Compare commits


11 Commits

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
name: "Build using Racket '${{ matrix.racket-version }}' (${{ matrix.racket-variant }})"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
racket-version: ["6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9", "6.10.1", "6.11", "6.12", "7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5", "7.6", "7.7", "7.8", "7.9", "current"]
racket-variant: ["BC", "CS"]
# CS builds are only provided for versions 7.4 and up so avoid
# running the job for prior versions.
- {racket-version: "6.6", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.7", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.8", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.9", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.10.1", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.11", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "6.12", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.0", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.1", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.2", racket-variant: "CS"}
- {racket-version: "7.3", racket-variant: "CS"}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
- uses: Bogdanp/setup-racket@v0.11
distribution: 'full'
version: ${{ matrix.racket-version }}
variant: ${{ matrix.racket-variant }}
- name: Install Txexpr and its dependencies
run: raco pkg install --auto --batch
- name: Run the tests
run: xvfb-run raco test -j 4 -p txexpr

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# for Racket
# for Mac OS X

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# adapted from
# Thanks Greg!
language: c
sudo: false
- RACKET_DIR=~/racket
fast_finish: true
- git clone
- cat travis-racket/ | bash # pipe to bash not sh!
- export PATH="${RACKET_DIR}/bin:${PATH}" can't set for us
- cd .. # Travis did a cd into the dir. Back up, for the next:
- raco pkg install --deps search-auto --link txexpr
- raco test -p txexpr

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
MIT License for txexpr
© 2014-2019 Matthew Butterick
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,27 +1,14 @@
## txexpr ![Build Status](
txexpr [![Build Status](](
Convenience functions for working with HTML-style tagged X-expressions in Racket 6.0+.
Convenience functions for working with HTML-style tagged X-expressions in Racket 6.0+
Install from the command line like so:
raco pkg install txexpr
Then require it in your Racket file, in standard mode:
Then require it in your Racket file:
(require txexpr)
In safe mode (with contracts):
(require (submod txexpr safe))
Full docs are installed with the package. You can also [read the docs here](
## License
## Project status
Complete. I will maintain the code but no major updates are planned. Certain aspects of the API and implementation could be better, because much of this code was originally written during a more naive era of personal Racketeering. Still, it gets the job done, and I personally lack enthusiasm for diving back in.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang info
(define version "0.2")
(define collection 'multi)
(define deps '("base" ["sugar" #:version "0.2"] "rackunit-lib"))
(define update-implies '("sugar"))
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-doc"))
(define deps '("base" "sugar" "typed-racket-lib"
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "typed-racket-doc"))

@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match sugar/define sugar/list sugar/coerce
racket/string racket/list
(for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(provide cdata? cdata valid-char? xexpr->string xexpr? comment comment?) ; from xml
(provide empty) ; from racket/list
;; Section 2.2 of XML 1.1
;; (XML 1.0 is slightly different and more restrictive)
;; make private version of my-valid-char to get consistent results with Racket 6.0
(define (my-valid-char? i)
(and (exact-nonnegative-integer? i)
(or (<= #x1 i #xD7FF)
(<= #xE000 i #xFFFD)
(<= #x10000 i #x10FFFF))))
(define (my-xexpr? x)
(or (my-valid-char? x) (xexpr? x) (txexpr? x)))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr? x [allow-long #t])
(match x
[(cons (? txexpr-tag?) rest)
(=> resume)
(let loop ([rest rest])
(match rest
[(list (? my-xexpr?) ...) #true]
[(list (? txexpr-attrs?) elems ...) #:when allow-long (loop elems)]
[_ (resume)]))]
[_ #false]))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-short? x)
(txexpr? x #false))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-tag? x)
(symbol? x))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-attr? x)
(match x
[(list (? txexpr-attr-key?) (? txexpr-attr-value?)) #true]
[_ #false]))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-element? x)
(my-xexpr? x))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-attr-key? x)
(symbol? x))
(define+provide+safe (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x)
(symbolish? x))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-attr-value? x)
(string? x))
(define+provide+safe (can-be-txexpr-attr-value? x)
(stringish? x))
(define-syntax-rule (define-plural plural-id pred)
(define+provide+safe (plural-id x)
(match x
[(list (? pred) (... ...)) #true]
[_ #false])))
(define-plural txexpr-tags? txexpr-tag?)
(define-plural txexpr-attrs? txexpr-attr?)
(define-plural txexpr-elements? txexpr-element?)
(define-plural txexpr-attr-values? txexpr-attr-value?)
(define-plural list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? can-be-txexpr-attrs?)
(define+provide+safe (can-be-txexpr-attrs? x)
(or (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? x)
(txexpr-attr? x)
(txexpr-attrs? x)))
(define (validate-txexpr-attrs tx)
(lambda (attr)
(unless (and (list? attr) (eq? 2 (length attr)))
(txexpr-error "attribute" "is not a list of the form '(symbol \"string\")" attr tx))
(unless (symbol? (first attr))
(txexpr-error "attribute key" "is not a symbol" (first attr) tx))
(unless (string? (second attr))
(txexpr-error "attribute value" "is not a string" (second attr) tx))
(second tx)))
(define (validate-txexpr-elements elems tx)
(lambda (e)
[(or (string? e) (symbol? e) (my-valid-char? e) (cdata? e) (comment? e)) #t]
[(and (list? e) (symbol? (first e)))
(validate-txexpr e)]
[else (txexpr-error "element" "not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)" e tx)]))
(define (txexpr-error noun has-problem bad tx)
(raise-arguments-error 'validate-txexpr (format "~a ~a" noun has-problem) noun bad "in" tx))
;; is it a named x-expression?
;; Restricting to primitive predicates allows for more specific (helpful) errors
(define+provide+safe (validate-txexpr x)
(any/c . -> . txexpr?)
(unless (list? x) (raise-argument-error 'validate-txexpr "tagged X-expression" x))
(match x
[(list* tag _) #:when (not (symbol? tag))
(txexpr-error "tag" "must be a symbol" tag x)]
[(list* tag (or (? null?) (list (? list?) _ ...)) elems)
(and (validate-txexpr-attrs x) (validate-txexpr-elements elems x) x)]
[(list* tag elems) (and (validate-txexpr-elements elems x) x)]))
(define (txexpr-unsafe tag attrs elements)
(cons tag (match attrs
[(== empty) elements]
[_ (cons attrs elements)])))
(define (txexpr-base func-name tag attrs elements)
(unless (txexpr-tag? tag)
(raise-argument-error func-name "txexpr-tag?" tag))
(unless (txexpr-attrs? attrs)
(raise-argument-error func-name "txexpr-attrs?" attrs))
(unless (txexpr-elements? elements)
(raise-argument-error func-name "txexpr-elements?" elements))
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs elements))
(define+provide+safe+match (txexpr tag [attrs null] [elements null])
((txexpr-tag?) (txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?) . ->* . txexpr?)
(txexpr-base 'txexpr tag attrs elements)
[(_ tag-pat:expr
{~optional attrs-pat:expr #:defaults ([attrs-pat #'_])}
{~optional elements-pat:expr #:defaults ([elements-pat #'_])})
#'(? txexpr? (app txexpr->values tag-pat attrs-pat elements-pat))]))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr* tag [attrs null] . elements)
((txexpr-tag?) (txexpr-attrs?) #:rest txexpr-elements? . ->* . txexpr?)
(txexpr-base 'txexpr* tag attrs elements))
(define make-txexpr txexpr) ; for backward compatability
(provide+safe make-txexpr)
(define+provide+safe (txexpr->values x)
(txexpr? . -> . (values txexpr-tag? txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?))
(match x
[(? txexpr-short?) (values (car x) '() (cdr x))]
[_ (values (car x) (cadr x) (cddr x))]))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr->list x)
(txexpr? . -> . list?)
(call-with-values (λ () (txexpr->values x)) list))
;; convenience functions to retrieve only one part of txexpr
(define+provide+safe (get-tag x)
(txexpr? . -> . txexpr-tag?)
(car x))
(define+provide+safe (get-attrs x)
(txexpr? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
(define+provide+safe (get-elements x)
(txexpr? . -> . txexpr-elements?)
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
;; helpers. we are getting a string or symbol
(define+provide+safe (->txexpr-attr-key x)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-key?)
(unless (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x)
(raise-argument-error '->txexpr-attr-key "can-be-txexpr-attr-key?" x))
(->symbol x))
(define+provide+safe (->txexpr-attr-value x)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr-attr-value?)
(unless (can-be-txexpr-attr-value? x)
(raise-argument-error '->txexpr-attr-value "can-be-txexpr-attr-value?" x))
(->string x))
(define (sublist->attr sublist)
(match sublist
[(list key value) (list (->txexpr-attr-key key) (->txexpr-attr-value value))]))
(define+provide+safe (attrs->hash #:hash-style? [hash-style-priority #f] . items-in)
(() (#:hash-style? boolean?) #:rest (listof can-be-txexpr-attrs?) . ->* . hash-eq?)
;; can be liberal with input because they're all just nested key/value pairs
;; but still need this function to make sure that 'foo and "foo" are treated as the same hash key
(define items (flatten items-in))
(unless (even? (length items))
(raise-argument-error 'attrs->hash "argument list of even length" (length items-in)))
;; hasheq loop will overwrite earlier values with later.
;; but earlier attributes need priority (see
;; thus reverse the pairs.
;; priority-inverted will defeat this assumption, and allow later attributes to overwrite earlier.
(for/hasheq ([sublist (in-list ((if hash-style-priority
reverse) (slice-at items 2)))])
(apply values (sublist->attr sublist))))
(define+provide+safe (hash->attrs attr-hash)
(hash? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)
(match (hash->list attr-hash)
[(list (cons ks vs) ...) (map list ks vs)]))
(define+provide+safe (attrs-have-key? x key)
((or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . boolean?)
(match x
[(? txexpr? tx) (and (attr-ref tx key #false) #true)]
[_ (attrs-have-key? (txexpr-unsafe '_ x null) key)]))
(define+provide+safe (attr-set tx key value)
(txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr?)
(attr-set* tx key value))
(define+provide+safe (attr-set* tx . kvs)
((txexpr?) #:rest (listof (or/c can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value?)) . ->* . txexpr?)
;; unlike others, this uses hash operations to guarantee that your attr-set
;; is the only one remaining.
(unless (even? (length kvs))
(raise-argument-error 'attr-set* "even number of arguments" kvs))
(define new-attrs (hash->attrs
(apply hash-set* (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx))
(append-map sublist->attr (slice-at kvs 2)))))
(txexpr-base 'attr-set* (get-tag tx) new-attrs (get-elements tx)))
(define+provide+safe (attr-join tx key value)
(txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr?)
(define starting-values (string-split (attr-ref tx key "")))
(attr-set tx key (string-join (append starting-values (list (->txexpr-attr-value value))) " ")))
(define no-failure-result (gensym)) ; failure-result might be #false
(define+provide+safe (attr-ref attrs-arg key [failure-result no-failure-result])
(((or/c txexpr? txexpr-attrs?) can-be-txexpr-attr-key?) (any/c) . ->* . any)
(match (assq (->txexpr-attr-key key) (match attrs-arg
[(? txexpr? tx) (get-attrs tx)]
[attrs attrs]))
[(list _ value) value]
[_ (match failure-result
[(? procedure?) (failure-result)]
[(== no-failure-result) (raise-argument-error 'attr-ref "key that exists in attr list" key)]
[_ failure-result])]))
(define+provide+safe (remove-attrs x)
(txexpr? . -> . txexpr?)
(let loop ([x x])
(if (txexpr? x)
(let-values ([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(txexpr-unsafe tag null (map loop elements)))
(define+provide+safe (map-elements proc x)
(procedure? txexpr? . -> . txexpr?)
(let loop ([x x])
(proc (if (txexpr? x)
(let-values ([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs (map loop elements)))
;; function to split tag out of txexpr
(define+provide+safe (splitf-txexpr tx pred [proc (λ (x) #f)])
((txexpr? procedure?) (procedure?) . ->* . (values txexpr? txexpr-elements?))
(unless (txexpr? tx)
(raise-argument-error 'splitf-txexpr "txexpr?" tx))
(define matches null)
(define (extract! x)
(match x
[(? pred)
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(proc x)]
[(? txexpr?) (let-values ([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs (filter values (map extract! elements))))]
[_ x]))
(define tx-extracted (extract! tx)) ;; do this first to fill matches
(values tx-extracted (reverse matches)))
(define+provide+safe (findf*-txexpr tx pred)
(txexpr? procedure? . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-elements?))
(match/values (splitf-txexpr tx pred)
[(_ (? pair? matches)) matches]
[(_ _) #false]))
(define+provide+safe (findf-txexpr tx pred)
(txexpr? procedure? . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-element?))
(match (findf*-txexpr tx pred)
[(cons match _) match]
[_ #false]))
;; don't use "![CDATA[...]]" wrapper in HTML, it's not consistent with the spec
(define (->cdata x) (if (string? x) (cdata #f #f x) x))
;; but treat CDATA strings correctly anyhow, because that's friendly
(define (cdata-string? x)
(and (string? x) (regexp-match #rx"^<!\\[CDATA\\[.*\\]\\]>$" x) #true))
(define comment-pattern #rx"^<!--(.*?)-->$")
(define (string->comment x)
(match (regexp-match comment-pattern x)
[(list _ comment-payload) (comment comment-payload)]
[_ #false]))
(define+provide+safe (xexpr->html x)
(xexpr? . -> . string?)
(let loop ([x x])
[(txexpr? x)
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
(define proc (if (memq tag '(script style)) ->cdata loop))
;; a little faster than `txexpr` since we know the pieces are valid
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs (map proc elements))]
[(cdata-string? x) (->cdata x)]
[(and (string? x) (string->comment x))]
[else x]))))

