#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/eval (for-label racket "../main.rkt" xml)) @(define my-eval (make-base-eval)) @(my-eval `(require tagged-xexpr xml)) @title{tagged-xexpr} @author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "mb@mbtype.com")] A set of small but handy functions for improving the readability and reliability of programs that operate on tagged X-expressions (aka tagged-xexprs). @section{Installation} At the command line: @verbatim{raco pkg install tagged-xexpr} After that, you can update the package from the command line: @verbatim{raco pkg update tagged-xexpr} @section{What’s a tagged-xexpr?} It's an X-expression with the following grammar: @racketgrammar*[ #:literals (cons list symbol? string? xexpr?) [tagged-xexpr (list tag (list attr ...) element ...) (cons tag (list element ...))] [tag symbol?] [attr (list symbol? string?)] [element xexpr?] ] A tagged X-expression is a list with a symbol in the first position — the @italic{tag} — followed by a series of @italic{elements}, which are other X-expressions. Optionally, a tagged X-expression can have a list of @italic{attributes} in the second position. @examples[#:eval my-eval (tagged-xexpr? '(span "Brennan" "Dale")) (tagged-xexpr? '(span "Brennan" (em "Richard") "Dale")) (tagged-xexpr? '(span [[class "hidden"][id "names"]] "Brennan" "Dale")) (tagged-xexpr? '(span lt gt amp)) (tagged-xexpr? '("We really" "should have" "a tag")) (tagged-xexpr? '(span [[class not-quoted]] "Brennan")) (tagged-xexpr? '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale")) ] The last one is a common mistake. Because the key–value pair is not enclosed in a @racket[list], it's interpreted as a nested tagged-xexpr within the first tagged-xexpr, as you may not find out until you try to read its attributes: @margin-note{There's no way of eliminating this ambiguity, short of always requiring an attribute list — empty if necessary — in your tagged-xexpr. See also @racket[xexpr-drop-empty-attributes].} @examples[#:eval my-eval (tagged-xexpr-attrs '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale")) (tagged-xexpr-elements '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale")) ] Tagged X-expressions are most commonly found in HTML & XML documents. Though the notation is different in Racket, the data structure is identical: @examples[#:eval my-eval (xexpr->string '(span [[id "names"]] "Brennan" (em "Richard") "Dale")) (string->xexpr "BrennanRichardDale") ] After converting to and from HTML, we get back the original X-expression. Well, almost. The brackets turned into parentheses — no big deal, since they mean the same thing in Racket. Also, per its usual practice, @racket[string->xexpr] added an empty attribute list after @racket[em]. This is also benign. @section{Why not just use @exec{match}, @exec{quasiquote}, and so on?} If you prefer those, please do. But I've found two benefits to using module functions: @bold{Readability.} In code that already has a lot of matching and quasiquoting going on, these functions make it easy to see where & how tagged-xexprs are being used. @bold{Reliability.} The fact that tagged-xexprs come in two close but not quite equal forms mean that careful coders will always have to take both cases into account. The programming is trivial, but the annoyance is real. @section{Interface} @defmodule[tagged-xexpr] @deftogether[( @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (xexpr-tag? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (xexpr-attr? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (xexpr-element? [v any/c]) boolean?] )] Predicates for @racket[_tagged-xexpr]s that implement this grammar: @racketgrammar*[ #:literals (cons list symbol? string? xexpr?) [tagged-xexpr (list tag (list attr ...) element ...) (cons tag (list element ...))] [tag symbol?] [attr (list symbol? string?)] [element xexpr?] ] @deftogether[( @defproc[ (xexpr-attrs? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (xexpr-elements? [v any/c]) boolean?] )] Shorthand for @code{(listof xexpr-attr?)} and @code{(listof xexpr-element?)