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#lang debug racket
(require "struct.rkt"
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (convert-image-quad q)
(define path-string (quad-ref q :image-file))
(unless (file-exists? path-string)
(raise-argument-error 'create-image-quad "image path that exists" path-string))
(define img-obj (open-image (current-pdf) path-string))
(define img-width ($img-width img-obj))
(define img-height ($img-height img-obj))
(match-define (list layout-width layout-height)
(match (list (quad-ref q :image-width) (quad-ref q :image-height))
[(list (? number? w) (? number? h)) (list w h)]
[(list #false (? number? h))
(define ratio (/ h img-height))
(list (* ratio img-width) h)]
[(list (? number? w) #false)
(define ratio (/ w img-width))
(list w (* ratio img-height))]
[(list #false #false) (list img-width img-height)]))
(quad-copy image-quad q:image
[attrs (let ([h (hash-copy (quad-attrs q))])
;; defeat 'bi 'bo positioning by removing font reference
(hash-set! h font-path-key #false)
;; save the img-obj for later
(hash-set! h :image-object img-obj)
[size (pt layout-width layout-height)]))
(define (q:image-draw q doc)
(define img (quad-ref q :image-object))
(match-define (list x y) (quad-origin q))
(match-define (list w h) (size q))
(image doc img x y
#:width w
#:height h))
(define (q:image-draw-end q doc)
(when (draw-debug-image?)
(draw-debug q doc "orange" "orange")))
(define q:image (q #:type image-quad
#:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
5 years ago
#:tag 'image
#:printable #true
#:draw q:image-draw
#:draw-end q:image-draw-end))