You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
2.3 KiB

7 years ago
codePoints = require 'codepoints'
fs = require 'fs'
UnicodeTrieBuilder = require 'unicode-trie/builder'
log2 = Math.log2 or (n) ->
Math.log(n) / Math.LN2
bits = (n) ->
(log2(n) + 1) | 0
categories = {}
combiningClasses = {}
scripts = {}
eaws = {}
categoryCount = 0
combiningClassCount = 0
scriptCount = 0
eawCount = 0
for codePoint in codePoints when codePoint?
categories[codePoint.category] ?= categoryCount++
combiningClasses[codePoint.combiningClassName] ?= combiningClassCount++
scripts[codePoint.script] ?= scriptCount++
eaws[codePoint.eastAsianWidth] ?= eawCount++
numberBits = 10
categoryBits = bits(categoryCount - 1)
combiningClassBits = bits(combiningClassCount - 1)
bidiMirrorBits = 1
scriptBits = bits(scriptCount - 1)
eawBits = bits(eawCount - 1)
categoryShift = combiningClassBits + scriptBits + eawBits + numberBits
combiningShift = scriptBits + eawBits + numberBits
scriptShift = eawBits + numberBits
eawShift = numberBits
numericValue = (numeric) ->
if numeric
if m = numeric.match /^(\-?\d+)\/(\d+)$/
# fraction
num = parseInt m[1]
den = parseInt m[2]
((num + 12) << 4) + (den - 1)
else if /^\d0+$/.test numeric
# base 10
mant = parseInt numeric[0]
exp = numeric.length - 1
((mant + 14) << 5) + (exp - 2)
val = parseInt numeric
if val <= 50
1 + val
# base 60
mant = val
exp = 0
while (mant % 60) is 0
mant /= 60
((mant + 0xbf) << 2) + (exp - 1)
trie = new UnicodeTrieBuilder
for codePoint in codePoints when codePoint?
category = categories[codePoint.category]
combiningClass = combiningClasses[codePoint.combiningClassName] or 0
script = scripts[codePoint.script] or 0
eaw = eaws[codePoint.eastAsianWidth] or 0
val = (category << categoryShift) |
(combiningClass << combiningShift) |
(script << scriptShift) |
(eaw << eawShift) |
trie.set codePoint.code, val
fs.writeFileSync 'data.trie', trie.toBuffer()
fs.writeFileSync 'data.json', JSON.stringify
categories: Object.keys(categories)
combiningClasses: Object.keys(combiningClasses)
scripts: Object.keys(scripts)
eaw: Object.keys(eaws)