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#lang debug br
5 years ago
(require racket/contract "quad.rkt" fontland)
(provide (all-defined-out))
6 years ago
(define pt-x first)
(define pt-y second)
(define (pt x y) (list x y))
(define (pt+ . pts) (apply map + pts))
(define (pt- . pts) (apply map - pts))
(define point? (list/c number? number?))
6 years ago
(define valid-anchors '(nw n ne w c e sw s se bi bo))
6 years ago
(define (valid-anchor? anchor)
(and (memq anchor valid-anchors) #t))
6 years ago
(define (random-anchor)
(list-ref valid-anchors (random (length valid-anchors))))
6 years ago
(define (coerce-int x) (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))
6 years ago
(define (get-font p)
(define fonts (make-hash))
6 years ago
(hash-ref! fonts p (λ () (open-font p))))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define ascender-cache (make-hash))
5 years ago
(define (ascender q)
5 years ago
(define p (hash-ref (get-field attrs q) 'font "Courier"))
6 years ago
(unless p
(error 'ascender-no-font-key))
6 years ago
(hash-ref! ascender-cache p (λ () (font-ascent (get-font p)))))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define units-cache (make-hash))
5 years ago
(define (units-per-em q)
5 years ago
(define p (hash-ref (get-field attrs q) 'font "Courier"))
6 years ago
(unless p
(error 'units-per-em-no-font-key))
6 years ago
(hash-ref! units-cache p (λ () (font-units-per-em (get-font p)))))
6 years ago
(define (fontsize q)
6 years ago
;; this needs to not default to 0
;; needs parameter with default font size
5 years ago
(define val (hash-ref (get-field attrs q) 'fontsize (λ () (error 'no-font-size))))
((if (number? val) values string->number) val))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define (vertical-baseline-offset q)
(* (/ (ascender q) (units-per-em q) 1.0) (fontsize q)))
6 years ago
5 years ago
(define (anchor->local-point q anchor)
6 years ago
;; calculate the location of the anchor on the bounding box relative to '(0 0) (aka "locally")
5 years ago
(unless (valid-anchor? anchor)
6 years ago
(raise-argument-error 'relative-anchor-pt "valid anchor" anchor))
6 years ago
(match-define (list x-fac y-fac)
(case anchor
[(nw) '(0 0 )] [(n) '(0.5 0 )] [(ne) '(1 0 )]
[( w) '(0 0.5)] [(c) '(0.5 0.5)] [( e) '(1 0.5)]
[(sw) '(0 1 )] [(s) '(0.5 1 )] [(se) '(1 1 )]
[(bi) '(0 0 )] [(bo) '(1 0 )]))
5 years ago
(match-define (list x y) (send q size))
6 years ago
(pt (coerce-int (* x x-fac))
(coerce-int (+ (* y y-fac) (if (memq anchor '(bi bo)) (vertical-baseline-offset q) 0)))))
5 years ago
(define (inner-point q)
6 years ago
;; calculate absolute location of inner-point
;; based on current origin and point type.
;; include offset, because it's intended to adjust inner
5 years ago
(pt+ (get-field origin q) (anchor->local-point q (or (get-field inner q) (get-field in q))) (get-field offset q)))
5 years ago
(define (in-point q)
6 years ago
;; calculate absolute location of in-point
;; based on current origin and point type.
;; don't include offset, so location is on bounding box
5 years ago
(pt+ (get-field origin q) (anchor->local-point q (get-field in q))))
5 years ago
(define (out-point q)
6 years ago
;; calculate absolute location of out-point
;; based on current origin and point type.
