#lang debug racket
(require "hacs.rkt" rackunit)
(current-inference forward-check)
(current-select-variable mrv-degree-hybrid)
(current-order-values shuffle)
(current-shuffle #true)
(check-equal? (first-unassigned-variable ($csp (list ($var 'a (range 3)) ($var 'b (range 3))) null))
($var 'a (range 3)))
(check-equal? (first-unassigned-variable ($csp (list ($avar 'a (range 3)) ($var 'b (range 3))) null))
($var 'b (range 3)))
(check-false (first-unassigned-variable ($csp (list ($avar 'a (range 3)) ($avar 'b (range 3))) null)))
;; no forward checking when no constraints
($csp-vars (forward-check ($csp (list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($var 'b (range 2))) null) 'a))
(list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($var 'b '(0 1))))
($csp-vars (forward-check (forward-check ($csp (list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($avar 'b '(0)) ($var 'c '(0 1 2)))
(list ($constraint '(a c) (negate =))
($constraint '(b c) (negate =)))) 'a) 'b))
(list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($avar 'b '(0)) ($cvar 'c '(2) '(b a))))
;; no inconsistency: b≠c not checked when fc is relative to a
($csp-vars (forward-check ($csp (list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($var 'b (range 2)) ($var 'c '(0)))
(list ($constraint '(a b) (negate =))
($constraint '(b c) (negate =)))) 'a))
(list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($cvar 'b '(0) '(a)) ($var 'c '(0))))
;; no inconsistency: a≠b not checked when fc ignores a, which is already assigned
($csp-vars (forward-check ($csp (list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($avar 'b '(1)) ($var 'c (range 2)))
(list ($constraint '(a b) (negate =))
($constraint '(b c) (negate =)))) 'b))
(list ($avar 'a '(1)) ($avar 'b '(1)) ($cvar 'c '(0) '(b))))
(check-exn $backtrack?
(λ () ($csp-vars (forward-check ($csp (list ($avar 'a '(1))
($var 'b '(1)))
(list ($constraint '(a b) (negate =)))) 'a))))
(check-equal? ($csp-vars (forward-check ($csp (list ($var 'a '(0))
($var 'b (range 3)))
(list ($constraint '(a b) <))) 'a))
(list ($var 'a '(0)) ($cvar 'b '(1 2) '(a))))
(parameterize ([current-inference forward-check])
(length (solve* ($csp (list ($var 'x (range 3))
($var 'y (range 3))
($var 'z (range 3)))
(list ($constraint '(x y) <>)
($constraint '(x z) <>)
($constraint '(y z) <>)))))) 6)
(parameterize ([current-inference forward-check])
(define vds (for/list ([k '(wa nt nsw q t v sa)])
($var k '(red green blue))))
(define cs (list
($constraint '(wa nt) neq?)
($constraint '(wa sa) neq?)
($constraint '(nt sa) neq?)
($constraint '(nt q) neq?)
($constraint '(q sa) neq?)
($constraint '(q nsw) neq?)
($constraint '(nsw sa) neq?)
($constraint '(nsw v) neq?)
($constraint '(v sa) neq?)))
(define csp ($csp vds cs))
(check-equal? (length (solve* csp)) 18))
(define quarters (make-csp))
(add-vars! quarters '(dollars quarters) (range 26))
(add-constraint! quarters (λ (d q) (= 26 (+ d q))) '(dollars quarters))
(add-constraint! quarters (λ (d q) (= 17 (+ d (* 0.25 q)))) '(dollars quarters))
(check-equal? (time (solve quarters))
'((dollars . 14) (quarters . 12)))
;; xsum
# Reorganize the following numbers in a way that each line of
# 5 numbers sum to 27.
# 1 6
# 2 7
# 3
# 8 4
# 9 5
(define xsum (make-csp))
(add-vars! xsum '(l1 l2 l3 l4 r1 r2 r3 r4 x) (range 1 10))
(add-pairwise-constraint! xsum < '(l1 l2 l3 l4))
(add-pairwise-constraint! xsum < '(r1 r2 r3 r4))
(add-constraint! xsum (λ (l1 l2 l3 l4 x) (= 27 (+ l1 l2 l3 l4 x))) '(l1 l2 l3 l4 x))
(add-constraint! xsum (λ (r1 r2 r3 r4 x) (= 27 (+ r1 r2 r3 r4 x))) '(r1 r2 r3 r4 x))
(add-pairwise-constraint! xsum alldiff= '(l1 l2 l3 l4 r1 r2 r3 r4 x))
(check-equal? (length (time (solve* xsum))) 8)
;; send more money problem
# Assign equal values to equal letters, and different values to
# different letters, in a way that satisfies the following sum:
# + MORE
# ------
(define (word-value . xs)
(for/sum ([(x idx) (in-indexed (reverse xs))])
(* x (expt 10 idx))))
(define smm (make-csp))
(add-vars! smm '(s e n d m o r y) (λ () (range 10)))
(add-constraint! smm positive? '(s))
(add-constraint! smm positive? '(m))
(add-constraint! smm (λ (d e y) (= (modulo (+ d e) 10) y)) '(d e y))
(add-constraint! smm (λ (n d r e y)
(= (modulo (+ (word-value n d) (word-value r e)) 100)
(word-value e y))) '(n d r e y))
(add-constraint! smm (λ (e n d o r y)
(= (modulo (+ (word-value e n d) (word-value o r e)) 1000) (word-value n e y))) '(e n d o r y))
(add-constraint! smm (λ (s e n d m o r y)
(= (+ (word-value s e n d) (word-value m o r e))
(word-value m o n e y))) '(s e n d m o r y))
(add-pairwise-constraint! smm alldiff= '(s e n d m o r y))
(check-equal? (time (solve smm)) '((s . 9) (e . 5) (n . 6) (d . 7) (m . 1) (o . 0) (r . 8) (y . 2)))
;; queens problem
;; place queens on chessboard so they do not intersect
(define queens (make-csp))
(define qs (for/list ([q 8]) (string->symbol (format "q~a" q))))
(define rows (range (length qs)))
(add-vars! queens qs rows)
(define (q-col q) (string->number (string-trim (symbol->string q) "q")))
(for* ([qs (in-combinations qs 2)])
(match-define (list qa qb) qs)
(match-define (list qa-col qb-col) (map q-col qs))
(add-constraint! queens
(λ (qa-row qb-row)
(not (= (abs (- qa-row qb-row)) (abs (- qa-col qb-col)))) ; same diagonal?
(not (= qa-row qb-row)))) ; same row?
(list qa qb)))
(check-equal? 92 (length (time (solve* queens))))