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require sugar/define racket/match "base.rkt" rackunit)
(define (stringify-attr attr)
(match attr
[(list key val) (string-append (symbol->string key) val)]))
(define (sort-attrs x)
(match x
[(? txexpr?)
(let-values ([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(txexpr tag (sort attr #:key stringify-attr #:cache-keys? #t string<?) (map sort-attrs elements)))]
[_ x]))
(define (txexprs-equal? tx1 tx2)
;; txexprs are deemed equal if they differ only in the ordering of attributes.
;; therefore, to check them, 1) sort their attributes, 2) straight list comparison.
;; use letrec because `define-simple-check` wants an expression in <=6.2
;; `stringify-attr` is needed because comparing attr keys won't work if there are two attrs with same key.
;; so the whole attr is converted into a single string for sorting, which lets the attr value act as a tiebreaker.
;; it doesn't matter that this sort may not be correct (in the sense of a desirable ordering)
;; it just needs to be stable (e.g., a certain set of attrs will always sort the same way)
(equal? (sort-attrs tx1) (sort-attrs tx2)))
(define+provide+safe (attrs-equal? x1 x2)
((or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) . -> . boolean?)
(apply txexprs-equal? (map (λ (x) `(_ ,(if (txexpr-attrs? x) x (get-attrs x)))) (list x1 x2))))
(provide+safe check-txexprs-equal?)
(define-simple-check (check-txexprs-equal? tx1 tx2)
(txexprs-equal? tx1 tx2))
(module+ test
(check-txexprs-equal? '(p ((b "foo")(a "bar")) (span ((d "foo")(c "bar"))))
'(p ((a "bar")(b "foo")) (span ((c "bar")(d "foo")))))
;; two attrs with same key
(check-txexprs-equal? '(p ((a "foo")(a "bar")))
'(p ((a "bar")(a "foo")))))

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#lang racket/base
(require sugar/define xml racket/match)
(provide (all-defined-out) valid-char? cdata? cdata xexpr->string xexpr?)
(define (txexpr-short? x)
(match x
[(list (? symbol? name) (? xexpr?) ...) #t]
[else #f]))
(define (txexpr? x)
(or (txexpr-short? x)
(match x
[(list (? symbol?) (list (list (? symbol?) (? string?)) ...) (? xexpr?) ...) #t]
[else #f])))
(define (txexpr-tag? x)
(symbol? x))
(define (txexpr-tags? x)
(and (list? x) (andmap txexpr-tag? x)))
(define (txexpr-attr? x)
(match x
[(list (? symbol?) (? string?)) #t]
[else #f]))
(define (txexpr-attrs? x)
(and (list? x) (andmap txexpr-attr? x)))
(define (txexpr-element? x)
(xexpr? x))
(define (txexpr-elements? x)
(and (list? x) (andmap txexpr-element? x)))
(define (txexpr-attr-key? x)
(symbol? x))
(define (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? x)
(or (symbol? x) (string? x)))
(define (txexpr-attr-value? x)
(string? x))
(define (txexpr-attr-values? x)
(and (list? x) (andmap txexpr-attr-value? x)))
(define (can-be-txexpr-attr-value? x)
(or (symbol? x) (string? x)))
(define (can-be-txexpr-attrs? x)
(ormap (λ(test) (test x)) (list txexpr-attr? txexpr-attrs? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value?)))
(define (list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? xs)
(and (list? xs) (andmap can-be-txexpr-attrs? xs)))

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#lang info
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/txexpr.scrbl" ())))
(define compile-omit-paths '("test/tests.rkt"))
(define compile-omit-paths '("tests.rkt"))

@ -1,14 +1,43 @@
#lang racket/base
(require sugar/define)
(define-syntax-rule (r+p MODNAME ...)
(require MODNAME)
(provide (all-from-out MODNAME))
(module+ safe
(require (submod MODNAME safe))
(provide (all-from-out (submod MODNAME safe))))) ...))
(require-via-wormhole "../typed/txexpr/main.rkt")
(r+p "base.rkt"
[xexpr? predicate/c]
[txexpr? predicate/c]
[txexpr-short? predicate/c]
[txexpr-tag? predicate/c]
[txexpr-tags? predicate/c]
[txexpr-attr? predicate/c]
[txexpr-attrs? predicate/c]
[txexpr-element? predicate/c]
[txexpr-elements? predicate/c]
[validate-txexpr (any/c . -> . txexpr?)]
[make-txexpr ((symbol?) (txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?) . ->* . txexpr?)]
[txexpr->values (txexpr? . -> . (values symbol? txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?))]
[txexpr->list (txexpr? . -> . list?)]
[get-tag (txexpr? . -> . txexpr-tag?)]
[get-attrs (txexpr? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)]
[get-elements (txexpr? . -> . txexpr-elements?)]
[txexpr-attr-key? predicate/c]
[txexpr-attr-value? predicate/c]
[can-be-txexpr-attr-key? predicate/c]
[can-be-txexpr-attr-value? predicate/c]
[->txexpr-attr-key (can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-key?)]
[->txexpr-attr-value (can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr-attr-value?)]
[can-be-txexpr-attrs? predicate/c]
[list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? predicate/c]
[attrs->hash (() #:rest (listof can-be-txexpr-attrs?) . ->* . hash?)]
[hash->attrs (hash? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)]
[attr-ref (txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-value?)]
[attr-ref* (txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-values?)]
[attrs-have-key? ((or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . boolean?)]
[attrs-equal? ((or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?) . -> . boolean?)]
[attr-set (txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr?)]
[merge-attrs (() #:rest list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? . ->* . txexpr-attrs?)]
[remove-attrs (txexpr? . -> . txexpr?)]
[map-elements/exclude (procedure? txexpr? procedure? . -> . txexpr?)]
[map-elements (procedure? txexpr? . -> . txexpr?)]
[splitf-txexpr ((txexpr? procedure?) (procedure?) . ->* . (values txexpr? txexpr-elements?))]
[xexpr->html (xexpr? . -> . string?)])

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide txexpr?/recur
(require racket/list)
;; A [TXcontainer T A E] is one of:
;; - (List* T A (Listof E))
;; - (Lxst* T (Listof E))
;; Where A and E are disjoint.
;; txexpr?/recur :
;; Any
;; [Any -> Bool : T]
;; [Any -> Bool : #:+ (and A (! E)) #:- (! A)]
;; [Any -> Bool : #:+ (and E (! A)) #:- (! E)]
;; ->
;; Bool
;; : [TXcontainer T A E]
;; the attrs? predicate and the element? predicate should be disjoint
(define (txexpr?/recur v tag? attrs? element?)
(and (list? v)
(not (empty? v))
(tag? (first v))
(cond [(and (not (empty? (rest v)))
(attrs? (second v)))
(andmap element? (rest (rest v)))]
(andmap element? (rest v))])))
;; txexpr->values/attrs? :
;; [TXcontainer T A E]
;; [Any -> Bool : #:+ (and A (! E)) #:- (! A)]
;; ->
;; (values T A (Listof E))
(define (txexpr->values/attrs? tx attrs?)
(cond [(and (not (empty? (rest tx)))
(attrs? (second tx)))
(values (first tx) (second tx) (rest (rest tx)))]
(values (first tx) '() (rest tx))]))

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide define+provide+safe+match)
(require racket/match
(for-syntax racket/base
;; (define+provide+safe+match name-id
;; contract-expr
;; value-expr
;; #:match-expander
;; match-transformer-expr)
;; (define+provide+safe+match (head . args)
;; contract-expr
;; value-body-expr
;; ...+
;; #:match-expander
;; match-transformer-expr)
;; Identifier -> [Syntax -> Syntax]
(define ((variable-like-transformer id) stx)
[(identifier? stx)
; id, but with the source location of stx
(datum->syntax id (syntax-e id) stx id)]
[(stx-pair? stx)
(datum->syntax stx (cons id (stx-cdr stx)) stx stx)])))
(define-syntax define+provide+safe+match
(λ (stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(d (head . args)
value-body:expr ...+
#:match-expander match-transformer:expr)
#:with fn-expr (syntax/loc stx (λ args value-body ...))
(syntax/loc stx
(d head contract fn-expr #:match-expander match-transformer))]
[(_ name:id
#:match-expander match-transformer:expr)
#:with internal-name (generate-temporary #'name)
#:with contract-name (generate-temporary #'name)
#:with make-name-match-transformer (generate-temporary #'name)
#:with [name-for-blame ...]
(cond [(version<=? "6.8" (version)) #'[#:name-for-blame name]]
[else #'[]])
(define internal-name (let ([name value]) name))
(define (make-name-match-transformer name)
(with-syntax ([name name]) match-transformer)))
(define-match-expander name
(make-name-match-transformer (quote-syntax internal-name))
(variable-like-transformer (quote-syntax internal-name)))
(provide name)
(module+ safe
(require racket/contract/base)
(define-module-boundary-contract contract-name internal-name contract
name-for-blame ...)
(define-match-expander name
(make-name-match-transformer (quote-syntax contract-name))
(variable-like-transformer (quote-syntax contract-name)))
(provide name)))])))

