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5 years ago
#lang racket
(require quadwriter pitfall/check-pdf racket/runtime-path)
(define-for-syntax (test-pdf-name path)
5 years ago
(path-add-extension (path-replace-extension path #".pdf") #"" #"-tester."))
5 years ago
(define-syntax (make-test-pdf stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
5 years ago
[(_) #'(begin)]
[(_ PATH . REST)
5 years ago
(with-syntax ([PDF-NAME (test-pdf-name (syntax-e #'PATH))])
5 years ago
(define-runtime-path rp PATH)
(parameterize ([quadwriter-test-mode #t])
(render-pdf (dynamic-require PATH 'doc) PDF-NAME rp)))
5 years ago
(make-test-pdf . REST)))]))
5 years ago
5 years ago
(define-syntax (test-each stx)
5 years ago
(syntax-case stx ()
5 years ago
[(_) #'(begin)]
5 years ago
(with-syntax ([PDF-NAME (test-pdf-name (syntax-e #'MOD-PATH))])
5 years ago
5 years ago
(define-runtime-path path-to-test MOD-PATH)
5 years ago
(define-runtime-path test-base PDF-NAME)
5 years ago
(println MOD-PATH)
(define-runtime-path path (path-replace-extension MOD-PATH #".pdf"))
5 years ago
(check-pdfs-equal? (time (parameterize ([quadwriter-test-mode #t]
[current-output-port (open-output-nowhere)])
(render-pdf (dynamic-require path-to-test 'doc) path path-to-test)
5 years ago
path)) test-base)
5 years ago
(test-each . REST)))]))
5 years ago
5 years ago
(test-each "test-docs.rkt"
5 years ago