;; don't include offset, so location is on bounding box
5 years ago
(pt+ (get-field origin q) (anchor->local-point q (get-field out q))))
5 years ago
(define (position q [previous-end-pt #f])
6 years ago
;; recursively calculates coordinates for quad & subquads
;; based on starting origin point
5 years ago
(set-field! origin q (if previous-end-pt
5 years ago
(pt- previous-end-pt (in-point q))
(in-point q)))
6 years ago
(for/fold ([pt (inner-point q)])
5 years ago
([q (in-list (get-field elems q))]
6 years ago
#:when (quad? q))
6 years ago
(out-point (position q pt)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
5 years ago
5 years ago
(define size (pt 10 10))
(define orig (pt 5 5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'nw 'size size)) orig)) (pt 5 5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'n 'size size)) orig)) (pt 0 5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'ne 'size size)) orig)) (pt -5 5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'e 'size size)) orig)) (pt -5 0))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'se 'size size)) orig)) (pt -5 -5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 's 'size size)) orig)) (pt 0 -5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'sw 'size size)) orig)) (pt 5 -5))
(check-equal? (get-field origin q (position (quad (hasheq 'in 'w 'size size)) orig)) (pt 5 0)))
5 years ago
5 years ago
"in points"
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'nw 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 5))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'n 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 5))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'ne 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 5))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'w 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 10))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'c 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 10))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'e 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 10))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'sw 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 15))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 's 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 15))
(check-equal? (in-point (quad (hasheq 'in 'se 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 15)))
6 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
"out points"
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'nw 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 5))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'n 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 5))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'ne 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 5))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'w 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 10))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'c 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 10))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'e 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 10))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'sw 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 5 15))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 's 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 10 15))
(check-equal? (out-point (quad (hasheq 'out 'se 'size '(10 10) 'origin '(5 5)))) (pt 15 15)))
6 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
"inner points"
(define size '(20 20))
(define orig '(10 10))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'nw)) orig)) (pt 10 10))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'n)) orig)) (pt 20 10))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'ne)) orig)) (pt 30 10))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'e)) orig)) (pt 30 20))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'se)) orig)) (pt 30 30))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 's)) orig)) (pt 20 30))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'sw)) orig)) (pt 10 30))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'w)) orig)) (pt 10 20)))
5 years ago
5 years ago
"inner points with offsets"
(define size (pt 10 10))
(define orig (pt 0 0))
(define off (pt (random 100) (random 100)))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'nw 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(0 0) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'n 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(5 0) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'ne 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(10 0) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'e 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(10 5) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'se 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(10 10) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 's 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(5 10) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'sw 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(0 10) off))
(check-equal? (inner-point (position (quad (hasheq 'size size 'inner 'w 'offset off)) orig)) (pt+ '(0 5) off)))
5 years ago
5 years ago
"folding positions"
(define (unit [attrs null] . elems) (apply quad (append attrs '(size (1 1))) elems))
(check-equal? (position (unit null (unit '(out se) (unit) (unit) (unit))
(unit '(out se) (unit) (unit) (unit))
(unit '(out se) (unit) (unit) (unit))))
(unit '(origin (0 0))
(unit '(origin (0 0) out se)
(unit '(origin (0 0))) (unit '(origin (1 0))) (unit '(origin (2 0))))
(unit '(origin (1 1) out se)
(unit '(origin (1 1))) (unit '(origin (2 1))) (unit '(origin (3 1))))
(unit '(origin (2 2) out se)
(unit '(origin (2 2))) (unit '(origin (3 2))) (unit '(origin (4 2))))))))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(require racket/runtime-path fontland/font)
6 years ago
(define-runtime-path fira "fira.ttf")
6 years ago
(define q1 (quad (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) 'font fira 'fontsize 12)))
(define q2 (quad (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) 'font fira 'fontsize 24)))
(define q3 (quad (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) 'font fira 'fontsize 6)))
#;(position (quad #f q1 q2 q3))
5 years ago
#;(module+ test
5 years ago
(require rackunit)
(define q (quad (list 'in 'bi 'out 'bo 'size '(10 10) 'font fira 'fontsize 12)))
(check-equal? (ascender q) 935)
(check-equal? (units-per-em q) 1000)
(define ascender-scaled (* (/ (ascender q) (units-per-em q)) (hash-ref (get-field attrs q) 'fontsize) 1.0))
(check-equal? (in-point q) (list 0 ascender-scaled))
(check-equal? (out-point q) (list 10 ascender-scaled)))