You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

475 lines
18 KiB

7 years ago
(function() {
"use strict";
// declare global: diff_match_patch, DIFF_INSERT, DIFF_DELETE, DIFF_EQUAL
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
var svgNS = "";
function DiffView(mv, type) { = mv;
this.type = type;
this.classes = type == "left"
? {chunk: "CodeMirror-merge-l-chunk",
start: "CodeMirror-merge-l-chunk-start",
end: "CodeMirror-merge-l-chunk-end",
insert: "CodeMirror-merge-l-inserted",
del: "CodeMirror-merge-l-deleted",
connect: "CodeMirror-merge-l-connect"}
: {chunk: "CodeMirror-merge-r-chunk",
start: "CodeMirror-merge-r-chunk-start",
end: "CodeMirror-merge-r-chunk-end",
insert: "CodeMirror-merge-r-inserted",
del: "CodeMirror-merge-r-deleted",
connect: "CodeMirror-merge-r-connect"};
DiffView.prototype = {
constructor: DiffView,
init: function(pane, orig, options) {
this.edit =;
this.orig = CodeMirror(pane, copyObj({value: orig, readOnly: true}, copyObj(options)));
this.diff = getDiff(orig, options.value);
this.diffOutOfDate = false;
this.showDifferences = options.showDifferences !== false;
this.forceUpdate = registerUpdate(this);
setScrollLock(this, true, false);
setShowDifferences: function(val) {
val = val !== false;
if (val != this.showDifferences) {
this.showDifferences = val;
function registerUpdate(dv) {
var edit = {from: 0, to: 0, marked: []};
var orig = {from: 0, to: 0, marked: []};
var debounceChange;
function update(mode) {
if (mode == "full") {
if (dv.svg) clear(dv.svg);
clearMarks(dv.edit, edit.marked, dv.classes);
clearMarks(dv.orig, orig.marked, dv.classes);
edit.from = = orig.from = = 0;
if (dv.diffOutOfDate) {
dv.diff = getDiff(dv.orig.getValue(), dv.edit.getValue());
dv.diffOutOfDate = false;
CodeMirror.signal(dv.edit, "updateDiff", dv.diff);
if (dv.showDifferences) {
updateMarks(dv.edit, dv.diff, edit, DIFF_INSERT, dv.classes);
updateMarks(dv.orig, dv.diff, orig, DIFF_DELETE, dv.classes);
function set(slow) {
debounceChange = setTimeout(update, slow == true ? 250 : 100);
function change() {
if (!dv.diffOutOfDate) {
dv.diffOutOfDate = true;
edit.from = = orig.from = = 0;
dv.edit.on("change", change);
dv.orig.on("change", change);
dv.edit.on("viewportChange", set);
dv.orig.on("viewportChange", set);
return update;
function registerScroll(dv) {
dv.edit.on("scroll", function() {
syncScroll(dv, DIFF_INSERT) && drawConnectors(dv);
dv.orig.on("scroll", function() {
syncScroll(dv, DIFF_DELETE) && drawConnectors(dv);
function syncScroll(dv, type) {
// Change handler will do a refresh after a timeout when diff is out of date
if (dv.diffOutOfDate) return false;
if (!dv.lockScroll) return true;
var editor, other, now = +new Date;
if (type == DIFF_INSERT) { editor = dv.edit; other = dv.orig; }
else { editor = dv.orig; other = dv.edit; }
// Don't take action if the position of this editor was recently set
// (to prevent feedback loops)
if (editor.state.scrollSetBy == dv && (editor.state.scrollSetAt || 0) + 50 > now) return false;
var sInfo = editor.getScrollInfo(), halfScreen = .5 * sInfo.clientHeight, midY = + halfScreen;
var mid = editor.lineAtHeight(midY, "local");
var around = chunkBoundariesAround(dv.diff, mid, type == DIFF_INSERT);
var off = getOffsets(editor, type == DIFF_INSERT ? around.edit : around.orig);
var offOther = getOffsets(other, type == DIFF_INSERT ? around.orig : around.edit);
var ratio = (midY - / ( -;
var targetPos = ( - halfScreen) + ratio * ( -;
var botDist, mix;
// Some careful tweaking to make sure no space is left out of view
// when scrolling to top or bottom.
