#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax)) ;; use a separate test file to avoid cycle in loading (define-syntax (test-safe-and-unsafe stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ exprs ...) (with-syntax ([sym (syntax-e (generate-temporary))] [sym2 (syntax-e (generate-temporary))]) (datum->syntax stx `(begin (module ,(syntax->datum #'sym) racket (require rackunit "main.rkt") (define-syntax (values->list stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ values-expr) #'(call-with-values (λ () values-expr) list)])) ,@(syntax->datum #'(exprs ...))) (require ',(syntax->datum #'sym)) (module ,(syntax->datum #'sym2) racket (require rackunit (submod "main.rkt" safe)) (define-syntax (values->list stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ values-expr) #'(call-with-values (λ () values-expr) list)])) ,@(syntax->datum #'(exprs ...))) (require ',(syntax->datum #'sym2))) stx))])) (test-safe-and-unsafe (check-true (txexpr-tag? 'foo)) (check-false (txexpr-tag? "foo")) (check-false (txexpr-tag? 3)) (check-false (txexpr-tags? 'foo)) (check-true (txexpr-tags? '(foo bar))) (check-true (txexpr-attr? '(key "value"))) (check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key "value" "another"))) (check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key 0 "value"))) (check-true (txexpr-attrs? '())) (check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value")))) (check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") (foo "bar")))) (check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") "foo" "bar"))) ; content, not attr (check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(key "value"))) ; not a nested list (check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(("key" "value")))) ; two strings (check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key value)))) ; two symbols (check-true (txexpr-element? "string")) (check-true (txexpr-element? 'amp)) (check-true (txexpr-element? '(p "string"))) (check-true (txexpr-element? 2)) ; a valid-char, but not in v6.0 xml:xexpr? (check-true (txexpr-element? 65)) ; a valid-char (check-false (txexpr-element? 0)) ; not a valid-char (check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" "123"))) (check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" 123))) ; includes number (check-true (txexpr-elements? '(p "foo" "123"))) ; includes symbol (check-false (txexpr-elements? "foo")) ; not a list (check-false (txexpr-elements? '(((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))) ; includes attr (check-false (txexpr-elements? '("foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed (check-true (txexpr? '(p))) (check-true (txexpr? '(div 2))) (check-true (txexpr? '(div (div ((foo "bar")) 2)))) (check-true (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar"))) (check-true (txexpr? '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))) (check-true (txexpr? '(p 123))) ; content is a number (check-false (txexpr? "foo")) ; not a list with symbol (check-false (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed (check-false (txexpr? '("p" "foo" "bar"))) ; no name (check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p)))) (check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar")))) (check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar")))) (check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p 123)))) ; content is a valid-char (check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr "foo"))) ; not a list with symbol (check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value")))))) ; malformed (check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '("p" "foo" "bar")))) ; no name (check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class 42)))))) ; malformed attrs (check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p) '(p)) (check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value")))) (check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p null '("foo" "bar")) '(p "foo" "bar")) (check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value")) (list "foo" "bar")) '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar")) (check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p) '(p)) (check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value")))) (check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p null '("foo" "bar")) '(p "foo" "bar")) (check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p '((key "value")) (list "foo" "bar")) '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar")) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p))) (values->list (values 'p null null))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p "foo"))) (values->list (values 'p null '("foo")))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value"))))) (values->list (values 'p '((key "value")) null))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo"))) (values->list (values 'p '((key "value")) '("foo")))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p))) (txexpr->list '(p))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p "foo"))) (txexpr->list '(p "foo"))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value"))))) (txexpr->list '(p ((key "value"))))) (check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo"))) (txexpr->list '(p ((key "value")) "foo"))) (check-equal? (get-tag '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) 'p) (check-equal? (get-attrs '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) '((key "value"))) (check-equal? (get-elements '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) '("foo" "bar" (em "square"))) (check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key "foo") 'foo) (check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key 'foo) 'foo) (check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value "foo") "foo") (check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value 'foo) "foo") (check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar"))) '#hasheq((foo . "bar"))) (check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw")) '#hasheq((foo . "fraw"))) (check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw") 'foo "dog") '#hasheq((foo . "dog"))) (check-equal? (apply set (hash->attrs '#hasheq((foo . "bar")(hee . "haw")))) (apply set '((foo "bar")(hee "haw")))) (check-equal? (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo) "bar") (check-txexprs-equal? (attr-set '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw") '(p ((foo "fraw")))) (check-txexprs-equal? (attr-set* '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw") '(p ((foo "fraw")))) (check-true (let ([result (attr-set* '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw" 'zim 'zam)]) (and (member '(foo "fraw") (get-attrs result)) (member '(zim "zam") (get-attrs result)) #t))) (check-txexprs-equal? (attr-join '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "zam") '(p ((foo "bar zam")))) (check-true (let ([result (attr-join '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'zim "zam")]) (and (member '(foo "bar") (get-attrs result)) (member '(zim "zam") (get-attrs result)) #t))) (check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) 'color)) (check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) "color")) (check-false (attrs-have-key? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) 'nonexistent)) (check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) '(foo ((color "red")(shape "circle"))))) (check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) '(foo ((color "blue")(shape "circle"))))) (check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) '(foo ((shape "circle")(color "red"))))) (check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) '(foo ((color "red"))))) (check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) '((color "red")(shape "circle")))) (check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) '((color "blue")(shape "circle")))) (check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) '((shape "circle")(color "red")))) (check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) '((color "red")))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs 'foo "bar") '((foo "bar"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs '(foo "bar")) '((foo "bar"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar"))) '((foo "bar"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" 'bar) '((foo "bar"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") '((foo "bar")(goo "gar"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") "hee" "haw") '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")(hee "haw"))) (check-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")) "foo" "haw") '((foo "haw")(goo "gar"))) (check-txexprs-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi")) '(p "hi")) (check-txexprs-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi" (p ((foo "bar")) "hi"))) '(p "hi" (p "hi"))) (check-txexprs-equal? (map-elements (λ(x) (if (string? x) "boing" x)) '(p "foo" "bar" (em "square"))) '(p "boing" "boing" (em "boing"))) (check-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2") (em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'foo) '("bar" "zam" "zam")) (check-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2") (em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'nonexistent-key) '()) (define split-this-tx '(root (meta "foo" "bar") "hello" "world" (meta "foo2" "bar2") (em "goodnight" "moon" (meta "foo3" "bar3")))) (define split-predicate (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (car x))))) (check-txexprs-equal? (call-with-values (λ() (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate)) list) (list '(root "hello" "world" (em "goodnight" "moon")) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3")))) (define split-proc (λ(x) '(div "foo"))) (check-txexprs-equal? (call-with-values (λ() (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate split-proc)) list) (list '(root (div "foo") "hello" "world" (div "foo") (em "goodnight" "moon" (div "foo"))) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3")))) (check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root (script "3 > 2") "Why is 3 > 2?")) "Why is 3 > 2?"))