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#lang fontkit/racket
(require "ot-processor.rkt" "glyphinfo.rkt" br/cond)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass OTProcessor (GSUBProcessor)
(define/override (applyLookup lookupType table)
(report lookupType 'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup)
(case lookupType
[(1) ;; Single Substitution
(report 'single-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define glyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
(send glyph id
7 years ago
(case (· table version)
[(1) (bitwise-and (+ (· glyph id) (· table deltaGlyphID)) #xffff)]
[(2) (send (· table substitute) get index)]))
[(2) ;; Multiple Substitution
(report 'multiple-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define sequence (send (· table sequences) get index))
(send (· this glyphIterator cur) id (list-ref sequence 0))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (· this glyphIterator cur) 0)
(define features (· this glyphIterator cur features))
(define curGlyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
(define replacement (for/list ([(gid i) (in-indexed (cdr sequence))])
(define glyph (+GlyphInfo (· this font) gid #f features))
(set-field! shaperInfo glyph (· curGlyph shaperInfo))
(set-field! isLigated glyph (· curGlyph isLigated))
(set-field! ligatureComponent glyph (add1 i))
(set-field! substituted glyph #t)
(set-field! glyphs this (let-values ([(head tail) (split-at (· this glyphs) (add1 (· this glyphIterator index)))])
(append head replacement tail)))
[(3) ;; Alternate substitution
(report 'alternate-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define USER_INDEX 0)
(send (· this glyphIterator cur) id (list-ref (send (· table alternateSet) get index) USER_INDEX))
[(4) ;; Ligature substitution
(report '---------------------------)
(report 'ligature-substitution)
(report* lookupType (· table coverage glyphs))
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
(report index 'forker)
[(= index -1) #f]
[(for*/or ([ligature (in-list (report (send (· table ligatureSets) get (report index 'starting-index))))]
7 years ago
[matched (in-value (send this sequenceMatchIndices 1 (report (· ligature components))))]
#:when (report matched))
(define curGlyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
;; Concatenate all of the characters the new ligature will represent
(define characters
(append (· curGlyph codePoints)
(append* (for/list ([index (in-list matched)])
(report index)
(get-field codePoints (list-ref (· this glyphs) index))))))
(report characters)
;; Create the replacement ligature glyph
(define ligatureGlyph (+GlyphInfo (· this font) (· ligature glyph) characters (· curGlyph features)))
(report (· ligatureGlyph id))
(set-field! shaperInfo ligatureGlyph (· curGlyph shaperInfo))
(set-field! isLigated ligatureGlyph #t)
(set-field! substituted ligatureGlyph #t)
(define isMarkLigature
(and (· curGlyph isMark)
(for/and ([match-idx (in-list matched)])
(· (list-ref (· this glyphs) match-idx) isMark))))
(set-field! ligatureID ligatureGlyph (cond
[isMarkLigature #f]
[else (define id (· this ligatureID))
(increment-field! ligatureID this)
(define lastLigID (· curGlyph ligatureID))
(define lastNumComps (length (· curGlyph codePoints)))
(define curComps lastNumComps)
(define idx (add1 (· this glyphIterator index)))
;; Set ligatureID and ligatureComponent on glyphs that were skipped in the matched sequence.
;; This allows GPOS to attach marks to the correct ligature components.
(for ([matchIndex (in-list matched)])
;; Don't assign new ligature components for mark ligatures (see above)
[isMarkLigature (set! idx matchIndex)]
[else (while (< idx matchIndex)
(define ligatureComponent (+ curComps (- lastNumComps) (min (or (get-field ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx)) 1) lastNumComps)))
(set-field! ligatureID (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) (· ligatureGlyph ligatureID))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureComponent)
(increment! idx))])
(define lastLigID (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureID))
(define lastNumComps (length (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) codePoints)))
(increment! curComps lastNumComps)
(increment! idx)) ;; skip base glyph
7 years ago
;; Adjust ligature components for any marks following
(when (and lastLigID (not isMarkLigature))
(for ([i (in-range idx (length (· this glyphs)))]
#:when (= (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureID) lastLigID))
(define ligatureComponent (+ curComps (- lastNumComps) (min (or (get-field ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) i)) 1) lastNumComps)))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) i) ligatureComponent)))
;; Delete the matched glyphs, and replace the current glyph with the ligature glyph
(report (for/list ([g (· this glyphs)]) (· g id)) 'step-a)
(report matched)
(report (· this glyphIterator index))
7 years ago
(set-field! glyphs this (for*/list ([(glyph idx) (in-indexed (· this glyphs))]
[midx (in-list matched)]
#:unless (= idx midx))
(if (= idx (· this glyphIterator index))
(set-field! glyphs (· this glyphIterator) (· this glyphs)) ; update glyph iterator to keep it in sync <sigh>
7 years ago
(report (for/list ([g (· this glyphs)]) (· g id)) 'step-c)
(report (· this glyphIterator index))
7 years ago
[else #f])]
7 years ago
[(5) ;; Contextual Substitution
(send this applyContext table)]
[(6) ;; Chaining Contextual Substitution
(send this applyChainingContext table)]
[(7) ;; Extension Substitution
(send this applyLookup (· table lookupType) (· table extension))]
7 years ago
[else (error 'unimplemented-gsub-lookup)])))