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6 years ago
#lang debug racket/base
5 years ago
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-from-out "core.rkt"))
6 years ago
5 years ago
(module docmod racket/base
(define doc 'just-for-label)
(provide doc))
(require (for-label 'docmod))
(provide (for-label doc)) ; stub for scribble labels
6 years ago
(module reader racket/base
(require "lang-helper.rkt")
6 years ago
(provide (rename-out [rs read-syntax]) get-info)
5 years ago
(define get-info get-info-rackety)
5 years ago
(define rs (make-read-syntax 'quadwriter/lang
6 years ago
(λ (path ip)
(for/list ([tok (in-port read ip)])
5 years ago