if (targetPos > && (mix = / halfScreen) < 1) {
targetPos = targetPos * mix + * (1 - mix);
} else if ((botDist = sInfo.height - sInfo.clientHeight - < halfScreen) {
var otherInfo = other.getScrollInfo();
var botDistOther = otherInfo.height - otherInfo.clientHeight - targetPos;
if (botDistOther > botDist && (mix = botDist / halfScreen) < 1)
targetPos = targetPos * mix + (otherInfo.height - otherInfo.clientHeight - botDist) * (1 - mix);
other.scrollTo(sInfo.left, targetPos);
other.state.scrollSetAt = now;
other.state.scrollSetBy = dv;
return true;
function getOffsets(editor, around) {
var bot = around.after;
if (bot == null) bot = editor.lastLine() + 1;
return {top: editor.heightAtLine(around.before || 0, "local"),
bot: editor.heightAtLine(bot, "local")};
function setScrollLock(dv, val, action) {
dv.lockScroll = val;
if (val && action != false) syncScroll(dv, DIFF_INSERT) && drawConnectors(dv);
dv.lockButton.innerHTML = val ? "\u21db\u21da" : "\u21db&nbsp;&nbsp;\u21da";
// Updating the marks for editor content
function clearMarks(editor, arr, classes) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
var mark = arr[i];
if (mark instanceof CodeMirror.TextMarker) {
} else {
editor.removeLineClass(mark, "background", classes.chunk);
editor.removeLineClass(mark, "background", classes.start);
editor.removeLineClass(mark, "background", classes.end);
arr.length = 0;
// FIXME maybe add a margin around viewport to prevent too many updates
function updateMarks(editor, diff, state, type, classes) {
var vp = editor.getViewport();
editor.operation(function() {
if (state.from == || vp.from - > 20 || state.from - > 20) {
clearMarks(editor, state.marked, classes);
markChanges(editor, diff, type, state.marked, vp.from,, classes);
state.from = vp.from; =;
} else {
if (vp.from < state.from) {
markChanges(editor, diff, type, state.marked, vp.from, state.from, classes);
state.from = vp.from;
if ( > {
markChanges(editor, diff, type, state.marked,,, classes); =;
function markChanges(editor, diff, type, marks, from, to, classes) {
var pos = Pos(0, 0);
var top = Pos(from, 0), bot = editor.clipPos(Pos(to - 1));
var cls = type == DIFF_DELETE ? classes.del : classes.insert;
function markChunk(start, end) {
var bfrom = Math.max(from, start), bto = Math.min(to, end);
for (var i = bfrom; i < bto; ++i) {
var line = editor.addLineClass(i, "background", classes.chunk);
if (i == start) editor.addLineClass(line, "background", classes.start);
if (i == end - 1) editor.addLineClass(line, "background", classes.end);
// When the chunk is empty, make sure a horizontal line shows up
if (start == end && bfrom == end && bto == end) {
if (bfrom)
marks.push(editor.addLineClass(bfrom - 1, "background", classes.end));
marks.push(editor.addLineClass(bfrom, "background", classes.start));
var chunkStart = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; ++i) {
var part = diff[i], tp = part[0], str = part[1];
if (tp == DIFF_EQUAL) {
var cleanFrom = pos.line + (startOfLineClean(diff, i) ? 0 : 1);
moveOver(pos, str);
var cleanTo = pos.line + (endOfLineClean(diff, i) ? 1 : 0);
if (cleanTo > cleanFrom) {
if (i) markChunk(chunkStart, cleanFrom);
chunkStart = cleanTo;
} else {
if (tp == type) {
var end = moveOver(pos, str, true);
var a = posMax(top, pos), b = posMin(bot, end);
if (!posEq(a, b))
marks.push(editor.markText(a, b, {className: cls}));
pos = end;
if (chunkStart <= pos.line) markChunk(chunkStart, pos.line + 1);
// Updating the gap between editor and original
function drawConnectors(dv) {
if (!dv.showDifferences) return;
if (dv.svg) {
var w =;
attrs(dv.svg, "width", w, "height",;
var flip = dv.type == "left";
var vpEdit = dv.edit.getViewport(), vpOrig = dv.orig.getViewport();
var sTopEdit = dv.edit.getScrollInfo().top, sTopOrig = dv.orig.getScrollInfo().top;
iterateChunks(dv.diff, function(topOrig, botOrig, topEdit, botEdit) {