}. @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr->values [tx tagged-xexpr?]) (values [tag xexpr-tag?] [attrs xexpr-attrs?] [elements xexpr-elements?])] Dissolves a @racket[_tagged-xexpr] into its components and returns all three. @examples[#:eval my-eval (tagged-xexpr->values '(div)) (tagged-xexpr->values '(div "Hello" (p "World"))) (tagged-xexpr->values '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) ] @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr->list [tx tagged-xexpr?]) (list tag attrs elements)] Like @racket[tagged-xexpr->values], but returns the three components in a list. @examples[#:eval my-eval (tagged-xexpr->list '(div)) (tagged-xexpr->list '(div "Hello" (p "World"))) (tagged-xexpr->list '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) ] @deftogether[( @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr-tag [tx tagged-xexpr?]) xexpr-tag?] @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr-attrs [tx tagged-xexpr?]) xexpr-attr?] @defproc[ (tagged-xexpr-elements [tx tagged-xexpr?]) (listof xexpr-element?)] )] Accessor functions for the individual pieces of a @racket[_tagged-xexpr]. @examples[#:eval my-eval (tagged-xexpr-tag '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) (tagged-xexpr-attrs '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) (tagged-xexpr-elements '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) ] @defproc[ (make-tagged-xexpr [tag symbol?] [attrs xexpr-attrs? @(empty)] [elements xexpr-elements? @(empty)]) tagged-xexpr?] Assemble a @racket[_tagged-xexpr] from its parts. If you don't have attributes, but you do have elements, you'll need to pass @racket[empty] as the second argument. Note that unlike @racket[xml->xexpr], if the attribute list is empty, it's not included in the resulting expression. @examples[#:eval my-eval (make-tagged-xexpr 'div) (make-tagged-xexpr 'div '() '("Hello" (p "World"))) (make-tagged-xexpr 'div '[[id "top"]]) (make-tagged-xexpr 'div '[[id "top"]] '("Hello" (p "World"))) (define tx '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) (make-tagged-xexpr (tagged-xexpr-tag tx) (tagged-xexpr-attrs tx) (tagged-xexpr-elements tx)) ] @defproc[ (merge-xexpr-attrs [attrs (listof (or/c xexpr-attr? xexpr-attrs? symbol? string?))] ...) xexpr-attrs?] Combine a series of attributes into a single @racket[_tagged-xexpr-attrs] item. This function addresses three annoyances that surface in working with tagged-xexpr attributes. @itemlist[#:style 'ordered @item{You can pass the attributes in multiple forms. The list of arguments can include single @racket[_xexpr-attr]s, lists of @racket[_xexpr-attr]s (i.e., what you get from @racket[tagged-xexpr-attrs]), or interleaved symbols and strings (each pair will be concatenated into a single @racket[_xexpr-attr]).} @item{Attributes with the same name are merged, with the later value taking precedence (i.e., @racket[hash] behavior). } @item{Attributes are sorted in alphabetical order.}] @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tx '(div [[id "top"][class "red"]] "Hello" (p "World"))) (define tx-attrs (tagged-xexpr-attrs tx)) tx-attrs (merge-xexpr-attrs tx-attrs 'editable "true") (merge-xexpr-attrs tx-attrs 'id "override-value") (define my-attr '(id "another-override")) (merge-xexpr-attrs tx-attrs my-attr) (merge-xexpr-attrs my-attr tx-attrs) ] @defproc[ (remove-attrs [tx tagged-xexpr?]) tagged-xexpr?] Recursively remove all attributes. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tx '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p [[id "lower"]] "World"))) (remove-attrs tx) ] @defproc[ (map-elements [proc procedure?] [tx tagged-xexpr?]) tagged-xexpr?] Recursively apply @racket[_proc] to all elements, leaving tags and attributes alone. Using plain @racket[map] will only process elements at the top level of the current @racket[_tagged-xexpr]. Usually that's not what you want. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tx '(div "Hello!" (p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars")))) (define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x))) (map upcaser tx) (map-elements upcaser tx) ] In practice, most @racket[_xexpr-element]s are strings. But woe befalls those who pass string procedures to @racket[map-element], because an @racket[_xexpr-element] can be any kind of @racket[xexpr?], and an @racket[xexpr?] is not necessarily a string. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tx '(p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars" amp "Sons"))) (map-elements string-upcase tx) (define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x))) (map-elements upcaser tx) ] @section{License & source code} This module is licensed under the LGPL. Source repository at @link["http://github.com/mbutterick/tagged-xexpr"]{http://github.com/mbutterick/tagged-xexpr}. Suggestions & corrections welcome.