x
(cond [(< i 3) (- i 0)]
[(< i 7) (- i 1)]
[ else (- i 2)]))
(parse-cell y x c)])))
(define (parse-cell y x c)
(cell x y
(if (char=? #\space c)
(seteq (string->number (string c))))))
(define (propagate-one top cs)
(let/ec return
;; If this is solved, then push its constraints to neighbors
(when (cell-solved? top)
(define-values (changed? ncs)
(for/fold ([changed? #f] [ncs empty])
([c (in-list cs)])
[(neighbor-of? top c)
(define before
(cell-can-be c))
(define after
(set-subtract before (cell-can-be top)))
(if (= (set-count before)
(set-count after))
(values changed?
(cons c ncs))
(values #t
(cons (struct-copy cell c
[can-be after])
(values changed? (cons c ncs))])))
(return changed? top ncs))
;; If this is not solved, then look for cliques that force it to
;; be one thing
(define (try-clique same-x?)
(define before (cell-can-be top))
(define after
(for/fold ([before before])
([c (in-list cs)])
(if (same-x? top c)
(set-subtract before (cell-can-be c))
(when (= (set-count after) 1)
(return #t
(struct-copy cell top
[can-be after])
(try-clique same-row?)
(try-clique same-col?)
(try-clique same-box?)
;; Look for two cells in our clique that have the same can-be sets
;; and remove them from everything else
(define (only2-clique same-x?)
(define before (cell-can-be top))
(when (= (set-count before) 2)
(define other
(for/or ([c (in-list cs)])
(and (same-x? top c) (equal? before (cell-can-be c)) c)))
(when other
(define changed? #f)
(define ncs
(for/list ([c (in-list cs)])
[(and (not (eq? other c)) (same-x? top c))
(define cbefore
(cell-can-be c))
(define cafter
(set-subtract cbefore before))
(unless (equal? cbefore cafter)
(set! changed? #t))
(struct-copy cell c
[can-be cafter])]
(return changed? top
(only2-clique same-row?)
(only2-clique same-col?)
(only2-clique same-box?)
(values #f
(define (find-pivot f l)
(let loop ([tried empty]
[to-try l])
(match to-try
(values #f l)]
[(list-rest top more)
(define-values (changed? ntop nmore)
(f top (append tried more)))
(if changed?
(values #t (cons ntop nmore))
(loop (cons top tried) more))])))
(define (propagate g)
(find-pivot propagate-one g))
(define (until-fixed-point f o bad? end-f)
(define-values (changed? no) (f o))
(if changed?
(if (bad? no)
(end-f no)
(until-fixed-point f no bad? end-f)))
(end-f o)))
(define (solved? g)
(andmap (λ (c) (= (set-count (cell-can-be c)) 1)) g))
(define (failed-solution? g)
(ormap (λ (c) (= (set-count (cell-can-be c)) 0)) g))
;; solve-it : grid -> (listof grid)
(define (solve-it g)
(let solve-loop
([g g]
(λ (i)
(error 'solve-it "Failed!"))])
(define (done? g)
[(solved? g)
[(failed-solution? g)
(backtrack! #f)]
(search g)]))
(define (search g)
(define sg (sort g < #:key (λ (c) (set-count (cell-can-be c)))))
(let iter-loop ([before empty]
[after sg])
[(empty? after)
(backtrack! #f)]
(define c (first after))
(define cb (cell-can-be c))
(or (and (not (= (set-count cb) 1))
(for/or ([o (in-set cb)])
(let/ec new-backtrack!
(define nc
(struct-copy cell c
[can-be (seteq o)]))
(append before (rest after)))
(iter-loop (cons c before)
(rest after)))])))
(until-fixed-point propagate g failed-solution? done?)))
(require 2htdp/image
(define (fig s) (text/font s 12 "black" #f 'modern 'normal 'normal #f))
(define MIN-FIG (fig "1"))
(define CELL-W (* 3 (image-width MIN-FIG)))
(define CELL-H (* 3 (image-height MIN-FIG)))
(struct draw-state (i before after))
(define (draw-it! gs)
(define (move-right ds)
(match-define (draw-state i before after) ds)
[(empty? (rest after))
(draw-state (add1 i)
(cons (first after) before)
(rest after))]))
(define (draw-can-be can-be)
(define (figi i)
(if (set-member? can-be i)
(fig (number->string i))
(fig " ")))
(if (= 1 (set-count can-be))
(scale 3 (fig (number->string (set-first can-be))))
(above (beside (figi 1) (figi 2) (figi 3))
(beside (figi 4) (figi 5) (figi 6))
(beside (figi 7) (figi 8) (figi 9))))
0 0
"left" "top"
(rectangle CELL-W CELL-H
"outline" "black")))
(define (draw-draw-state ds)
(match-define (draw-state i before after) ds)
(define g (first after))
(for/fold ([i
(empty-scene (* CELL-W 11)
(* CELL-H 11))])
([c (in-list g)])
(match-define (cell x y can-be) c)
(draw-can-be can-be)
(cond [(<= x 2) (+ x 0)]
[(<= x 5) (+ x 1)]
[ else (+ x 2)]))
(cond [(<= y 2) (+ y 0)]
[(<= y 5) (+ y 1)]
[ else (+ y 2)]))
"left" "top"
(big-bang (draw-state 0 empty gs)
(on-tick move-right 1/8)
(on-draw draw-draw-state)))
(module+ main
;; Wikipedia Example
(define b1
"53 | 7 | "
"6 |195| "
" 98| | 6 "
"8 | 6 | 3"
"4 |8 3| 1"
"7 | 2 | 6"
" 6 | |28 "
" |419| 5"
" | 8 | 79"))
;; "Hard" example
(define b2
" 7 | 2 | 5"
" 9| 87| 3"
" 6 | | 4 "
" | 6 | 17"
"9 4| |8 6"
"71 | 5 | "
" 9 | | 8 "
"5 |21 |4 "
"4 | 9 | 6 "))
;; "Evil" example
(define b3
" 8| | 45"
" | 8 |9 "
" 2|4 | "
"5 | 1|76 "
" 1 | 7 | 8 "
" 79|5 | 1"
" | 7|4 "
" 7| 6 | "
"65 | |3 "))