if (topEdit > || botEdit < vpEdit.from ||
topOrig > || botOrig < vpOrig.from)
var topLpx = dv.orig.heightAtLine(topOrig, "local") - sTopOrig, top = topLpx;
if (dv.svg) {
var topRpx = dv.edit.heightAtLine(topEdit, "local") - sTopEdit;
if (flip) { var tmp = topLpx; topLpx = topRpx; topRpx = tmp; }
var botLpx = dv.orig.heightAtLine(botOrig, "local") - sTopOrig;
var botRpx = dv.edit.heightAtLine(botEdit, "local") - sTopEdit;
if (flip) { var tmp = botLpx; botLpx = botRpx; botRpx = tmp; }
var curveTop = " C " + w/2 + " " + topRpx + " " + w/2 + " " + topLpx + " " + (w + 2) + " " + topLpx;
var curveBot = " C " + w/2 + " " + botLpx + " " + w/2 + " " + botRpx + " -1 " + botRpx;
attrs(dv.svg.appendChild(document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path")),
"d", "M -1 " + topRpx + curveTop + " L " + (w + 2) + " " + botLpx + curveBot + " z",
"class", dv.classes.connect);
var copy = dv.copyButtons.appendChild(elt("div", dv.type == "left" ? "\u21dd" : "\u21dc",
copy.title = "Revert chunk";
copy.chunk = {topEdit: topEdit, botEdit: botEdit, topOrig: topOrig, botOrig: botOrig}; = top + "px";
function copyChunk(dv, chunk) {
if (dv.diffOutOfDate) return;
dv.edit.replaceRange(dv.orig.getRange(Pos(chunk.topOrig, 0), Pos(chunk.botOrig, 0)),
Pos(chunk.topEdit, 0), Pos(chunk.botEdit, 0));
// Merge view, containing 0, 1, or 2 diff views.
var MergeView = CodeMirror.MergeView = function(node, options) {
if (!(this instanceof MergeView)) return new MergeView(node, options);
var origLeft = options.origLeft, origRight = options.origRight == null ? options.orig : options.origRight;
var hasLeft = origLeft != null, hasRight = origRight != null;
var panes = 1 + (hasLeft ? 1 : 0) + (hasRight ? 1 : 0);
var wrap = [], left = this.left = null, right = this.right = null;
if (hasLeft) {
left = this.left = new DiffView(this, "left");
var leftPane = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-merge-pane");
var editPane = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-merge-pane");
if (hasRight) {
right = this.right = new DiffView(this, "right");
var rightPane = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-merge-pane");
(hasRight ? rightPane : editPane).className += " CodeMirror-merge-pane-rightmost";
wrap.push(elt("div", null, null, "height: 0; clear: both;"));
var wrapElt = this.wrap = node.appendChild(elt("div", wrap, "CodeMirror-merge CodeMirror-merge-" + panes + "pane"));
this.edit = CodeMirror(editPane, copyObj(options));
if (left) left.init(leftPane, origLeft, options);
if (right) right.init(rightPane, origRight, options);
var onResize = function() {
if (left) drawConnectors(left);
if (right) drawConnectors(right);
CodeMirror.on(window, "resize", onResize);
var resizeInterval = setInterval(function() {
for (var p = wrapElt.parentNode; p && p != document.body; p = p.parentNode) {}
if (!p) { clearInterval(resizeInterval);, "resize", onResize); }
}, 5000);
function buildGap(dv) {
var lock = dv.lockButton = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-merge-scrolllock");
lock.title = "Toggle locked scrolling";
var lockWrap = elt("div", [lock], "CodeMirror-merge-scrolllock-wrap");
CodeMirror.on(lock, "click", function() { setScrollLock(dv, !dv.lockScroll); });
dv.copyButtons = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-merge-copybuttons-" + dv.type);
CodeMirror.on(dv.copyButtons, "click", function(e) {
var node = || e.srcElement;
if (node.chunk) copyChunk(dv, node.chunk);
var gapElts = [dv.copyButtons, lockWrap];
var svg = document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
if (svg && !svg.createSVGRect) svg = null;
dv.svg = svg;
if (svg) gapElts.push(svg);
return = elt("div", gapElts, "CodeMirror-merge-gap");
MergeView.prototype = {
constuctor: MergeView,
editor: function() { return this.edit; },
