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#lang fontkit/racket
(require "clone.rkt" "ttfglyphencoder.rkt" "loca.rkt" "directory.rkt" restructure)
(provide Subset CFFSubset TTFSubset)
(define-subclass object% (Subset font)
(field [glyphs empty] ; list of glyph ids in the subset
[mapping (mhash)] ; mapping of glyph ids to indexes in `glyphs`
(send this includeGlyph 0) ; always include the missing glyph in subset
(define/public (encodeStream)
(define s (+EncodeStream))
(send this encode s)
(define/contract (includeGlyph this glyph)
((or/c object? index?) . ->m . index?)
(let ([glyph (if (object? glyph) (· glyph id) glyph)])
(hash-ref! (· this mapping) glyph
(λ ()
;; put the new glyph at the end of `glyphs`,
;; and put its index in the mapping
(push-end-field! glyphs this glyph)
(sub1 (length (· this glyphs)))))))
(define-subclass Subset (CFFSubset)
(error 'cff-subset-unimplemented))
(define-subclass Subset (TTFSubset)
(field [glyphEncoder (make-object TTFGlyphEncoder)])
(field [glyf #f]
[offset #f]
[loca #f]
[hmtx #f])
7 years ago
(define/contract (_addGlyph this gid)
7 years ago
(index? . ->m . index?)
(define glyph (send (· this font) getGlyph gid))
(define glyf (send glyph _decode))
;; get the offset to the glyph from the loca table
7 years ago
(define loca (send (· this font) _getTable 'loca))
(define curOffset (list-ref (· loca offsets) gid))
(define nextOffset (list-ref (· loca offsets) (add1 gid)))
(define stream (send (· this font) _getTableStream 'glyf))
(send stream pos (+ (send stream pos) curOffset))
(define buffer (send stream readBuffer (- nextOffset curOffset)))
;; if it is a compound glyph, include its components
(when (and glyf (negative? (· glyf numberOfContours)))
(set! buffer (+Buffer buffer))
(for ([component (in-list (· glyf components))])
(define gid (includeGlyph (· component glyphID)))
(send buffer writUInt16BE gid (send component pos))))
;; skip variation shit
(push-end-field! glyf this buffer)
7 years ago
(hash-update! (get-field loca this) 'offsets (λ (os)
(append os (list (get-field offset this)))))
7 years ago
(hash-update! (get-field hmtx this) 'metrics (λ (ms) (append ms
(list (mhash 'advance (· glyph advanceWidth)
'bearing (· (send glyph _getMetrics) leftBearing))))))
7 years ago
(increment-field! offset this (bytes-length buffer))
(sub1 (length (· this glyf))))
;; tables required by PDF spec:
;; head, hhea, loca, maxp, cvt, prep, glyf, hmtx, fpgm
;; additional tables required for standalone fonts:
;; name, cmap, OS/2, post
(define/contract (encode this stream)
7 years ago
(EncodeStream? . ->m . void?)
(set-field! glyf this empty)
(set-field! offset this 0)
(set-field! loca this (mhash 'offsets empty))
(set-field! hmtx this (mhash 'metrics empty 'bearings empty))
;; include all the glyphs used in the document
(for ([gid (in-list (· this glyphs))])
7 years ago
(send this _addGlyph gid))
(define maxp (cloneDeep (send (· this font) _getTable 'maxp)))
7 years ago
(hash-set! maxp 'numGlyphs (length (· this glyf)))
7 years ago
;; populate the new loca table
(hash-update! (· this loca) 'offsets (λ (vals) (append vals (list (· this offset)))))
(loca-preEncode (· this loca))
7 years ago
(define head (cloneDeep (send (· this font) _getTable 'head)))
(hash-set! head 'indexToLocFormat (· this loca version))
(define hhea (cloneDeep (send (· this font) _getTable 'hhea)))
(hash-set! hhea 'numberOfMetrics (length (· this hmtx metrics)))
(send Directory encode stream
(mhash 'tables
'head head
'hhea hhea
'loca (· this loca)
'maxp maxp
7 years ago
'cvt_ (send (· this font) _getTable 'cvt_)
'prep (send (· this font) _getTable 'prep)
'glyf (· this glyf)
7 years ago
'hmtx (· this hmtx)
'fpgm (send (· this font) _getTable 'fpgm)
7 years ago
#;(report* (bytes-length (send stream dump)))
7 years ago
7 years ago