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#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require racket/match racket/string racket/list racket/bool)
[valid-char? (Any -> Boolean)]
[#:struct location ([line : (Option Natural)]
[char : (Option Natural)]
[offset : Natural])]
[#:struct source ([start : (U location Symbol #f)]
[stop : (U location Symbol #f)])]
[#:struct (cdata source) ([string : String])]
[#:struct comment ([text : String])]
[#:struct (p-i source) ([target-name : Symbol]
[instruction : String])])
(define-type Valid-Char Natural) ;; overinclusive but that's as good as it gets
(define-type Txexpr-Tag Symbol)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Key Symbol)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Value String)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr (Pairof Txexpr-Attr-Key (Pairof Txexpr-Attr-Value Null)))
(define-predicate Txexpr-Attr? Txexpr-Attr)
(define-type Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Txexpr-Attr))
(define-type Txexpr-Element Xexpr)
(define-type Txexpr-Elements (Listof Txexpr-Element))
(define-type Txexpr-Full (List* Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Xexpr)))
(define-type Txexpr-Short (Pairof Txexpr-Tag (Listof Xexpr)))
(define-type Txexpr (U Txexpr-Full Txexpr-Short))
(define-type Xexpr
(U String
(define-syntax (define/typed stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (proc-name arg ... . rest-arg) type-expr body ...)
#'(define/typed proc-name type-expr
(λ(arg ... . rest-arg) body ...))]
[(_ proc-name type-expr body ...)
(: proc-name type-expr)
(define proc-name body ...))]))
(define/typed (txexpr-tag? x)
(Any -> Boolean : Txexpr-Tag)
(symbol? x))
(define/typed (txexpr-tags? x)
(Any -> Boolean : (Listof Txexpr-Tag))
(and (list? x) (andmap txexpr-tag? x)))
(define/typed (txexpr-attr? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(match x
[(list (? symbol?) (? string?)) #t]
[else #f]))
(define/typed (validate-txexpr-attrs x #:context [txexpr-context #f])
((Any) (#:context Boolean) . ->* . Txexpr-Attrs)
(define/typed (make-reason)
(-> String)
(if (not (list? x))
(format "because ~v is not a list" x)
(let ([bad-attrs (filter (λ(i) (not (txexpr-attr? i))) x)])
(format "because ~a ~a" (string-join (map (λ(ba) (format "~v" ba)) bad-attrs) " and ") (if (> (length bad-attrs) 1)
"are not valid attributes"
"is not in the form '(symbol \"string\")")))))
[(and (list? x) (> 0 (length x)) (andmap txexpr-attr? x)) x]
[else (error (string-append "validate-txexpr-attrs: "
(if txexpr-context (format "in ~v, " txexpr-context) "")
(format "~v is not a valid list of attributes ~a" x (make-reason))))]))
(define/typed (txexpr-attrs? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)])
(and (validate-txexpr-attrs x) #t)))
(define/typed (txexpr-elements? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(match x
[(list elem ...) (andmap txexpr-element? elem)]
[else #f]))
(define/typed (validate-txexpr-element x #:context [txexpr-context #f])
((Any) (#:context Any) . ->* . Txexpr-Element)
[(or (string? x) (txexpr? x) (symbol? x)
(valid-char? x) (cdata? x)) (cast x Txexpr-Element)]
[else (error (string-append "validate-txexpr-element: "
(if txexpr-context (format "in ~v, " txexpr-context) "")
(format "~v is not a valid element (must be txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, or cdata)" x)))]))
(define/typed (txexpr-element? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)])
(and (validate-txexpr-element x) #t)))
;; is it a named x-expression?
;; todo: rewrite this recurively so errors can be pinpointed (for debugging)
(define/typed (validate-txexpr x)
(Any -> Txexpr)
(define-syntax-rule (validate-txexpr-element-with-context e) (validate-txexpr-element e #:context x))
(define-syntax-rule (validate-txexpr-attrs-with-context e) (validate-txexpr-attrs e #:context x))
(if (match x
[(list (? symbol?)) #t]
;; todo: fix this condition
#;[(list (? symbol?) (and attr-list (list (list k v ...) ...)) rest ...)