rightOriginal: function() { return this.right && this.right.orig; },
leftOriginal: function() { return this.left && this.left.orig; },
setShowDifferences: function(val) {
if (this.right) this.right.setShowDifferences(val);
if (this.left) this.left.setShowDifferences(val);
// Operations on diffs
var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
function getDiff(a, b) {
var diff = dmp.diff_main(a, b);
// The library sometimes leaves in empty parts, which confuse the algorithm
for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; ++i) {
var part = diff[i];
if (!part[1]) {
diff.splice(i--, 1);
} else if (i && diff[i - 1][0] == part[0]) {
diff.splice(i--, 1);
diff[i][1] += part[1];
return diff;
function iterateChunks(diff, f) {
var startEdit = 0, startOrig = 0;
var edit = Pos(0, 0), orig = Pos(0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; ++i) {
var part = diff[i], tp = part[0];
if (tp == DIFF_EQUAL) {
var startOff = startOfLineClean(diff, i) ? 0 : 1;
var cleanFromEdit = edit.line + startOff, cleanFromOrig = orig.line + startOff;
moveOver(edit, part[1], null, orig);
var endOff = endOfLineClean(diff, i) ? 1 : 0;
var cleanToEdit = edit.line + endOff, cleanToOrig = orig.line + endOff;
if (cleanToEdit > cleanFromEdit) {
if (i) f(startOrig, cleanFromOrig, startEdit, cleanFromEdit);
startEdit = cleanToEdit; startOrig = cleanToOrig;
} else {
moveOver(tp == DIFF_INSERT ? edit : orig, part[1]);
if (startEdit <= edit.line || startOrig <= orig.line)
f(startOrig, orig.line + 1, startEdit, edit.line + 1);
function endOfLineClean(diff, i) {
if (i == diff.length - 1) return true;
var next = diff[i + 1][1];
if (next.length == 1 || next.charCodeAt(0) != 10) return false;
if (i == diff.length - 2) return true;
next = diff[i + 2][1];
return next.length > 1 && next.charCodeAt(0) == 10;
function startOfLineClean(diff, i) {
if (i == 0) return true;
var last = diff[i - 1][1];
if (last.charCodeAt(last.length - 1) != 10) return false;
if (i == 1) return true;
last = diff[i - 2][1];
return last.charCodeAt(last.length - 1) == 10;
function chunkBoundariesAround(diff, n, nInEdit) {
var beforeE, afterE, beforeO, afterO;
iterateChunks(diff, function(fromOrig, toOrig, fromEdit, toEdit) {
var fromLocal = nInEdit ? fromEdit : fromOrig;
var toLocal = nInEdit ? toEdit : toOrig;
if (afterE == null) {
if (fromLocal > n) { afterE = fromEdit; afterO = fromOrig; }
else if (toLocal > n) { afterE = toEdit; afterO = toOrig; }
if (toLocal <= n) { beforeE = toEdit; beforeO = toOrig; }
else if (fromLocal <= n) { beforeE = fromEdit; beforeO = fromOrig; }
return {edit: {before: beforeE, after: afterE}, orig: {before: beforeO, after: afterO}};
// General utilities
function elt(tag, content, className, style) {
var e = document.createElement(tag);
if (className) e.className = className;
if (style) = style;
if (typeof content == "string") e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content));
else if (content) for (var i = 0; i < content.length; ++i) e.appendChild(content[i]);
return e;
function clear(node) {
for (var count = node.childNodes.length; count > 0; --count)
function attrs(elt) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2)
elt.setAttribute(arguments[i], arguments[i+1]);
function copyObj(obj, target) {
if (!target) target = {};
for (var prop in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) target[prop] = obj[prop];
return target;
function moveOver(pos, str, copy, other) {
var out = copy ? Pos(pos.line, : pos, at = 0;
for (;;) {
var nl = str.indexOf("\n", at);
if (nl == -1) break;
if (other) ++other.line;
at = nl + 1;
} = (at ? 0 : + (str.length - at);
if (other) = (at ? 0 : + (str.length - at);
return out;
function posMin(a, b) { return (a.line - b.line || - < 0 ? a : b; }
function posMax(a, b) { return (a.line - b.line || - > 0 ? a : b; }
function posEq(a, b) { return a.line == b.line && ==; }