@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@; for documentation purposes, use the xexpr? from xml.
@; the one in txexpr is just to patch over an issue with
@; `valid-char?` in Racket 6.
@(require scribble/eval
(for-label racket txexpr txexpr/stx xml rackunit))
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket txexpr xml (only-in typed/racket require/typed)))
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require racket/match txexpr xml rackunit))
@(my-eval `(require txexpr xml))
@title{txexpr: Tagged X-expressions}
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "")]
@defmodule[#:multi (txexpr (submod txexpr safe))]
@defmodule[#:multi (txexpr (submod txexpr safe) typed/txexpr)]
A set of small but handy functions for improving the readability and reliability of programs that operate on tagged X-expressions (for short, @italic{txexpr}s).
At the command line:
@ -29,14 +24,16 @@ After that, you can update the package from the command line:
@section{Importing the module}
The module can be invoked two ways: fast or safe.
The module can be invoked three ways: fast, safe, and typed.
Fast mode is the default, which you get by importing the module in the usual way: @code{(require txexpr)}.
Safe mode enables the function contracts documented below. Use safe mode by importing the module as @code{(require (submod txexpr safe))}.
The typed version is invoked as @code{(require typed/txexpr)}. The typed version is implemented ``natively'' in the sense that it is compiled separately with type annotations. It is not a @racket[require/typed] wrapper around the untyped code. This avoids the contract barrier that is otherwise automatically imposed between typed and untyped code.
@section[#:tag "what-is-a-txexpr"]{Whats a tagged X-expression (aka txexpr)?}
@section{Whats a txexpr?}
It's an X-expression with the following grammar:
@ -51,33 +48,35 @@ It's an X-expression with the following grammar:
[element xexpr?]
A tagged X-expression — @italic{txexpr} for short — is a list with a symbol in the first position — the @italic{tag} — followed by a series of @italic{elements}, which are other X-expressions. Optionally, a txexpr can have a list of @italic{attributes} in the second position.
A txexpr is a list with a symbol in the first position — the @italic{tag} — followed by a series of @italic{elements}, which are other X-expressions. Optionally, a txexpr can have a list of @italic{attributes} in the second position.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(txexpr? '(span "Brennan" "Dale"))
(txexpr? '(span "Brennan" (em "Richard") "Dale"))
(txexpr? '(span ((class "hidden")(id "names")) "Brennan" "Dale"))
(txexpr? '(span [[class "hidden"][id "names"]] "Brennan" "Dale"))
(txexpr? '(span lt gt amp))
(txexpr? '("We really" "should have" "a tag"))
(txexpr? '(span ((class not-quoted)) "Brennan"))
(txexpr? '(span (class "hidden") "Brennan" "Dale"))
(txexpr? '(span [[class not-quoted]] "Brennan"))
(txexpr? '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale"))
The last one is a common mistake. Because the keyvalue pair is not enclosed in a @tech[#:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]{list}, it's interpreted as a nested txexpr within the first txexpr, as you may not find out until you try to read its attributes:
The last one is a common mistake. Because the keyvalue pair is not enclosed in a @racket[list], it's interpreted as a nested txexpr within the first txexpr, as you may not find out until you try to read its attributes:
@margin-note{There's no way of eliminating this ambiguity, short of always requiring an attribute list — empty if necessary — in your txexpr. See also @racket[xexpr-drop-empty-attributes].}
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(get-attrs '(span (class "hidden") "Brennan" "Dale"))
(get-elements '(span (class "hidden") "Brennan" "Dale"))
(get-attrs '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale"))
(get-elements '(span [class "hidden"] "Brennan" "Dale"))
Tagged X-expressions are most commonly found in HTML & XML documents. Though the notation is different in Racket, the data structure is identical:
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(xexpr->string '(span ((id "names")) "Brennan" (em "Richard") "Dale"))
(xexpr->string '(span [[id "names"]] "Brennan" (em "Richard") "Dale"))
(string->xexpr "<span id=\"names\">Brennan<em>Richard</em>Dale</span>")
After converting to and from HTML, we get back the original X-expression. Well, almost. Per its usual practice, @racket[string->xexpr] added an empty attribute list after @racket[em]. This is benign — an empty attribute list can be omitted with no change in meaning, or vice versa.
After converting to and from HTML, we get back the original X-expression. Well, almost. The brackets turned into parentheses — no big deal, since they mean the same thing in Racket. Also, per its usual practice, @racket[string->xexpr] added an empty attribute list after @racket[em]. This is also benign.
@section{Why not just use @exec{match}, @exec{quasiquote}, and so on?}
@ -89,8 +88,7 @@ If you prefer those, please do. But I've found two benefits to using module func
The programming is trivial, but the annoyance is real.
@ -154,7 +152,24 @@ boolean?]
[v any/c])
Predicates equivalent to a list of @code{txexpr-tag?}, @code{txexpr-attr?}, or @code{txexpr-element?}, respectively.
Shorthand for @code{(listof txexpr-tag?)}, @code{(listof txexpr-attr?)}, and @code{(listof txexpr-element?)}.
[possible-txexpr any/c])
Like @racket[txexpr?], but raises a descriptive error if @racket[_possible-txexpr] is invalid, and otherwise returns @racket[_possible-txexpr] itself.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(validate-txexpr 'root)
(validate-txexpr '(root))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class 42))))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42"))))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42")) ("hi")))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42")) "hi"))
@ -169,101 +184,63 @@ boolean?]
[v any/c])
Predicates for input arguments that can be trivially converted to an attribute @racket[_key] or @racket[_value] with the associated conversion functions.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? 'symbol)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? "string-val")
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? (list 1 2 3))
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? 'symbol)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? "string-val")
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? (list 1 2 3))
Predicates for input arguments that are trivially converted to an attribute @racket[_key] or @racket[_value]…
[v any/c])
Predicate for functions that handle @racket[_txexpr-attrs]. Covers values that are easily converted into pairs of @racket[_attr-key] and @racket[_attr-value]. Namely: single @racket[_xexpr-attr]s, lists of @racket[_xexpr-attr]s (i.e., what you get from @racket[get-attrs]), or interleaved symbols and strings (each pair will be concatenated into a single @racket[_xexpr-attr]).
[v can-be-txexpr-attr-key?])
[possible-txexpr any/c])
Like @racket[txexpr?], but raise a descriptive error pinpointing the first problem encountered if @racket[_possible-txexpr] is invalid, and otherwise return @racket[_possible-txexpr] itself.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(validate-txexpr 'root)
(validate-txexpr '(root))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class 42))))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42"))))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42")) ("hi")))
(validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class "42")) "hi"))
(validate-txexpr '(root (p "Hello " (span [[class "inner"]] (1 2 3)))))
(validate-txexpr `(root (p "Look out" (span ,(void)) (1 2 3))))
[v can-be-txexpr-attr-value?])
 with these conversion functions.
@section{Making & breaking}
[tag txexpr-tag?]
[attrs txexpr-attrs? @empty]
[elements txexpr-elements? @empty])
Assemble a @racket[_txexpr] from its parts. If you don't have attributes, but you do have elements, you'll need to pass @racket[empty] (or @racket[null] or @racket['()]) as the second argument. Note that unlike @racket[xml->xexpr], if the attribute list is empty, it's not included in the resulting expression.
[tx txexpr?])
(values txexpr-tag? txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?)]
Dissolves a @racket[_txexpr] into its components and returns all three.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(txexpr 'div)
(txexpr 'div '() '("Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr 'div '((id "top")))
(txexpr 'div '((id "top")) '("Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr (get-tag tx)
(get-attrs tx) (get-elements tx))
(txexpr->values '(div))
(txexpr->values '(div "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr->values '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
The @racket[txexpr] form can also be used as a match pattern:
[tx txexpr?])
(list txexpr-tag?
Like @racket[txexpr->values], but returns the three components in a list.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(match '(div)
[(txexpr tag attrs elems)
(values tag attrs elems)])
(match '(div "Hello" (p "World"))
[(txexpr tag attrs elems)
(values tag attrs elems)])
(match '(div "Hello" (p "World"))
[(txexpr 'div attrs1 (list elems1 ... (txexpr 'p attrs2 elems2)))
(values attrs1 elems1 attrs2 elems2)])
(match '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World"))
[(txexpr 'div attrs1 (list elems1 ... (txexpr 'p attrs2 elems2)))
(values attrs1 elems1 attrs2 elems2)])
(txexpr->list '(div))
(txexpr->list '(div "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr->list '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
[tag txexpr-tag?]
[attrs txexpr-attrs? @empty]
[element txexpr-element?] ...)
Like @racket[txexpr], but takes an indefinite number of @racket[_element] arguments, which together are treated as the list of elements for the resulting @racket[_txexpr]. A notational convenience.
[x xexpr?])
Convert @racket[_x] to an HTML string. Better than @racket[xexpr->string] because consistent with the HTML spec, it will not escape text that appears within @code{script} or @code{style} blocks. For convenience, this function will take any X-expression, not just tagged X-expressions.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(txexpr* 'div)
(txexpr* 'div '() "Hello" '(p "World"))
(txexpr* 'div '((id "top")))
(txexpr* 'div '((id "top")) "Hello" '(p "World"))
(define tx '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(apply txexpr* (get-tag tx)
(get-attrs tx) (get-elements tx))
(define tx '(root (script "3 > 2") "Why is 3 > 2?"))
(xexpr->string tx)
(xexpr->html tx)
(map xexpr->html (list "string" 'entity 65))
@ -286,45 +263,39 @@ txexpr-attr?]
Accessor functions for the individual pieces of a @racket[_txexpr].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(get-tag '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(get-attrs '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(get-elements '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(get-tag '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(get-attrs '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(get-elements '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
[tx txexpr?])
(values txexpr-tag? txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?)]
[tx txexpr?])
(list txexpr-tag?
Dissolve a @racket[_txexpr] into its components. @racket[txexpr->values] returns the components as multiple values; @racket[txexpr->list] returns them in a list.
[tag txexpr-tag?]
[attrs txexpr-attrs? @empty]
[elements txexpr-elements? @empty])
Assemble a @racket[_txexpr] from its parts. If you don't have attributes, but you do have elements, you'll need to pass @racket[empty] as the second argument. Note that unlike @racket[xml->xexpr], if the attribute list is empty, it's not included in the resulting expression.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(txexpr->values '(div))
(txexpr->values '(div "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr->values '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr->list '(div))
(txexpr->list '(div "Hello" (p "World")))
(txexpr->list '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(make-txexpr 'div)
(make-txexpr 'div '() '("Hello" (p "World")))
(make-txexpr 'div '[[id "top"]])
(make-txexpr 'div '[[id "top"]] '("Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(make-txexpr (get-tag tx)
(get-attrs tx) (get-elements tx))
[v any/c])
Predicate for functions that handle @racket[_txexpr-attrs]. Covers values that are easily converted into pairs of @racket[_attr-key] and @racket[_attr-value]. Namely: single @racket[_xexpr-attr]s, lists of @racket[_xexpr-attr]s (i.e., what you get from @racket[get-attrs]), or interleaved symbols and strings (each pair will be concatenated into a single @racket[_xexpr-attr]).
[#:hash-style? hash-style-priority boolean? #f]
[x can-be-txexpr-attrs?] ...)
(attrs->hash [x can-be-txexpr-attrs?] ...)
@ -332,14 +303,12 @@ hash-eq?]
Convert @racket[_attrs] to an immutable hash, and back again. Following the convention specified for @link[""]{XML parsers}, the @italic{first} appearance of an attribute name binds the value — later attributes with the same name are ignored. If you prefer the typical @racket[hash] behavior where later values override earlier ones, set @racket[#:hash-style?] to @racket[#t].
Convert @racket[_attrs] to an immutable hash, and back again.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((id "top")(class "red")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx '(div [[id "top"][class "red"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(attrs->hash (get-attrs tx))
(hash->attrs '#hasheq((class . "red") (id . "top")))
(attrs->hash '((color "blue")(color "green")))
(attrs->hash #:hash-style? #t '((color "blue")(color "green")))
(hash->attrs '#hash((class . "red") (id . "top")))
@ -347,10 +316,10 @@ Convert @racket[_attrs] to an immutable hash, and back again. Following the conv
[attrs (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?)]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?])
Return @racket[#t] if the @racket[_attrs] contain a value for the given @racket[_key], @racket[#f] otherwise.
Returns @racket[#t] if the @racket[_attrs] contain a value for the given @racket[_key], @racket[#f] otherwise.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((id "top")(class "red")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx '(div [[id "top"][class "red"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(attrs-have-key? tx 'id)
(attrs-have-key? tx 'grackle)
@ -360,325 +329,166 @@ Return @racket[#t] if the @racket[_attrs] contain a value for the given @racket[
[attrs (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?)]
[other-attrs (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?)])
Return @racket[#t] if @racket[_attrs] and @racket[_other-attrs] contain the same keys and values, @racket[#f] otherwise. The order of attributes is irrelevant. (If order matters to you, use good old @racket[equal?] instead.)
Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[_attrs] and @racket[_other-attrs] contain the same keys and values, @racket[#f] otherwise. The order of attributes is irrelevant.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx1 '(div ((id "top")(class "red")) "Hello"))
(define tx2 '(p ((class "red")(id "top")) "Hello"))
(define tx3 '(p ((id "bottom")(class "red")) "Hello"))
(define tx1 '(div [[id "top"][class "red"]] "Hello"))
(define tx2 '(p [[class "red"][id "top"]] "Hello"))
(define tx3 '(p [[id "bottom"][class "red"]] "Hello"))
(attrs-equal? tx1 tx2)
(attrs-equal? tx1 tx3)
(equal? tx1 tx2)
(equal? tx1 tx3)
[attrs (or/c txexpr-attrs? txexpr?)]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?]
[failure-result any/c (λ _ (raise (make-exn:fail:contract ....)))
Given a @racket[_key], return the corresponding @racket[_value] from @racket[_attrs]. By default, asking for a nonexistent key produces an error. But if a value or procedure is provided as the @racket[_failure-result], evaluate and return that instead.
[tx txexpr?]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?])
Given a @racket[_key], look up the corresponding @racket[_value] in the attributes of a @racket[_txexpr]. Asking for a nonexistent key produces an error.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((id "top")(class "red")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(attr-ref tx 'class)
(attr-ref tx 'id)
(attr-ref tx 'nonexistent-key)
(attr-ref tx 'nonexistent-key "forty-two")
(attr-ref tx 'nonexistent-key (λ _ (* 6 7)))
(define attrs '((id "top")(class "red")))
(attr-ref attrs 'class)
(attr-ref attrs 'id)
(attr-ref attrs 'nonexistent-key)
[tx txexpr?]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?]
[value can-be-txexpr-attr-value?])
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?])
(listof txexpr-attr-value?)]
Like @racket[attr-ref], but returns a recursively gathered list of all the @racket[_value]s for that key within @racket[_tx]. Asking for a nonexistent key produces @racket[null].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div [[class "red"]] "Hello" (em ([class "blue"]) "world")))
(attr-ref* tx 'class)
(attr-ref* tx 'nonexistent-key)
[tx txexpr?]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?]
[value can-be-txexpr-attr-value?] ... ... )
[value txexpr-attr-value?])
Set the value of attribute @racket[_key] to @racket[_value] in @racket[_txexpr]. Return the updated @racket[_txexpr]. Duplicate attributes, if they exist, are resolved using @racket[attrs->hash]. @racket[attr-set] only accepts one key and one value; @racket[attr-set*] accepts any number.
Given a @racket[_txexpr], set the value of attribute @racket[_key] to @racket[_value]. The function returns the updated @racket[_txexpr].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((class "red")(id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx '(div [[class "red"][id "top"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(attr-set tx 'id "bottom")
(attr-set tx 'class "blue")
(attr-set (attr-set tx 'id "bottom") 'class "blue")
(define tx '(div "Hello"))
(attr-set* tx 'id "bottom" 'class "blue")
[tx txexpr?]
[key can-be-txexpr-attr-key?]
[value can-be-txexpr-attr-value?])
Given a @racket[_txexpr], append attribute @racket[_key] with @racket[_value]. Return the updated @racket[_txexpr]. If @racket[_key] doesn't already exist, then add a new attribute (i.e., behave like @racket[attr-set]).
[attrs (listof can-be-txexpr-attrs?)] ...)
Combine a series of attributes into a single @racket[_txexpr-attrs] item. This function addresses three annoyances that surface in working with txexpr attributes.
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{You can pass the attributes in multiple forms. See @racket[can-be-txexpr-attrs?] for further details.}
@item{Attributes with the same name are merged, with the later value taking precedence (i.e., @racket[hash] behavior). }
@item{Attributes are sorted in alphabetical order.}]
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((class "red")) "Hello"))
(attr-join tx 'class "small")
(attr-join tx 'klass "small")
(define tx '(div [[id "top"][class "red"]] "Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx-attrs (get-attrs tx))
(merge-attrs tx-attrs 'editable "true")
(merge-attrs tx-attrs 'id "override-value")
(define my-attr '(id "another-override"))
(merge-attrs tx-attrs my-attr)
(merge-attrs my-attr tx-attrs)
[tx txexpr?])
Recursively remove all attributes from @racket[_tx].
Recursively remove all attributes.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p ((id "lower")) "World")))
(define tx '(div [[id "top"]] "Hello" (p [[id "lower"]] "World")))
(remove-attrs tx)
@section{Strange magic}
[proc procedure?]
[tx txexpr?])
Recursively apply @racket[_proc] to all elements, leaving tags and attributes alone. Using plain @racket[map] will only process elements at the top level of @racket[_tx]. Usually that's not what you want.
Recursively apply @racket[_proc] to all elements, leaving tags and attributes alone. Using plain @racket[map] will only process elements at the top level of the current @racket[_txexpr]. Usually that's not what you want.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div "Hello!" (p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars"))))
(define upcaser (λ (x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(map upcaser tx)
(map-elements upcaser tx)
In practice, most @racket[_txexpr-element]s are strings. But it's unwise to pass string-only procedures to @racket[map-elements], because an @racket[_txexpr-element] can be any kind of @racket[xexpr?], and an @racket[xexpr?] is not necessarily a string.
In practice, most @racket[_xexpr-element]s are strings. But woe befalls those who pass string procedures to @racket[map-elements], because an @racket[_xexpr-element] can be any kind of @racket[xexpr?], and an @racket[xexpr?] is not necessarily a string.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars" amp "Sons")))
(map-elements string-upcase tx)
(define upcaser (λ (x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(map-elements upcaser tx)
[proc procedure?]
[tx txexpr?]
[pred procedure?]
[replace-proc procedure? (λ (x) #f)])
(values txexpr? (listof txexpr-element?))]
Recursively descend through @racket[_txexpr] and extract all elements that match @racket[_pred]. Returns two values: a @racket[_txexpr] with the matching elements removed, and the list of matching elements. Sort of esoteric, but I've needed it more than once, so here it is.
[exclude-test (txexpr? . -> . boolean?)])
Like @racket[map-elements], but skips any @racket[_txexprs] that evaluate to @racket[#t] under @racket[_exclude-test]. The @racket[_exclude-test] gets a whole txexpr as input, so it can test any of its parts.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div "Wonderful day" (meta "weather" "good") "for a walk"))
(define is-meta? (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(splitf-txexpr tx is-meta?)
(define tx '(div "Hello!" (p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars"))))
(define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(map-elements upcaser tx)
(map-elements/exclude upcaser tx (λ(x) (equal? (get-tag x) 'strong)))
Ordinarily, the result of the split operation is to remove the elements that match @racket[_pred]. But you can change this behavior with the optional @racket[_replace-proc] argument.
Be careful with the wider consequences of exclusion tests. When @racket[_exclude-test] is true, the @racket[_txexpr] is excluded, but so is everything underneath that @racket[_txexpr]. In other words, there is no way to re-include (un-exclude?) elements nested under an excluded element.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div "Wonderful day" (meta "weather" "good") "for a walk"))
(define is-meta? (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(define replace-meta (λ (x) '(em "meta was here")))
(splitf-txexpr tx is-meta? replace-meta)
(define tx '(div "Hello!" (p "Welcome to" (strong "Mars"))))
(define upcaser (λ(x) (if (string? x) (string-upcase x) x)))
(map-elements upcaser tx)
(map-elements/exclude upcaser tx (λ(x) (equal? (get-tag x) 'p)))
(map-elements/exclude upcaser tx (λ(x) (equal? (get-tag x) 'div)))
[tx txexpr?]
[pred procedure?])
(or/c #f txexpr-element?)]
[tx txexpr?]
[pred procedure?])
(or/c #f (listof txexpr-element?))]
Like @racket[splitf-txexpr], but only retrieve the elements that match @racket[_pred]. @racket[findf*-txexpr] retrieves all results; @racket[findf-txexpr] only the first. In both cases, if there are no matches, you get @racket[#f].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(div "Wonderful day" (meta "weather" "good")
"for a walk" (meta "dog" "Roxy")))
(define is-meta? (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (eq? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(findf*-txexpr tx is-meta?)
(findf-txexpr tx is-meta?)
(define is-zimzam? (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (eq? 'zimzam (get-tag x)))))
(findf*-txexpr tx is-zimzam?)
(findf-txexpr tx is-zimzam?)
@section{HTML conversion}
[x xexpr?])
Convert @racket[_x] to an HTML string. Better than @racket[xexpr->string] because consistent with the HTML spec, it will skip the content of @code{script} or @code{style} blocks. For convenience, this function will take any X-expression, not just tagged X-expressions.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx '(root (script "3 > 2") "Why is 3 > 2?"))
(xexpr->string tx)
(xexpr->html tx)
(map xexpr->html (list "string" 'entity 65))
@section{Unit testing}
[tx1 txexpr?]
[tx2 txexpr?])
Designed to be used with @racketmodname[rackunit]. Check whether @racket[_tx1] and @racket[_tx2] are @racket[equal?] except for ordering of attributes (which ordinarily has no semantic significance). Return @racket[void] if so, otherwise raise a check failure.
[pred procedure?]
[replace-proc procedure? (λ(x) null)])
(values txexpr? (listof txexpr-element?))]
Recursively descend through @racket[_txexpr] and extract all elements that match @racket[_pred]. Returns two values: a @racket[_txexpr] with the matching elements removed, and the list of matching elements. Sort of esoteric, but I've needed it more than once, so here it is.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx1 '(div ((attr-a "foo")(attr-z "bar"))))
(define tx2 '(div ((attr-z "bar")(attr-a "foo"))))
(parameterize ([current-check-handler (λ _ (display "not "))])
(display "txexprs are ")
(check-txexprs-equal? tx1 tx2)
(displayln "equal"))
(define tx '(div "Wonderful day" (meta "weather" "good") "for a walk"))
(define is-meta? (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(splitf-txexpr tx is-meta?)
If ordering of attributes is relevant to your test, then just use @racket[check-equal?] as usual.
Ordinarily, the result of the split operation is to remove the elements that match @racket[_pred]. But you can change this behavior with the optional @racket[_replace-proc] argument.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define tx1 '(div ((attr-a "foo")(attr-z "bar"))))
(define tx2 '(div ((attr-z "bar")(attr-a "foo"))))
(parameterize ([current-check-handler (λ _ (display "not "))])
(display "txexprs are ")
(check-equal? tx1 tx2)
(displayln "equal"))
(define tx '(div "Wonderful day" (meta "weather" "good") "for a walk"))
(define is-meta? (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(define replace-meta (λ(x) '(em "meta was here")))
(splitf-txexpr tx is-meta? replace-meta)
@section{Syntax Versions of X-expressions}
@(define stx-eval (make-base-eval))
@(stx-eval `(require txexpr txexpr/stx xml rackunit))
This module provides functions for destructuring TX-expressions
that might be wrapped in syntax objects.
@defproc[(stx-xexpr? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
A predicate for X-expressions that might be wrapped in syntax
(or have parts of them wrapped in syntax). It returns
@racket[#true] for values that would become normal X-expressions
with @racket[(syntax->datum (datum->syntax #f v))].
@examples[#:eval stx-eval
(stx-xexpr? "A leaf on the wind")
(stx-xexpr? #'"A leaf in a bin")
(stx-xexpr? '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(stx-xexpr? #'(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(stx-xexpr? `(div ((id ,#'"top")) "Hello" ,#'(p "World")))
@defproc[(stx-txexpr? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
A predicate for Tagged X-expressions that might be wrapped in
syntax. It returns @racket[#true] for values that become one
of these with @racket[(syntax->datum (datum->syntax #f v))]:
#:literals (list)
[txexpr (list tag attrs xexpr ...)
(list tag xexpr ...)]
@examples[#:eval stx-eval
(stx-txexpr? "A block at the top")
(stx-txexpr? '(div ((id "top")) "A block beneath a" (p "tag")))
(stx-txexpr? #'(div ((id "top")) "A block beneath a" (p "tag")))
(stx-txexpr? #'(div "A block beneath a" (p "tag")))
@defproc[(stx-txexpr-tag? [v any/c]) boolean?]
@defproc[(stx-txexpr-attrs? [v any/c]) boolean?]
Predicates for sub-parts of TX-expressions that might be wrapped
in syntax. There return @racket[#true] for values that become
@racket[txexpr-tag?]s or @racket[txexpr-attrs?]s when unwrapped
with @racket[(syntax->datum (datum->syntax #f v))].
@examples[#:eval stx-eval
(stx-txexpr-tag? 'div)
(stx-txexpr-tag? #'div)
(stx-txexpr-tag? 'analogous)
(stx-txexpr-tag? #'analogous)
(stx-txexpr-attrs? '())
(stx-txexpr-attrs? #'())
(stx-txexpr-attrs? '((id "top") (style "color: blue")))
(stx-txexpr-attrs? #'((id "top") (style "color: blue")))
(stx-txexpr-attrs? `((id "top") (style ,#'"color: blue")))
@defproc[(stx-txexpr-tag [tx stx-txexpr?]) stx-txexpr-tag?]
@defproc[(stx-txexpr-attrs [tx stx-txexpr?]) stx-txexpr-attrs?]
@defproc[(stx-txexpr-elements [tx stx-txexpr?]) (listof stx-txexpr?)]
Accessor functions for the tag, attributes, and elements of a
txexpr that might be wrapped in syntax. Note that these functions
work whether the input is wrapped in syntax or not, and that
the results may or may not be wrapped in syntax, depending on
whether the input was wrapped.
@examples[#:eval stx-eval
(define tx1 '(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(define tx2 #'(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(stx-txexpr-tag tx1)
(stx-txexpr-tag tx2)
(stx-txexpr-attrs tx1)
(stx-txexpr-attrs tx2)
(stx-txexpr-elements tx1)
(stx-txexpr-elements tx2)
@defproc[(stx-txexpr->values [tx stx-txexpr?])
(values stx-txexpr-tag? stx-txexpr-attrs? (listof stx-txexpr?))]
@defproc[(stx-txexpr->list [tx stx-txexpr?])
(list/c stx-txexpr-tag? stx-txexpr-attrs? (listof stx-txexpr?))]
These functions break up a TX-expression into its components.
@racket[stx-txexpr->values] returns them as three values, and
@racket[stx-txexpr->list] returns them as a three-element list.
@examples[#:eval stx-eval
(stx-txexpr->values '(div))
(stx-txexpr->list '(div))
(stx-txexpr->values #'(div))
(stx-txexpr->values #'(div "Hello" (p "World")))
(stx-txexpr->values #'(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(stx-txexpr->values `(div ((id "top")) "Hello" ,#'(p "World")))
@section{License & source code}

