truly minor

Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 55cacd5429
commit c364b40bac

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
(require sugar/define sugar/coerce sugar/list racket/string racket/list xml)
(require sugar/define racket/string racket/list xml)
(provide cdata? cdata valid-char? xexpr->string xexpr?) ; from xml
(provide empty) ; from racket/list
@ -20,19 +20,18 @@
(define+provide+safe (txexpr? x [short-only #f])
(define short 'short)
(and (pair? x)
(txexpr-tag? (car x))
(let ([result (or (and (empty? (cdr x)) short)
(let ([result (or (and (empty? (cdr x)) 'short)
;; separate the my-xexpr? tail match from the rest.
;; as a recursive operation, it's potentially time-consuming.
(and (andmap my-xexpr? (cddr x))
[(txexpr-attrs? (cadr x)) #t]
[(my-xexpr? (cadr x)) short]
[(my-xexpr? (cadr x)) 'short]
[else #f])))])
(and result (if short-only
(eq? result short)
(eq? result 'short)
@ -50,8 +49,8 @@
(and (list? x)
(= 2 (length x))
(symbol? (car x))
(string? (cadr x))))
(txexpr-attr-key? (first x))
(txexpr-attr-value? (second x))))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr-element? x)
@ -207,12 +206,18 @@
;; helpers. we are getting a string or symbol
(define+provide+safe (->txexpr-attr-key x)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-key? . -> . txexpr-attr-key?)
(->symbol x))
[(symbol? x) x]
[(string? x) (string->symbol x)]
[else (raise-argument-error '->txexpr-attr-key "can-be-txexpr-attr-key?" x)]))
(define+provide+safe (->txexpr-attr-value x)
(can-be-txexpr-attr-value? . -> . txexpr-attr-value?)
(->string x))
[(string? x) x]
[(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
[else (raise-argument-error '->txexpr-attr-value "can-be-txexpr-attr-value?" x)]))
(define identity (λ (x) x))
@ -222,17 +227,21 @@
;; but still need this function to make sure that 'foo and "foo" are treated as the same hash key
(define items (flatten items-in))
(unless (even? (length items))
(raise-argument-error 'attrs->hash "even number of arguments" items-in))
(raise-argument-error 'attrs->hash "argument list of even length" (length items-in)))
;; hasheq loop will overwrite earlier values with later.
;; but earlier attributes need priority (see
;; thus reverse the pairs.
;; priority-inverted will defeat this assumption, and allow later attributes to overwrite earlier.
(for/hasheq ([sublist (in-list ((if hash-style-priority
reverse) (slice-at items 2)))])
(let ([key (->txexpr-attr-key (first sublist))]
[value (->txexpr-attr-value (second sublist))])
(values key value))))
reverse) (for/list (#:when (pair? items)
[(k ki) (in-indexed items)]
[v (in-list (cdr items))]
#:when (even? ki))
(list k v))))])
(let ([key (first sublist)]
[value (second sublist)])
(values (->txexpr-attr-key key) (->txexpr-attr-value value)))))
(define+provide+safe (hash->attrs attr-hash)
@ -262,7 +271,13 @@
(apply hash-set* (attrs->hash (get-attrs tx))
(append-map (λ (sublist)
(list (->txexpr-attr-key (first sublist))
(->txexpr-attr-value (second sublist)))) (slice-at kvs 2)))))
(->txexpr-attr-value (second sublist))))
(let ([items kvs])
(for/list (#:when (pair? items)
[(k ki) (in-indexed items)]
[v (in-list (cdr items))]
#:when (even? ki))
(list k v)))))))
(txexpr-base 'attr-set* (get-tag tx) new-attrs (get-elements tx)))
@ -271,7 +286,7 @@
(define starting-values (string-split (if (attrs-have-key? tx key)
(attr-ref tx key)
(attr-set tx key (string-join `(,@starting-values ,value) " ")))
(attr-set tx key (string-join (append starting-values (list value)) " ")))
(define+provide+safe (attr-ref tx key [failure-result (λ _ (raise (make-exn:fail:contract (format "attr-ref: no value found for key ~v" key) (current-continuation-marks))))])
@ -308,16 +323,16 @@
(unless (txexpr? tx)
(raise-argument-error 'splitf-txexpr "txexpr?" tx))
(define matches null)
(define (do-extraction x)
(define (extract! x)
[(pred x) ;; store matched item and return processed value
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(proc x)]
[(txexpr? x) (let-values([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)])
(txexpr tag attrs (filter (λ (e) (not (eq? e deleted-signal)))
(map do-extraction elements))))]
(map extract! elements))))]
[else x]))
(define tx-extracted (do-extraction tx)) ;; do this first to fill matches
(define tx-extracted (extract! tx)) ;; do this first to fill matches
(values tx-extracted (reverse matches)))