(and (validate-txexpr-attrs-with-context (cast attr-list Txexpr-Attrs))
(andmap (λ(e) (validate-txexpr-element-with-context e)) rest))]
[(list (? symbol? name) rest ...)(andmap (λ(e) (validate-txexpr-element-with-context e)) rest)]
[else (error 'validate-txexpr (format "~v is not a list starting with a symbol" x))])
(cast x Txexpr)
(error 'validate-txexpr "Can't reach this")))
(define/typed (txexpr? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)])
(and (validate-txexpr x) #t)))
(define/typed (make-txexpr tag [attrs null] [elements null])
((Symbol) (Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Txexpr-Element)) . ->* . Txexpr)
(cast (cons tag (append (if (empty? attrs) empty (list attrs)) elements)) Txexpr))
(define/typed (txexpr->values x)
(Txexpr -> (values Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr-Elements))
; txexpr may or may not have attr
; if not, add null attr so that decomposition only handles one case
(match x
[(list _ (? txexpr-attrs?) _ ...) x]
[else `(,(car x) ,null ,@(cdr x))])
[(list tag attr content ...) (values tag (cast attr Txexpr-Attrs) (cast content Txexpr-Elements))]))
(define/typed (txexpr->list x)
(Txexpr -> (List Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr-Elements))
(define-values (tag attrs content) (txexpr->values x))
(list tag attrs content))
;; convenience functions to retrieve only one part of txexpr
(define/typed (get-tag x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Tag)
(car x))
(define/typed (get-attrs x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(define-values (tag attrs content) (txexpr->values x))
(define/typed (get-elements x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Elements)
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
(define-type Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key (U Symbol String))
(define-type Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value (U Symbol String))
;; helpers. we are getting a string or symbol
(define/typed (->txexpr-attr-key x)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Txexpr-Attr-Key)
(if (string? x) (string->symbol x) x))
(define/typed (->txexpr-attr-value x)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value -> Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(->string x))
(define/typed (txexpr-attr-key? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(symbol? x))
(define/typed (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(or (symbol? x) (string? x)))
(define/typed (txexpr-attr-value? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(string? x))
(define/typed (txexpr-attr-values? xs)
(Any -> Boolean)
(and (list? xs) (andmap txexpr-attr-value? xs)))
(define/typed (can-be-txexpr-attr-value? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x))
(define/typed (->string x)
((U Symbol String) -> String)
(if (symbol? x) (symbol->string x) x))
(define/typed (can-be-txexpr-attrs? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(ormap (λ([test : (Any -> Boolean)]) (test x)) (list txexpr-attr? txexpr-attrs? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value?)))
(define/typed (list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? xs)
(Any -> Boolean)
(and (list? xs) (andmap can-be-txexpr-attrs? xs)))
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Hash (HashTable Txexpr-Attr-Key Txexpr-Attr-Value))
;; broken: needs flatten
#;(define/typed (attrs->hash . items)
((U Txexpr-Attr Txexpr-Attrs) * -> Txexpr-Attr-Hash)
;; can be liberal with input because they're all just nested key/value pairs
;; but still need this function to make sure that 'foo and "foo" are treated as the same hash key
(define/typed (make-key-value-list items)
((Listof Txexpr-Attr) -> (U Null (Listof (Pairof Txexpr-Attr-Key Txexpr-Attr-Value))))
(if (null? items)
(let ([key (->txexpr-attr-key (cast (car items) Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key))]
[value (->txexpr-attr-value (cast (cadr items) Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value))]
[rest (cddr items)])
(cons (cons key value) (make-key-value-list rest)))))
(make-immutable-hash (make-key-value-list (flatten items))))
;; broken
#;(define/typed (hash->attrs hash)
(Txexpr-Attr-Hash -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(hash-map hash list))
;; broken. needs txexpr-attrs? filter to work
#;(define/typed (attrs-have-key? x key)
((U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Boolean)
(define attrs (if (txexpr-attrs? x) x (get-attrs x)))