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide stx-xexpr?
(require syntax/stx
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Data Definitions
;; A [Stx E] is one of:
;; - (Syntaxof E)
;; - E
;; A StxXexpr is a [Stx XexprE]
;; A StxTXexpr is a [Stx TXexprE]
;; A StxTag is a [Stx Symbol]
;; A StxAttrs is a (StxListof (StxList [Stx Symbol] [Stx String]))
;; A StxElements is a (StxListof StxXexpr)
;; A XexprE is one of:
;; - String
;; - TXexprE
;; - Symbol ; for example 'nbsp representing `&nbsp;`
;; - ValidChar ; for example #x20 representing `&#x20;`
;; - CData ; an instance of the `cdata` structure type from `xml`
;; - Misc ; an instance of the `comment` or `p-i` structure types
;; A TXexprE is one of:
;; - (list* StxTag StxAttrs StxElements)
;; - (list* StxTag StxElements)
;; The types `StxAttrs` and `StxXexpr` are disjoint, as they
;; need to be for this to be unambiguous.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Predicates
;; Any -> Bool
(define (stx-xexpr? v)
(stx-xexpr?/recur v stx-xexpr?))
;; Any -> Bool
(define (stx-txexpr? v)
(stx-txexpr?/recur v stx-xexpr?))
;; Any [Any -> Bool] -> Bool
(define (stx-xexpr?/recur v rec)
[(syntax? v) (stx-xexpr?/recur (syntax-e v) rec)]
[(pair? v) (stx-txexpr?/recur v rec)]
[else (xexpr?/recur v rec)]))
;; Any [Any -> Bool] -> Bool
;; the `rec` predicate should not overlap with `txexpr-attrs?`
(define (xexpr?/recur v rec)
[(pair? v) (txexpr?/recur v txexpr-tag? txexpr-attrs? rec)]
[(string? v) #true]
[(symbol? v) #true]
[(integer? v) (valid-char? v)]
[(cdata? v) #true]
[(comment? v) #true]
[(p-i? v) #true]
[else #false]))
;; Any [Any -> Bool] -> Bool
;; the `rec` predicate should not overlap with
;; `stx-txexpr-attrs?`
(define (stx-txexpr?/recur v rec)
;; Even if it's not stx, the cdr or cddr might be syntax.
;; This flattens it so that the cdd...r is always a pair or empty.
(define lst (stx->list v))
(and lst (txexpr?/recur lst stx-txexpr-tag? stx-txexpr-attrs? rec)))
;; Any -> Bool
(define (stx-txexpr-tag? v)
[(syntax? v) (txexpr-tag? (syntax-e v))]
[else (txexpr-tag? v)]))
;; Any -> Bool
(define (stx-txexpr-attrs? v)
(txexpr-attrs? (syntax->datum (datum->syntax #f v))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Accessors
;; StxTxexpr -> (values StxTag StxAttrs StxElements)
(define (stx-txexpr->values v)
(txexpr->values/attrs? (stx->list v) stx-txexpr-attrs?))
;; StxTxexpr -> (List StxTag StxAttrs StxElements)
(define (stx-txexpr->list v)
(define-values [tag attrs elements] (stx-txexpr->values v))
(list tag attrs elements))
;; StxTxexpr -> StxTag
(define (stx-txexpr-tag v)
(define-values [tag attrs elements] (stx-txexpr->values v))
;; StxTxexpr -> StxAttrs
(define (stx-txexpr-attrs v)
(define-values [tag attrs elements] (stx-txexpr->values v))
;; StxTxexpr -> StxElements
(define (stx-txexpr-elements v)
(define-values [tag attrs elements] (stx-txexpr->values v))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
(module+ safe
(provide (all-defined-out)))

