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6 years ago
#lang fontkit/racket
(require xenomorph br/cond "opentype.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define Sequence (+Array uint16be uint16be))
(define AlternateSet Sequence)
(define Ligature (+Struct
'glyph uint16be
'compCount uint16be
'components (+Array uint16be (λ (t) (sub1 (· t compCount)))))))
(define LigatureSet (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Ligature) uint16be))
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GSUBLookup-VersionedStruct))
(define GSUBLookup
;; Single Substitution
1 (+VersionedStruct uint16be
1 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'deltaGlyphID int16be)
2 (dictify
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'glyphCount uint16be
'substitute (+LazyArray uint16be 'glyphCount))))
2 ;; Multiple Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'sequences (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be Sequence) 'count))
3 ;; Alternate Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'alternateSet (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be AlternateSet) 'count))
4 ;; Ligature Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'count uint16be
'ligatureSets (+LazyArray (+Pointer uint16be LigatureSet) 'count))
5 Context ;; Contextual Substitution
6 ChainingContext ;; Chaining Contextual Substitution
7 ;; Extension Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'lookupType uint16be ; cannot also be 7
'extension (+Pointer uint32be (λ () (error 'circular-reference-unfixed))))
8 ;; Reverse Chaining Contextual Single Substitution
'substFormat uint16be
'coverage (+Pointer uint16be Coverage)
'backTrackCoverage (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Coverage) 'backtrackGlyphCount)
'lookaheadGlyphCount uint16be
'lookaheadCoverage (+Array (+Pointer uint16be Coverage) 'lookaheadGlyphCount)
'glyphCount uint16be
'substitute (+Array uint16be 'glyphCount)))))
;; Fix circular reference
(ref*-set! GSUBLookup 'versions 7 'extension 'type GSUBLookup)
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (GSUB-MainVersionedStruct))
(define GSUB (+GSUB-MainVersionedStruct uint32be
'header (dictify 'scriptList (+Pointer uint16be ScriptList)
'featureList (+Pointer uint16be FeatureList)
'lookupList (+Pointer uint16be (LookupList GSUBLookup))
#x00010000 (dictify)
#;#x00010001 #;(+Pointer uint32be FeatureVariations))))