#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/path-spec racket/private/increader compiler/cm-accomplice racket/match racket/function) "../define.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit) (module include-test racket/base (require sugar/include) (include-without-lang-line "source.rkt") (provide included-symbol)) (require 'include-test) (check-equal? included-symbol 'bar) (module no-lang-line-include-test racket/base (require sugar/include) (include-without-lang-line "no-lang-line-source.txt") (provide no-lang-symbol)) (require 'no-lang-line-include-test) (check-equal? no-lang-symbol 'bar)) (provide+safe include-without-lang-line) (define-syntax (do-include stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ orig-stx ctx loc fn reader) ;; Parse the file name (let ([orig-c-file (resolve-path-spec (syntax fn) (syntax loc) (syntax orig-stx))] [ctx (syntax ctx)] [loc (syntax loc)] [reader (syntax reader)] [orig-stx (syntax orig-stx)] [rkt->ss (lambda (p) (let ([b (path->bytes p)]) (if (regexp-match? #rx#"[.]rkt$" b) (path-replace-suffix p #".ss") p)))]) (let ([c-file (if (file-exists? orig-c-file) orig-c-file (let ([p2 (rkt->ss orig-c-file)]) (if (file-exists? p2) p2 orig-c-file)))]) (register-external-file c-file) (let ([read-syntax (if (syntax-e reader) (reader-val (let loop ([e (syntax->datum (local-expand reader 'expression null))]) (cond [(reader? e) e] [(pair? e) (or (loop (car e)) (loop (cdr e)))] [else #f]))) (lambda (src in) (parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t]) (read-syntax src in))))]) (unless (and (procedure? read-syntax) (procedure-arity-includes? read-syntax 2)) (raise-syntax-error #f "reader is not a procedure of two arguments" orig-stx)) ;; Open the included file (let ([p (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) (raise-syntax-error #f (format "can't open include file (~a)" (if (exn? exn) (exn-message exn) exn)) orig-stx c-file))]) (open-input-file c-file))]) (port-count-lines! p) ;; Read expressions from file (let ([content (let loop () (let ([r (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) (close-input-port p) (raise-syntax-error #f (format "read error (~a)" (if (exn? exn) (exn-message exn) exn)) orig-stx))]) (read-syntax c-file p))]) (if (eof-object? r) null (cons r (loop)))))]) ;; Here's where we'll separate the content of the file from the #lang line. ;; the resulting material will be stored in 'content-guts'. ;; 'content' is a list of syntax objects from the source file. ;; Each object corresponds to a top-level expression in the file, converted to syntax. ;; If the file has a #lang line, there's only one expression (because the #lang expands to a single `module` form). ;; If it doesn't, then there are an indefinite number of expressions. ;; So we'll handle both types with a match. (define content-guts (cond [(not (null? content)) (define content-syntax (car content)) ; save the first syntax object (its context will be needed momentarily) ;; peel the wrapper off the file. it will come in like so ;; (module foo whatever/lang (#%module-begin expr ...)) ;; the guts are the (expr ...). To get them, we want the cdr of the fourth element. (define fourth cadddr) ; we don't have `fourth` in the syntax environment. ;; get the guts and package them back into a syntax object using the saved content-syntax as context. (define guts-data (match (map syntax->datum content) [(list (list 'module modname lang (list '#%module-begin exprs ...))) exprs] [(list exprs ...) exprs])) (map (curry datum->syntax content-syntax) guts-data)] [else null])) (close-input-port p) ;; Preserve src info for content, but set its ;; lexical context to be that of the include expression (let ([lexed-content (let loop ([content content-guts]) ;; start with the new content-guts (cond [(pair? content) (cons (loop (car content)) (loop (cdr content)))] [(null? content) null] [else (let ([v (syntax-e content)]) (datum->syntax ctx (cond [(pair? v) (loop v)] [(vector? v) (list->vector (loop (vector->list v)))] [(box? v) (box (loop (unbox v)))] [else v]) content content))]))]) * (datum->syntax (quote-syntax here) `(begin ,@lexed-content) orig-stx)))))))])) (define-syntax (include-without-lang-line stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ fn) (with-syntax ([_stx stx]) (syntax/loc stx (do-include _stx _stx _stx fn #f)))]))