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide values->list
(require rackunit
(for-syntax racket/base))
;; Takes an expression producing an unknown number of values
;; and wraps them all in a list.
(define-syntax-rule (values->list values-expr)
(call-with-values (λ () values-expr) list))
;; Checks that two expressions (each producing an unknown
;; number of values until evaluated) produce the same number
;; of values, and that the values are equal.
(define-syntax check-values=?
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx []
[(_ actual-expr expected-expr)
(syntax/loc stx
(check/values check-equal? actual-expr expected-expr))])))
(define-syntax check/values
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx []
[(_ check-form actual-expr expected-expr)
(syntax/loc stx
(check-form (vs actual-expr) (vs expected-expr)))])))
;; Takes an expression producing an unknown number of values
;; and wraps them in a "fake-values" structure that can be
;; compared with other fake-values structures for equality,
;; and can be printed to look like a call to `values`.
(define-syntax-rule (vs values-expr)
(fake-values (values->list values-expr)))
;; if make-constructor-style-printer from racket/struct exists,
;; this is it, and otherwise this is a cheap immitation.
(define make-constructor-style-printer
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem?
(λ (e)
(λ (get-head get-elems)
(λ (v out mode)
(define head (get-head v))
(define elems (get-elems v))
(fprintf out "(~a" head)
(for ([elem elems])
(fprintf out " ~v" elem))
(fprintf out ")"))))])
(dynamic-require 'racket/struct 'make-constructor-style-printer)))
(struct fake-values [list]
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(lambda (self) 'values)
(lambda (self) (fake-values-list self))))])

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (submod "../main.rkt" safe))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(module+ test
(check-exn (regexp (string-append
"txexpr.*: contract violation\n"
" *expected: txexpr-tag\\?\n"
" *given: 4\n"
" *in: the 1st argument.*"
" *blaming: .*test/contract-tests.rkt"))
(λ () (txexpr 4)))

