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#lang typed/racket/base
10 years ago
(require "utils-typed.rkt" "quads-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "measure-typed.rkt" racket/list racket/format)
(require typed/rackunit)
10 years ago
10 years ago
(check-equal? (join-attrs (list (box '(width 10.0)) (quad-attrs (box '(x 10.0))) (list 'width 20.0)))
(list (cons 'width 10.0) (cons 'x 10.0) (cons 'width 20.0)))
(check-equal? (flatten-attrs (box '(foo bar)) '(xray 10.0)) '((xray . 10.0) (foo . bar)))
(check-equal? (flatten-attrs (box '(foo bar)) '(x 10.0)) '((x . 10.0) (foo . bar))) ; flatten-attrs moves x and y to front
(check-equal? (flatten-attrs '(x -5.0) '(x 10.0)) '((x . 5.0)))
10 years ago
(check-equal? (flatten-attrs '(dup 100) '(dup 200)) '((dup . 200))) ; later overrides earlier
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box '(foo bar)) (box '(foo bar goo bar zam zino)) (box '(foo bar goo rab)))) '((foo . bar)))
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box '(foo bar zim zam)) (box '(foo bar)))) '((foo . bar)))
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box '(foo bar)) (box '(foo bar zim zam)))) '((foo . bar)))
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box) (box '(foo bar goo bar zam zino)) (box '(foo bar)))) empty)
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box '(width bar)) (box '(width bar)) (box '(width bar)))) empty)
(check-equal? (gather-common-attrs (list (box '(foo bar)) (box '(foo zam)))) empty)
10 years ago
10 years ago
(define b1 (box '(x 10.0) "1st" (box '(foo bar) "2nd") "3rd"))
(define b1-flattened (list (box '(x 10.0) "1st") (box '(x 10.0 foo bar) "2nd") (box '(x 10.0) "3rd")))
(define b3 (box '() (word) (line) (page)))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(check-true (quad= (flatten-quad b1) b1-flattened))
(define b2 (box '(x 10.0) (spacer) (box '(x 15.0) (spacer) (spacer)) (spacer)))
(define b2-flattened (list (spacer '(x 10.0)) (spacer '(x 25.0)) (spacer '(x 25.0)) (spacer '(x 10.0))))
(check-true (quad= (flatten-quad b2) b2-flattened))
10 years ago
(check-true (quad= (split-quad b2) b2-flattened))
10 years ago
(check-true (quad= (flatten-quad (box '(foo 10) (spacer) (box) (spacer))) (list (spacer '(foo 10)) (box '(foo 10)) (spacer '(foo 10)))))
(check-equal? (compute-absolute-positions (page '(x 100.0 y 100.0) (line '(x 10.0 y 10.0) (word '(x 1.0 y 1.0) "hello")
(word '(x 2.0 y 2.0) "world"))))
(page '(x 100.0 y 100.0) (line '(x 110.0 y 110.0) (word '(x 111.0 y 111.0) "hello")(word '(x 112.0 y 112.0) "world"))))
(define b2-exploded (list (word '(x 10.0) "1") (word '(x 10.0) "s") (word '(x 10.0) "t") (word '(x 10.0 foo bar) "2") (word '(x 10.0 foo bar) "n") (word '(x 10.0 foo bar) "d") (word '(x 10.0) "3") (word '(x 10.0) "r") (word '(x 10.0) "d")))
(check-true (quad= (split-quad b1) b2-exploded))
(check-false (quad-has-attr? (box) 'foo))
(check-true (quad-has-attr? (box '(foo bar)) 'foo))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-set (box '(foo bar)) 'foo 'zam) (box '(foo zam)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-set (box) 'foo 'zam) (box '(foo zam)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-set* (box) '(foo zam bar boo)) (box '(foo zam bar boo)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-set* (box '(foo bar)) '(foo zam bar boo)) (box '(foo zam bar boo)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-remove (box '(foo bar zim zam)) 'foo) (box '(zim zam)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-remove (box) 'zim) (box))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-remove* (box '(foo bar zim zam ding dong)) 'foo 'ding) (box '(zim zam)))
(check-equal? (quad-attr-remove* (box) 'zim) (box))
(check-true (quad-ends-with? (box '() "foo") "foo"))
(check-false (quad-ends-with? (box '() "foo") "food"))
(check-false (quad-ends-with? (box '() (box '() "foo")) "food"))
(check-true (quad-ends-with? (box '() (box '() "foo")) "foo"))
(check-true (quad-ends-with? (box '() (box '() "foo")) "o"))
(check-true (quad-ends-with? (box '() (box '() (box '() (box '() (box '() "foo-"))))) "-"))
(check-equal? (quad-append (box '() "foo") "bar") (box '() "foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (quad-append (box '() "foo") (box '() "bar")) (box '() "foo" (box '() "bar")))
(check-equal? (quad-last-char (box '() (box '() "foo") "food")) "d")
(check-equal? (quad-last-char (box '() (box '() "foo"))) "o")
(check-equal? (quad-last-char (box '() "foo")) "o")
(check-false (quad-last-char (box)))
(check-equal? (quad-first-char (box '() (box '() "foo") "bar")) "f")
(check-equal? (quad-first-char (box '() (box '() "foo") "bar")) "f")
(check-equal? (quad-first-char (box '() "foo")) "f")
(check-false (quad-first-char (box)))
10 years ago
(check-equal? (quad->string (box '(width 100) "foo")) "foo")
(check-equal? (quad->string (box '(width 100) "foo" (box '(width 100) "bar"))) "foobar")
(check-equal? (quad->string (box '(width 100) "foo" (box '(width 100) "bar") "ino")) "foobarino")
(check-equal? (quad->string (box '(width 100))) "")
(check-false (whitespace? (~a #\u00A0)))
(check-true (whitespace/nbsp? (~a #\u00A0)))
(check-true (whitespace/nbsp? (word '() (~a #\u00A0))))
10 years ago
(check-false (whitespace? (format " ~a " #\u00A0)))
(check-true (whitespace/nbsp? (format " ~a " #\u00A0)))
;(define funny-unicode-spaces (map ~a (list #\u2000 #\u2007 #\u2009 #\u200a #\u202f)))
;(check-true (andmap whitespace? funny-unicode-spaces))
;(check-true (andmap whitespace/nbsp? funny-unicode-spaces))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(check-equal? (measure-text "foobar" 10.0 "Courier" 'normal 'normal) 36.0059)