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#lang racket/base
(require "../main.rkt" sugar/define)
(module+ test
(require rackunit "../main.rkt"))
(define+provide+safe (attr-ref* tx key)
(txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-values?)
(define results empty)
(let loop ([tx tx])
(when (and (txexpr? tx) (attrs-have-key? tx key) (attr-ref tx key))
(set! results (cons (attr-ref tx key) results))
(map loop (get-elements tx))
(reverse results))
(module+ test
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'foo) '("bar" "zam" "zam"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'nonexistent-key) '()))
;; convert list of alternating keys & values to attr
;; with override behavior (using hash)
(define+provide+safe (merge-attrs . items)
(() #:rest list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? . ->* . txexpr-attrs?)
(hash->attrs (apply (λ xs (attrs->hash #:hash-style? #t xs)) items)))
(module+ test
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs 'foo "bar") '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '(foo "bar")) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar"))) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" 'bar) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") '((foo "bar")(goo "gar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") "hee" "haw")
'((foo "bar")(goo "gar")(hee "haw"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")) "foo" "haw") '((foo "haw")(goo "gar")))))