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require rackunit "../stx.rkt" "check-values.rkt"
(for-syntax racket/base))
;; Works on fully wrapped, non-wrapped, and partially
;; wrapped values, and it checks that the the inputs
;; are wrapped in all the same places. It checks scopes,
;; but it does not check source location.
(define-binary-check (check-stx=? stx=? actual expected))
(define (stx=? a b)
[(and (identifier? a) (identifier? b))
(bound-identifier=? a b)]
[(and (syntax? a) (syntax? b))
(and (bound-identifier=? (datum->syntax a '||) (datum->syntax b '||))
(stx=? (syntax-e a) (syntax-e b)))]
(equal?/recur a b stx=?)]))
(define-syntax check-values-stx=?
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx []
[(_ actual-expr expected-expr)
(syntax/loc stx
(check/values check-stx=? actual-expr expected-expr))])))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Predicates
(check-pred stx-xexpr? "A leaf on a string")
(check-pred stx-xexpr? #'"A leaf in syntax")
(check-pred stx-xexpr? #'(div))
(check-pred stx-xexpr? #'(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(check-pred stx-xexpr? `(div ((id ,#'"top")) "Hello" ,#'(p "World")))
(check-false (stx-txexpr? "A leaf without a tag"))
(check-pred stx-txexpr? '(div))
(check-pred stx-txexpr? #'(div))
(check-pred stx-txexpr? #'(div ((id "top")) "Hello" (p "World")))
(check-pred stx-txexpr? `(div ((id ,#'"top")) "Hello" ,#'(p "World")))
(check-pred stx-txexpr-tag? 'div)
(check-pred stx-txexpr-tag? #'div)
(check-pred stx-txexpr-tag? 'this-is-something-else)
(check-pred stx-txexpr-tag? #'this-is-something-else)
(check-pred stx-txexpr-attrs? '())
(check-pred stx-txexpr-attrs? #'())
(check-pred stx-txexpr-attrs? '((id "top") (style "color: blue")))
(check-pred stx-txexpr-attrs? #'((id "top") (style "color: blue")))
(check-pred stx-txexpr-attrs? `((id "top") (style ,#'"color: blue")))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Accessors
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values '(p))
(values 'p null null))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values '(p "foo"))
(values 'p null '("foo")))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values '(p ((key "value"))))
(values 'p '((key "value")) null))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo"))
(values 'p '((key "value")) '("foo")))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values #'(p))
(values #'p null null))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values #'(p "foo"))
(values #'p null (list #'"foo")))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values #'(p ((key "value"))))
(values #'p #'((key "value")) null))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values #'(p ((key "value")) "foo"))
(values #'p #'((key "value")) (list #'"foo")))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values `(,#'p))
(values #'p null null))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values `(p ,#'"foo"))
(values 'p null (list #'"foo")))
(check-values-stx=? (stx-txexpr->values `(p ((,#'key "value")) . ,#'("foo")))
(values 'p `((,#'key "value")) (list #'"foo")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-tag '(p ((key "value"))"foo" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-tag #'(p ((key "value"))"foo" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-attrs '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'((key "value")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-attrs #'(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
#'((key "value")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-attrs '(p "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-attrs #'(p "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements '(p "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'("foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements #'(p "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(list #'"foo" #'"bar" #'(em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements '(p ((k "v"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'("foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements #'(p ((k "v"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(list #'"foo" #'"bar" #'(em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements #'(p ((k "v"))"foo" . ("bar" (em "square"))))
(list #'"foo" #'"bar" #'(em "square")))
(check-stx=? (stx-txexpr-elements `(p ((k "v"))"foo" .,#'("bar" (em "square"))))
(list "foo" #'"bar" #'(em "square")))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax syntax/strip-context))
;; use a separate test file to avoid cycle in loading
(define-syntax (test-safe-and-unsafe stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ . exprs)
(with-syntax ([module-without-contracts (generate-temporary)]
[module-with-contracts (generate-temporary)])
(replace-context stx
(module module-without-contracts racket
(require rackunit "../main.rkt" "check-values.rkt")
. exprs)
(require 'module-without-contracts)
(module module-with-contracts racket
(require rackunit (submod "../main.rkt" safe) "check-values.rkt")
. exprs)
(require 'module-with-contracts))))]))
(check-true (txexpr-tag? 'foo))
(check-false (txexpr-tag? "foo"))
(check-false (txexpr-tag? 3))
(check-false (txexpr-tags? 'foo))
(check-true (txexpr-tags? '(foo bar)))
(check-true (txexpr-attr? '(key "value")))
(check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key "value" "another")))
(check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key 0 "value")))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '()))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value"))))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") (foo "bar"))))
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") "foo" "bar"))) ; content, not attr
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(key "value"))) ; not a nested list
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(("key" "value")))) ; two strings
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key value)))) ; two symbols
(check-true (txexpr-element? "string"))
(check-true (txexpr-element? 'amp))
(check-true (txexpr-element? '(p "string")))
(check-true (txexpr-element? 2)) ; a valid-char, but not in v6.0 xml:xexpr?
(check-true (txexpr-element? 65)) ; a valid-char
(check-false (txexpr-element? 0)) ; not a valid-char
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" "123")))
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" 123))) ; includes number
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '(p "foo" "123"))) ; includes symbol
(check-false (txexpr-elements? "foo")) ; not a list
(check-false (txexpr-elements? '(((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))) ; includes attr
(check-false (txexpr-elements? '("foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed
(check-true (txexpr? '(p)))
(check-true (txexpr? '(div 2)))
(check-true (txexpr? '(div (div ((foo "bar")) 2))))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar")))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar")))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p 123))) ; content is a number
(check-false (txexpr? "foo")) ; not a list with symbol
(check-false (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed
(check-false (txexpr? '("p" "foo" "bar"))) ; no name
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar"))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p () "foo" "bar"))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p 123)))) ; content is a valid-char
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr "foo"))) ; not a list with symbol
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value")))))) ; malformed
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '("p" "foo" "bar")))) ; no name
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(root ((id "top")(class 42)))))) ; malformed attrs
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (validate-txexpr `(root ,(void))))) ; invalid element type
(define-syntax (check-validate-exn-msg stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ tx) (syntax/loc stx (check-validate-exn-msg tx ""))]
[(_ tx msg)
(syntax/loc stx
(check-equal? (with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? (λ (e) (exn-message e))])
(validate-txexpr tx)) msg))]))
;; Root element not a list
"validate-txexpr: contract violation\n expected: tagged X-expression\n given: \"foo\"")
;; No name
'("p" "foo" "bar")
"validate-txexpr: tag must be a symbol\n tag: \"p\"\n in: '(\"p\" \"foo\" \"bar\")")
;; Invalid element
'(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value")))
"validate-txexpr: element not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)\n element: '((key \"value\"))\n in: '(p \"foo\" \"bar\" ((key \"value\")))")
;; Malformed attribute list
'(p ((key "val") "foo" "bar") "hi")
"validate-txexpr: attribute is not a list of the form '(symbol \"string\")\n attribute: \"foo\"\n in: '(p ((key \"val\") \"foo\" \"bar\") \"hi\")")
;; Invalid attribute key
'(root ((id "top") (class 42)))
"validate-txexpr: attribute value is not a string\n attribute value: 42\n in: '(root ((id \"top\") (class 42)))")
;; Invalid attribute value
'(root ((id "top") ("class" 42)))
"validate-txexpr: attribute key is not a symbol\n attribute key: \"class\"\n in: '(root ((id \"top\") (\"class\" 42)))")
;; Invalid element type
`(root ,(void))
"validate-txexpr: element not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)\n element: #<void>\n in: '(root #<void>)")
;; (Deeply nested) No name: error should pinpoint element in 'div txexpr
'(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) ("p" "foo" "bar")))
"validate-txexpr: element not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)\n element: '(\"p\" \"foo\" \"bar\")\n in: '(div (br) (\"p\" \"foo\" \"bar\"))")
;; (Deeply nested) Invalid element: error should pinpoint element in 'p txexpr
'(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) (p "foo" "bar" ((key "value")))))
"validate-txexpr: element not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)\n element: '((key \"value\"))\n in: '(p \"foo\" \"bar\" ((key \"value\")))")
;; (Deeply nested) Malformed attribute list: error should pinpoint attr in 'p txexpr
'(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) (p ((key "val") "foo" "bar") "hi")))
"validate-txexpr: attribute is not a list of the form '(symbol \"string\")\n attribute: \"foo\"\n in: '(p ((key \"val\") \"foo\" \"bar\") \"hi\")")
;; (Deeply nested) Invalid attribute key: error should pinpoint attr key in 'p txexpr
'(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) (p ((id "top") (class 42)))))
"validate-txexpr: attribute value is not a string\n attribute value: 42\n in: '(p ((id \"top\") (class 42)))")
;; (Deeply nested) Invalid attribute value: error should pinpoint attr val in 'p txexpr
'(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) (p ((id "top") ("class" 42)))))
"validate-txexpr: attribute key is not a symbol\n attribute key: \"class\"\n in: '(p ((id \"top\") (\"class\" 42)))")
;; (Deeply nested) Invalid element type: error should pinpoint element in 'p txexpr
`(fine-outer [[type "valid"]] (div (br) (p ,(void))))
"validate-txexpr: element not a valid element (= txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, cdata, or comment)\n element: #<void>\n in: '(p #<void>)")
(check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p) '(p))
(check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value"))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p null '("foo" "bar")) '(p "foo" "bar"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value")) (list "foo" "bar"))
'(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p) '(p))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value"))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p null '("foo" "bar")) '(p "foo" "bar"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr 'p '((key "value")) (list "foo" "bar"))
'(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr* 'p) '(p))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr* 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value"))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr* 'p null "foo" "bar") '(p "foo" "bar"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (txexpr* 'p '((key "value")) "foo" "bar")
'(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))
(check-values=? (txexpr->values '(p))
(values 'p null null))
(check-values=? (txexpr->values '(p "foo"))
(values 'p null '("foo")))
(check-values=? (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value"))))
(values 'p '((key "value")) null))
(check-values=? (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo"))
(values 'p '((key "value")) '("foo")))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p)))
(txexpr->list '(p)))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p "foo")))
(txexpr->list '(p "foo")))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")))))
(txexpr->list '(p ((key "value")))))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo")))
(txexpr->list '(p ((key "value")) "foo")))
;; testing the match expander success
(check-match '(p ((key "value")) "leaf")
(txexpr 'p `((key ,val)) (list "leaf"))
(string=? val "value"))
;; testing the match expander failure
(check-false (match '(p ((key "value")) "something")
[(txexpr 'p _ (list "else")) #true]
[_ #false]))
(check-false (match "foo"
[(txexpr _ _ _) #true]
[_ #false]))
(check-equal? (get-tag '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) 'p)
(check-equal? (get-attrs '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) '((key "value")))
(check-equal? (get-elements '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'("foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key "foo") 'foo)
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key 'foo) 'foo)
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key (string->path "foo")) 'foo)
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value "foo") "foo")
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value 'foo) "foo")
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value (string->path "foo")) "foo")
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar"))) '#hasheq((foo . "bar")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar") (foo "fraw"))) '#hasheq((foo . "bar")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash #:hash-style? #t '((foo "bar") (foo "fraw"))) '#hasheq((foo . "fraw")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw")) '#hasheq((foo . "bar")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw") 'foo "dog") '#hasheq((foo . "bar")))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ _ (attrs->hash 'foo "bar" 'zam)))
(check-equal? (sort (hash->attrs '#hash((foo . "bar")(hee . "haw"))) string<? #:key cadr)
(sort '((foo "bar")(hee "haw")) string<? #:key second))
(check-equal? (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo) "bar")
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'zam)))
(check-equal? (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'zam 42) 42)
(check-equal? (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'zam (λ _ (* 6 7))) 42)
(check-equal? (attr-ref '((foo "bar")) 'foo) "bar")
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ _ (attr-ref '((foo "bar")) 'zam)))
(check-equal? (attr-ref '((foo "bar")) 'zam 42) 42)
(check-equal? (attr-ref '((foo "bar")) 'zam (λ _ (* 6 7))) 42)
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-set '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw") '(p ((foo "fraw"))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-set* '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw") '(p ((foo "fraw"))))
(check-true (let ([result (attr-set* '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw" 'zim 'zam)])
(and (member '(foo "fraw") (get-attrs result))
(member '(zim "zam") (get-attrs result)) #t)))
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-join '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "zam") '(p ((foo "bar zam"))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-join '(tx ((foo "bar")) baz (p bin)) 'key 'val)
'(tx ((foo "bar") (key "val")) baz (p bin)))
(check-true (let ([result (attr-join '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'zim "zam")])
(and (member '(foo "bar") (get-attrs result))
(member '(zim "zam") (get-attrs result)) #t)))
(check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) 'color))
(check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) "color"))
(check-false (attrs-have-key? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) 'nonexistent))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "red")(shape "circle")))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "blue")(shape "circle")))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((shape "circle")(color "red")))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "red")))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "red")(shape "circle"))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "blue")(shape "circle"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((shape "circle")(color "red"))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "red"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '((foo "bar")(foo "zam")(zing "zong"))
'((foo "zam")(zing "zong")(foo "bar"))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '((foo "bar")(foo "zam")(zing "zong"))
'((foo "different")(zing "zong")(foo "bar"))))
(define-simple-check (check-attrs-equal? attrs1 attrs2) (attrs-equal? attrs1 attrs2))
(check-attrs-equal? '((foo "bar")(foo "zam")) '((foo "zam")(foo "bar")))
(check-txexprs-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi")) '(p "hi"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi" (p ((foo "bar")) "hi"))) '(p "hi" (p "hi")))
(check-txexprs-equal? (map-elements (λ (x) (if (string? x) "boing" x))
'(p ((id "zam")) "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'(p ((id "zam")) "boing" "boing" (em "boing")))
(check-equal? (attr-set '(p) 'foo "zim") '(p ((foo "zim"))))
(check-equal? (attr-set '(p ((foo "bar")(foo "zam"))) 'foo "zim") '(p ((foo "zim"))))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ _ (attr-set* '(p) 'foo "bar" 'zam)))
(define split-this-tx '(root (meta "foo" "bar") "hello" "world" (meta "foo2" "bar2")
(em "goodnight" "moon" (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(define split-predicate (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (eq? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(check-txexprs-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate)) list)
(list '(root "hello" "world" (em "goodnight" "moon")) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(define split-proc (λ (x) '(div "foo")))
(check-txexprs-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate split-proc)) list)
(list '(root (div "foo") "hello" "world" (div "foo") (em "goodnight" "moon" (div "foo"))) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(define false-pred (λ (x) (and (txexpr? x) (eq? 'nonexistent-tag (get-tag x)))))
(check-equal? (findf*-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3")))
(check-false (findf*-txexpr split-this-tx false-pred))
(check-equal? (findf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate) '(meta "foo" "bar"))
(check-false (findf-txexpr split-this-tx false-pred))
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root (script "3 > 2") "Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root><script>3 > 2</script>Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>")
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root (div "<![CDATA[3 > 2]]>") "Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root><div><![CDATA[3 > 2]]></div>Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>")
;; comment
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root "<!-- comment -->" "Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root><!-- comment -->Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>")
;; malformed comment: merged with next string
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root "<!-- comment -->Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root>&lt;!-- comment --&gt;Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>")
;; malformed comment: missing double hyphen at end
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root "<!-- comment ->" "Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root>&lt;!-- comment -&gt;Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>"))

