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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base) syntax/define)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-syntax-rule (require+provide/safe modname ...)
(require modname)
(provide (all-from-out modname))
(module+ safe
(require (submod modname safe))
(provide (all-from-out (submod modname safe))))) ...))
;; convert calling pattern to form (id contract body-exp)
;; hoist contract out of lambda-exp entirely
(define-syntax-rule (lambdafy-with-contract stx)
(with-syntax ([(id (lambda args contract body-exp (... ...))) (let*-values ([(id-stx rhs-exp-stx) (normalize-definition stx (datum->syntax stx 'λ) #t #t)])
(list id-stx (syntax->list rhs-exp-stx)))])
;; lambda-exp = #'(lambda args body-exp (... ...))
#'(id contract (lambda args body-exp (... ...)))))
;; convert calling pattern to form (id body-exp)
(define-syntax-rule (lambdafy stx)
(with-syntax ([(id lambda-exp) (let-values ([(id-stx body-exp-stx) (normalize-definition stx (datum->syntax stx 'λ) #t #t)])
(list id-stx body-exp-stx))])
#'(id lambda-exp)))