(hash-has-key? (attrs->hash attrs) (->txexpr-attr-key key)))
;; broken. needs txexpr-attrs? filter to work
#;(define/typed (attrs-equal? x1 x2)
((U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) (U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) -> Boolean)
(define attrs-tx1 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x1) x1 (get-attrs x1))))
(define attrs-tx2 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x2) x2 (get-attrs x2))))
(= (length (hash-keys attrs-tx1)) (length (hash-keys attrs-tx2)))
(for/and ([(key value) (in-hash attrs-tx1)])
(equal? (hash-ref attrs-tx2 key) value))))
;; broken. needs txexpr-attrs? filter to work
#;(define/typed (attrs-equal? x1 x2)
((U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) (U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) -> Boolean)
(define attrs-tx1 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x1) x1 (get-attrs x1))))
(define attrs-tx2 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x2) x2 (get-attrs x2))))
(= (length (hash-keys attrs-tx1)) (length (hash-keys attrs-tx2)))
(for/and ([(key value) (in-hash attrs-tx1)])
(equal? (hash-ref attrs-tx2 key) value))))
;; broken. needs hash->attrs
#;(define/typed (attr-set tx key value)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value -> Txexpr)
(define new-attrs
(hash->attrs (hash-set (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx)) (->txexpr-attr-key key) (->txexpr-attr-value value))))
(make-txexpr (get-tag tx) new-attrs (get-elements tx)))
;; broken: needs attrs->hash
#;(define/typed (attr-ref tx key)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e) (error (format "attr-ref: no value found for key ~v" key)))])
(hash-ref (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx)) key)))
;; broken: needs attrs-have-key?
#;(define/typed (attr-ref* tx key)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> (Listof Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(filter-not false?
(let loop ([tx tx])
(and (txexpr? tx)
(cons (and (attrs-have-key? tx key)(attr-ref tx key))
(map loop (get-elements tx))))))))
;; convert list of alternating keys & values to attr
;; broken: needs attrs->hash
#;(define/typed (merge-attrs . items)
(Txexpr-Attr * -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(define attrs-hash (apply attrs->hash items))
;; sort needed for predictable results for unit tests
(define sorted-hash-keys (sort (hash-keys attrs-hash) (λ(a b) (string<? (->string a) (->string b)))))
`(,@(map (λ(key) (list key (hash-ref attrs-hash key))) sorted-hash-keys)))
;; broken: needs txexpr? filter to work
#;(define/typed (remove-attrs x)
(Xexpr -> Xexpr)
[(txexpr? x) (let-values ([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag null (remove-attrs elements)))]
[(txexpr-elements? x) (map remove-attrs x)]
[else x]))
;; todo: exclude-proc will keep things out, but is there a way to keep things in?
(define+provide+safe (map-elements/exclude proc x exclude-test)
(procedure? txexpr? procedure? . -> . txexpr?)
[(txexpr? x)
(if (exclude-test x)
(let-values ([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag attr
(map (λ(x)(map-elements/exclude proc x exclude-test)) elements))))]
;; externally the function only accepts txexpr,
;; but internally we don't care
[else (proc x)]))
(define+provide+safe (map-elements proc x)
(procedure? txexpr? . -> . txexpr?)
(map-elements/exclude proc x (λ(x) #f)))
;; function to split tag out of txexpr
(define+provide+safe (splitf-txexpr tx pred [proc (λ(x) null)])
((txexpr? procedure?) (procedure?) . ->* . (values txexpr? txexpr-elements?))
(define matches null)
(define (do-extraction x)
[(pred x) (begin ; store matched item and return processed value
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(proc x))]
[(txexpr? x) (let-values([(tag attr body) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag attr (do-extraction body)))]
[(txexpr-elements? x) (filter (compose1 not null?) (map do-extraction x))]
[else x]))
(define tx-extracted (do-extraction tx)) ;; do this first to fill matches
(values tx-extracted (reverse matches)))
(define+provide+safe (xexpr->html x)
(xexpr? . -> . string?)
(define (->cdata x)
(if (cdata? x) x (cdata #f #f x)))
(xexpr->string (let loop ([x x])
[(txexpr? x) (if (member (get-tag x) '(script style))
(make-txexpr (get-tag x) (get-attrs x) (map ->cdata (get-elements x)))
(make-txexpr (get-tag x) (get-attrs x) (map loop (get-elements x))))]
[else x]))))