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax))
(define-syntax (eval-as-untyped stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ exprs ...)
(with-syntax ([sym (generate-temporary)])
(module sym racket
(require rackunit (submod txexpr safe))
exprs ...)
(require 'sym)))]))
(define-syntax (eval-as-typed stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ exprs ...)
(with-syntax ([sym (generate-temporary)])
(module sym typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit typed/txexpr)
exprs ...)
(require 'sym)))]))
(define-syntax-rule (eval-as-typed-and-untyped exprs ...)
(eval-as-typed exprs ...)
(eval-as-untyped exprs ...)))
(define-syntax (values->list stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ values-expr) #'(call-with-values (λ () values-expr) list)]))
(check-true (txexpr-tag? 'foo))
(check-false (txexpr-tag? "foo"))
(check-false (txexpr-tag? 3))
(check-false (txexpr-tags? 'foo))
(check-true (txexpr-tags? '(foo bar)))
(check-true (txexpr-attr? '(key "value")))
(check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key "value" "another")))
(check-false (txexpr-attr? '(key 0 "value")))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '()))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value"))))
(check-true (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") (foo "bar"))))
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key "value") "foo" "bar"))) ; content, not attr
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(key "value"))) ; not a nested list
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '(("key" "value")))) ; two strings
(check-false (txexpr-attrs? '((key value)))) ; two symbols
(check-true (txexpr-element? "string"))
(check-true (txexpr-element? 'amp))
(check-true (txexpr-element? '(p "string")))
(check-true (txexpr-element? 65)) ;; a valid-char
(check-false (txexpr-element? 0)) ;; not a valid-char
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" "123")))
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '("p" "foo" 123))) ; includes number
(check-true (txexpr-elements? '(p "foo" "123"))) ; includes symbol
(check-false (txexpr-elements? "foo")) ; not a list
(check-false (txexpr-elements? '(((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))) ; includes attr
(check-false (txexpr-elements? '("foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed
(check-true (txexpr? '(p)))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar")))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar")))
(check-true (txexpr? '(p 123))) ; content is a number
(check-false (txexpr? "foo")) ; not a list with symbol
(check-false (txexpr? '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value"))))) ; malformed
(check-false (txexpr? '("p" "foo" "bar"))) ; no name
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar"))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))))
(check-not-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p 123)))) ; content is a valid-char
;(check-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr "foo"))) ; not a list with symbol
;(check-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '(p "foo" "bar" ((key "value")))))) ; malformed
;(check-exn (λ _ (validate-txexpr '("p" "foo" "bar")))) ; no name
(check-equal? (make-txexpr 'p) '(p))
(check-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value"))) '(p ((key "value"))))
(check-equal? (make-txexpr 'p null '("foo" "bar")) '(p "foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (make-txexpr 'p '((key "value")) (list "foo" "bar"))
'(p ((key "value")) "foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p)))
(values->list (values 'p null null)))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p "foo")))
(values->list (values 'p null '("foo"))))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")))))
(values->list (values 'p '((key "value")) null)))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo")))
(values->list (values 'p '((key "value")) '("foo"))))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p)))
(txexpr->list '(p)))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p "foo")))
(txexpr->list '(p "foo")))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")))))
(txexpr->list '(p ((key "value")))))
(check-equal? (values->list (txexpr->values '(p ((key "value")) "foo")))
(txexpr->list '(p ((key "value")) "foo")))
(check-equal? (get-tag '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) 'p)
(check-equal? (get-attrs '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square"))) '((key "value")))
(check-equal? (get-elements '(p ((key "value"))"foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'("foo" "bar" (em "square")))
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key "foo") 'foo)
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-key 'foo) 'foo)
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value "foo") "foo")
(check-equal? (->txexpr-attr-value 'foo) "foo")
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar"))) '#hash((foo . "bar")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw")) '#hash((foo . "fraw")))
(check-equal? (attrs->hash '((foo "bar")) '(foo "fraw") 'foo "dog") '#hash((foo . "dog")))
(check-equal? (hash->attrs '#hash((foo . "bar")(hee . "haw"))) '((foo "bar")(hee "haw")))
(check-equal? (attr-ref '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo) "bar")
(check-equal? (attr-set '(p ((foo "bar"))) 'foo "fraw") '(p ((foo "fraw"))))
(check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) 'color))
(check-true (attrs-have-key? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle"))) "color"))
(check-false (attrs-have-key? '((color "red")(shape "circle")) 'nonexistent))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "red")(shape "circle")))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "blue")(shape "circle")))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((shape "circle")(color "red")))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '(p ((color "red")(shape "circle")))
'(foo ((color "red")))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "red")(shape "circle"))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "blue")(shape "circle"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((shape "circle")(color "red"))))
(check-false (attrs-equal? '((color "red")(shape "circle"))
'((color "red"))))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs 'foo "bar") '((foo "bar")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs '(foo "bar")) '((foo "bar")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar"))) '((foo "bar")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" 'bar) '((foo "bar")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") "hee" "haw")
'((foo "bar")(goo "gar")(hee "haw")))
(check-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")) "foo" "haw") '((foo "haw")(goo "gar")))
(check-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi")) '(p "hi"))
(check-equal? (remove-attrs '(p ((foo "bar")) "hi" (p ((foo "bar")) "hi"))) '(p "hi" (p "hi")))
(check-equal? (map-elements (λ(x) (if (string? x) "boing" x))
'(p "foo" "bar" (em "square")))
'(p "boing" "boing" (em "boing")))
(check-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'foo) '("bar" "zam" "zam"))
(check-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'nonexistent-key) '())
(define split-this-tx '(root (meta "foo" "bar") "hello" "world" (meta "foo2" "bar2")
(em "goodnight" "moon" (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(define split-predicate (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (car x)))))
(check-equal? (call-with-values (λ() (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate)) list)
(list '(root "hello" "world" (em "goodnight" "moon")) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(define split-proc (λ(x) '(div "foo")))
(check-equal? (call-with-values (λ() (splitf-txexpr split-this-tx split-predicate split-proc)) list)
(list '(root (div "foo") "hello" "world" (div "foo") (em "goodnight" "moon" (div "foo"))) '((meta "foo" "bar") (meta "foo2" "bar2") (meta "foo3" "bar3"))))
(check-equal? (xexpr->html '(root (script "3 > 2") "Why is 3 > 2?"))
"<root><script><![CDATA[3 > 2]]></script>Why is 3 &gt; 2?</root>"))

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "../main.rkt" sugar/define)
(module+ test
(require rackunit "../main.rkt"))
(define+provide+safe (attr-ref* tx key)
(txexpr? can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-values?)
(define results empty)
(let loop ([tx tx])
(when (and (txexpr? tx) (attrs-have-key? tx key) (attr-ref tx key))
(set! results (cons (attr-ref tx key) results))
(map loop (get-elements tx))
(reverse results))
(module+ test
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'foo) '("bar" "zam" "zam"))
(check-txexprs-equal? (attr-ref* '(root ((foo "bar")) "hello" "world" (meta ((foo "zam")) "bar2")
(em ((foo "zam")) "goodnight" "moon")) 'nonexistent-key) '()))
;; convert list of alternating keys & values to attr
;; with override behavior (using hash)
(define+provide+safe (merge-attrs . items)
(() #:rest list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? . ->* . txexpr-attrs?)
(hash->attrs (apply (λ xs (attrs->hash #:hash-style? #t xs)) items)))
(module+ test
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs 'foo "bar") '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '(foo "bar")) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar"))) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" 'bar) '((foo "bar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") '((foo "bar")(goo "gar"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs (merge-attrs "foo" "bar" "goo" "gar") "hee" "haw")
'((foo "bar")(goo "gar")(hee "haw"))))
(check-true (attrs-equal? (merge-attrs '((foo "bar")(goo "gar")) "foo" "haw") '((foo "haw")(goo "gar")))))

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(require "txexpr/main.rkt")
(provide (all-from-out "txexpr/main.rkt"))

