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6 years ago
#lang debug racket
6 years ago
(require quad racket/class)
(require racket/promise racket/list sugar/debug pitfall/document pitfall/vector pitfall/font pitfall/annotation pitfall/color pitfall/text fontland/font racket/runtime-path pollen/tag)
6 years ago
(provide (rename-out [mb #%module-begin]) (except-out (all-from-out racket) #%module-begin))
6 years ago
(define-runtime-path charter "fonts/charter.ttf")
6 years ago
(define (soft-break? q)
(and (quad? q)
(or (memv (car (send q elems)) '(#\space #\- #\u00AD))
(member (car (send q elems)) (map string '(#\space #\- #\u00AD))))))
(define (draw-debug q doc)
(save doc)
(line-width doc 0.25)
(apply rect doc (append (send q origin) (send q size)))
(stroke doc "#fcc")
(apply rect doc (append (send q origin) (send q size)))
(clip doc)
(circle doc (pt-x (in-point q)) (pt-y (in-point q)) 1)
(circle doc (pt-x (out-point q)) (pt-y (out-point q)) 1)
(fill doc "#f99")
(restore doc))
(define draw-counter 0)
6 years ago
(define textish%
6 years ago
(class quad%
6 years ago
(inherit-field @size @elems @attrs @origin @in @out)
(set! @in 'bi)
(set! @out 'bo)
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define/override (printable? [sig #f])
(case (car @elems)
6 years ago
[(" " #\u00AD) (λ (sig) (memq sig '(end)))]
[(" " #\space) (λ (sig) (not (memq sig '(start end))))]
[else #true]))
(define/override (draw doc)
(set! draw-counter (add1 draw-counter ))
6 years ago
(font-size doc (string->number (hash-ref @attrs 'fontsize "12")))
(let ([str (car @elems)])
6 years ago
6 years ago
[(hash-has-key? @attrs 'link)
6 years ago
(save doc)
(fill-color doc "blue")
6 years ago
(text doc str (first @origin) (second @origin) (hasheq 'link (hash-ref @attrs 'link)))
6 years ago
(restore doc)]
#;(println str)
6 years ago
(apply text doc str @origin)])))))
6 years ago
(define quadify%
(class textish%
(init-field doc)
(inherit-field @size @elems @attrs)
(set! @size
(define fontsize (string->number (hash-ref @attrs 'fontsize "12")))
(define str (car @elems))
(font-size doc fontsize)
(font doc (path->string charter))
(string-width doc str)
(current-line-height doc))))))
6 years ago
(define (quadify doc q)
6 years ago
(make-object quadify% doc (hash-set* (send q attrs) 'font charter) (send q elems)))
6 years ago
(define $line (class quad% (super-new)
6 years ago
(set-field! @size this (list +inf.0 line-height))
(set-field! @out this 'sw)))
6 years ago
(define $page (class quad% (super-new)
6 years ago
(set-field! @offset this'(36 36))))
6 years ago
(define $doc (class quad% (super-new)))
(define $break (class quad% (super-new)))
(define page-count 1)
(define (make-break . xs) (make-object $break (hasheq 'printable? #f 'size '(0 0)) xs))
(define (consolidate-runs pcs)
(for/fold ([runs empty]
[pcs pcs]
#:result (reverse runs))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? pcs))
(define-values (run-pcs rest) (splitf-at pcs (λ (p) (same-run? (car pcs) p))))
6 years ago
(define new-run (make-object textish% (send (car pcs) attrs) (send (car pcs) elems)))
(set-field! @size new-run (delay (list (for/sum ([pc (in-list run-pcs)])
(pt-x (send pc size)))
(pt-y (send (car pcs) size)))))
6 years ago
(values (cons new-run runs) rest)))
(define line-height 16)
6 years ago
(define consolidate-into-runs? #t)
6 years ago
(define (line-wrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val (make-break #\newline)
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?
6 years ago
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list (make-object $line (hasheq)
;; consolidate chars into a single run (naively)
;; by taking attributes from first (including origin)
;; this only works because there's only one run per line
;; that is, it suffices to position the first letter
(if consolidate-into-runs?
(consolidate-runs pcs)
6 years ago
;; 181231 it's weird that setup work for page is in the page break,
;; which is between pages, not associated with either
6 years ago
(define pb (make-object (let ([pb (class $break
(define/override (printable?) #f)
(inherit-field @size)
(set! @size '(0 0))
(define/override (draw doc)
(add-page doc)
(font-size doc 10)
(define str (string-append "page " (number->string page-count)))
;; page number
(save doc)
(fill-color doc "blue")
(text doc str 10 10 (hasheq 'link ""))
(restore doc)
(set! page-count (add1 page-count))))])
pb) '(#\page)))
6 years ago
(define ($break? x) (is-a? x $break))
(define (page-wrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-before? #t
#:break-val pb
#:soft-break-proc $break?
6 years ago
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list (make-object $page (hasheq) (filter-not $break? pcs))))))
6 years ago
(define (typeset doc qarg)
(define chars 65)
(define line-width (* 7.2 chars))
(define lines-per-page (* 40 line-height))
(let* ([x (time-name runify (runify qarg))]
[x (time-name quadify (map (λ (x) (quadify doc x)) x))]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x lines-per-page))]
6 years ago
[x (time-name position (position (make-object $doc (hasheq) x)))])
6 years ago
(define (run qin [path "test.pdf"])
(define doc (time-name make-doc
(hasheq 'compress #t
'autoFirstPage #f))))
(time-name config-doc
[font doc (path->string charter)]
[font-size doc 12])
(define q (typeset doc qin))
(report draw-counter)
(time-name draw
(with-output-to-file path
(λ ()
(start-doc doc)
(send q draw doc)
(end-doc doc))
#:exists 'replace))
(report draw-counter))
(define-syntax (mb stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ . ARGS)
(with-syntax ([PS (syntax-property #'ARGS 'ps)]
[(REP . QS) #'ARGS])
(define qs (list . QS))
(define lotsa-qs (append* (make-list (string->number (string-trim REP)) qs)))
6 years ago
(run (qexpr->quad (apply quad #:fontsize "12" lotsa-qs)) PS)
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define quad (default-tag-function 'quad))
(provide quad)
6 years ago
(module reader syntax/module-reader
6 years ago
6 years ago
#:read quad-read
#:read-syntax quad-read-syntax
#:whole-body-readers? #t ;; need this to make at-reader work
(require scribble/reader)
(define (quad-read p) (syntax->datum (quad-read-syntax (object-name p) p)))
(define (quad-read-syntax path-string p)
(define quad-at-reader (make-at-reader
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t
#:command-char #\◊))
(syntax-property (quad-at-reader path-string p) 'ps (path-replace-extension path-string #".pdf"))))