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base) racket/match typed/sugar/define)
(provide (all-defined-out))
; Section 2.2 of XML 1.1
; (XML 1.0 is slightly different and more restrictive)
(define/typed (valid-char? i)
(Any -> Boolean)
(and (exact-nonnegative-integer? i)
(or (<= #x1 i #xD7FF)
(<= #xE000 i #xFFFD)
(<= #x10000 i #x10FFFF))))
[#:struct location ([line : (Option Natural)]
[char : (Option Natural)]
[offset : Natural])]
[#:struct source ([start : (U location Symbol #f)]
[stop : (U location Symbol #f)])]
[#:struct (cdata source) ([string : String])]
[#:struct comment ([text : String])]
[#:struct (p-i source) ([target-name : Symbol]
[instruction : String])]
[xexpr->string (Xexpr -> String)])
(provide (all-from-out xml) cdata? xexpr->string)
(define-type Valid-Char Natural) ;; overinclusive but that's as good as it gets
(define-type Txexpr-Tag Symbol)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Key Symbol)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Value String)
(define-type Txexpr-Attr (List Txexpr-Attr-Key Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define-predicate Txexpr-Attr? Txexpr-Attr)
(define-type Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key (U Symbol String))
(define-type Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value (U Symbol String))
(define-type Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Txexpr-Attr))
(define-type Txexpr-Attr-Hash (HashTable Txexpr-Attr-Key Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define-type Txexpr-Element Xexpr)
(define-type Txexpr-Elements (Listof Txexpr-Element))
(define-type Txexpr-Full (List* Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Xexpr)))
(define-type Txexpr-Short (Pairof Txexpr-Tag (Listof Xexpr)))
(define-type Txexpr (U Txexpr-Full Txexpr-Short))
(define-type Xexpr (Rec X
(U String
(List* Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs (Listof X))
(Pairof Txexpr-Tag (Listof X))
(define-predicate xexpr? Xexpr)
(define-predicate txexpr? Txexpr)
(define-predicate txexpr-short? Txexpr-Short)
(define-predicate txexpr-tag? Txexpr-Tag)
(define-predicate txexpr-tags? (Listof Txexpr-Tag))
(define-predicate txexpr-attr? Txexpr-Attr)
(define-predicate txexpr-attrs? Txexpr-Attrs)
(define-predicate Valid-Char? Valid-Char)
(define/typed (txexpr-element? x)
(Any -> Boolean)
(if (xexpr? x)
(if (Valid-Char? x) (valid-char? x) #t)
(define-predicate txexpr-elements? (Listof Xexpr))
(define-predicate txexpr-attr-key? Txexpr-Attr-Key)
(define-predicate txexpr-attr-value? Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(define-predicate txexpr-attr-values? (Listof Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define-predicate can-be-txexpr-attr-key? Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key)
(define-predicate can-be-txexpr-attr-value? Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(define-predicate can-be-txexpr-attr? (List Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define-type Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr (U Txexpr-Attr Txexpr-Attrs Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define-predicate can-be-txexpr-attrs? Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr)
(define-predicate list-of-can-be-txexpr-attrs? (Listof Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr))

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax typed/racket/base) typed/sugar/define)
(require racket/match racket/string racket/list racket/bool "core-predicates.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out) (all-from-out "core-predicates.rkt"))
(require typed/sugar/debug)
(define/typed (validate-txexpr-attrs x #:context [txexpr-context #f])
(Txexpr-Attrs [#:context Any] -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(define/typed (make-reason)
(-> String)
(if (not (list? x))
(format "because ~v is not a list" x)
(let ([bad-attrs (filter (λ(i) (not (txexpr-attr? i))) x)])
(format "because ~a ~a" (string-join (map (λ(ba) (format "~v" ba)) bad-attrs) " and ") (if (> (length bad-attrs) 1)
"are not valid attributes"
"is not in the form '(symbol \"string\")")))))
[(and (list? x) (> (length x) 0) (andmap txexpr-attr? x)) x]
[else (error (string-append "validate-txexpr-attrs: "
(if txexpr-context (format "in ~v, " txexpr-context) "")
(format "~v is not a valid list of attributes ~a" x (make-reason))))]))
(define/typed (validate-txexpr-element x #:context [txexpr-context #f])
(Txexpr-Element [#:context Any] -> Txexpr-Element)
[(or (string? x) (txexpr? x) (symbol? x)
(valid-char? x) (cdata? x)) x]
[else (error (string-append "validate-txexpr-element: "
(if txexpr-context (format "in ~v, " txexpr-context) "")
(format "~v is not a valid element (must be txexpr, string, symbol, XML char, or cdata)" x)))]))
;; is it a named x-expression?
;; todo: rewrite this recurively so errors can be pinpointed (for debugging)
(define/typed (validate-txexpr x)
(Any -> (Option Txexpr))
(define-syntax-rule (validate-txexpr-attrs-with-context e) (validate-txexpr-attrs e #:context x))
(define-syntax-rule (validate-txexpr-element-with-context e) (validate-txexpr-element e #:context x))
[(txexpr-short? x) x]
[(txexpr? x) (and
(validate-txexpr-attrs-with-context (get-attrs x))
(andmap (λ:([e : Txexpr-Element]) (validate-txexpr-element-with-context e)) (get-elements x)) x)]
[else (error 'validate-txexpr (format "~v is not a list starting with a symbol" x))]))
(define/typed make-txexpr
(case-> (Symbol -> Txexpr)
(Symbol Txexpr-Attrs -> Txexpr)
(Symbol Txexpr-Attrs (Listof Txexpr-Element) -> Txexpr))
[(tag) (make-txexpr tag null null)]
[(tag attrs) (make-txexpr tag attrs null)]
[(tag attrs elements)
(define result (cons tag (append (if (empty? attrs) empty (list attrs)) elements)))
(if (txexpr? result)
(error 'make-txexpr "This can't happen"))]))
(define/typed (txexpr->values x)
(Txexpr -> (values Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr-Elements))
(if (txexpr-short? x)
(values (car x) '() (cdr x))
(values (car x) (cadr x) (cddr x))))
(define/typed (txexpr->list x)
(Txexpr -> (List Txexpr-Tag Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr-Elements))
(define-values (tag attrs content) (txexpr->values x))
(list tag attrs content))
;; convenience functions to retrieve only one part of txexpr
(define/typed (get-tag x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Tag)
(car x))
(define/typed (get-attrs x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(define-values (tag attrs content) (txexpr->values x))
(define/typed (get-elements x)
(Txexpr -> Txexpr-Elements)
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
;; helpers. we are getting a string or symbol
(define/typed (->txexpr-attr-key x)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Txexpr-Attr-Key)
(if (string? x) (string->symbol x) x))
(define/typed (->txexpr-attr-value x)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value -> Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(->string x))
(define/typed (->string x)
((U Symbol String) -> String)
(if (symbol? x) (symbol->string x) x))
(define/typed (attrs->hash . items-in)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr * -> Txexpr-Attr-Hash)
;; can be liberal with input because they're all just nested key/value pairs
;; but still need this function to make sure that 'foo and "foo" are treated as the same hash key
(define items (reverse
(for/fold: ([items : (Listof (U Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value)) null])
([i (in-list items-in)])
[(txexpr-attr? i) (append (reverse i) items)]
[(txexpr-attrs? i) (append (append* (map (λ:([a : Txexpr-Attr]) (reverse a)) i)) items)]
[else (cons i items)]))))
(define/typed (make-key-value-list items)
((Listof (U Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value)) -> (Listof (Pairof Txexpr-Attr-Key Txexpr-Attr-Value)))
(if (< (length items) 2)
(let ([key (->txexpr-attr-key (car items))]
[value (->txexpr-attr-value (cadr items))]
[rest (cddr items)])
(cons (cons key value) (make-key-value-list rest)))))
(make-immutable-hash (make-key-value-list items)))
(define/typed (hash->attrs attr-hash)
(Txexpr-Attr-Hash -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(map (λ:([k : Txexpr-Attr-Key]) (list k (hash-ref attr-hash k))) (hash-keys attr-hash)))
(define/typed (attrs-have-key? x key)
((U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Boolean)
(define attrs (if (txexpr-attrs? x) x (get-attrs x)))
(hash-has-key? (attrs->hash attrs) (->txexpr-attr-key key)))
(define/typed (attrs-equal? x1 x2)
((U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) (U Txexpr-Attrs Txexpr) -> Boolean)
(define attrs-tx1 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x1) x1 (get-attrs x1))))
(define attrs-tx2 (attrs->hash (if (txexpr-attrs? x2) x2 (get-attrs x2))))
(= (length (hash-keys attrs-tx1)) (length (hash-keys attrs-tx2)))
(for/and ([(key value) (in-hash attrs-tx1)])
(equal? (hash-ref attrs-tx2 key) value))))
(define/typed (attr-set tx key value)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Value -> Txexpr)
(define new-attrs
(hash->attrs (hash-set (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx)) (->txexpr-attr-key key) (->txexpr-attr-value value))))
(make-txexpr (get-tag tx) new-attrs (get-elements tx)))
(define/typed (attr-ref tx key)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> Txexpr-Attr-Value)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e) (error (format "attr-ref: no value found for key ~v" key)))])
(hash-ref (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx)) (->txexpr-attr-key key))))
(define/typed (attr-ref* tx key)
(Txexpr Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr-Key -> (Listof Txexpr-Attr-Value))
(define: results : (Listof Txexpr-Attr-Value) empty)
(let: loop : Void ([tx : Xexpr tx])
(when (and (txexpr? tx) (attrs-have-key? tx key) (attr-ref tx key))
(set! results (cons (attr-ref tx key) results))
(map (λ:([e : Txexpr-Element]) (loop e)) (get-elements tx))
(reverse results))
;; convert list of alternating keys & values to attr
(define/typed (merge-attrs . items)
(Can-Be-Txexpr-Attr * -> Txexpr-Attrs)
(define attrs-hash (apply attrs->hash items))
;; sort needed for predictable results for unit tests
(define sorted-hash-keys (sort (hash-keys attrs-hash) (λ:([a : Txexpr-Tag][b : Txexpr-Tag]) (string<? (->string a) (->string b)))))
`(,@(map (λ:([key : Txexpr-Tag]) (list key (hash-ref attrs-hash key))) sorted-hash-keys)))
(define/typed (remove-attrs x)
(Xexpr -> Xexpr)
(if (txexpr? x)
(let-values ([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag null (map remove-attrs elements)))
(define/typed (map-elements/exclude proc x exclude-test)
((Xexpr -> Xexpr) Xexpr (Xexpr -> Boolean) -> Xexpr)
[(txexpr? x)
(if (exclude-test x)
(let-values ([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag attr
(map (λ:([x : Xexpr])(map-elements/exclude proc x exclude-test)) elements))))]
;; externally the function only accepts txexpr,
;; but internally we don't care
[else (proc x)]))
(define/typed (map-elements proc x)
((Xexpr -> Xexpr) Xexpr -> Xexpr)
(map-elements/exclude proc x (λ(x) #f)))
;; function to split tag out of txexpr
(define deleted-signal (gensym))
(define/typed splitf-txexpr
(case-> (Txexpr (Xexpr -> Boolean) -> (values Txexpr Txexpr-Elements))
(Txexpr (Xexpr -> Boolean) (Xexpr -> Xexpr) -> (values Txexpr Txexpr-Elements)))
[(tx pred) (splitf-txexpr tx pred (λ:([x : Xexpr]) deleted-signal))]
[(tx pred proc)
(define: matches : Txexpr-Elements null)
(define/typed (do-extraction x)
(Xexpr -> Xexpr)
[(pred x) (begin ; store matched item and return processed value
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(proc x))]
[(txexpr? x) (let-values([(tag attr elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(make-txexpr tag attr (filter (λ:([e : Xexpr]) (not (equal? e deleted-signal))) (map do-extraction elements))))]
[else x]))
(define: tx-extracted : Xexpr (do-extraction tx)) ;; do this first to fill matches
(values (if (txexpr? tx-extracted)
(error 'splitf-txexpr "Can't get here")) (reverse matches))]))
(define/typed (xexpr->html x)
(Xexpr -> String)
(define/typed (->cdata x)
(Xexpr -> Xexpr)
[(cdata? x) x]
[(string? x) (cdata #f #f (format "<![CDATA[~a]]>" x))]
[else x]))
(xexpr->string (let: loop : Xexpr ([x : Xexpr x])
[(txexpr? x) (if (member (get-tag x) '(script style))
(make-txexpr (get-tag x) (get-attrs x) (map ->cdata (get-elements x)))
(make-txexpr (get-tag x) (get-attrs x) (map loop (get-elements x))))]
[else x]))))