#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/eval (for-label racket sugar)) @(define my-eval (make-base-eval)) @(my-eval `(require sugar)) @title{Debug} @defmodule[sugar/debug] Debugging utilities. @defform*[((report expr) (report expr maybe-name))] Print the name and value of @racket[_expr] to @racket[current-error-port], but also return the evaluated result of @racket[_expr] as usual. This lets you see the value of an expression or variable at runtime without disrupting any of the surrounding code. Optionally, you can use @racket[_maybe-name] to change the name shown in @racket[current-error-port]. For instance, suppose you wanted to see how @racket[first-condition?] was being evaluted in this expression: @racketblock[ (if (and (first-condition? x) (second-condition? x)) (one-thing) (other-thing))] You can wrap it in @racket[report] and find out: @racketblock[ (if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x)) (one-thing) (other-thing))] This code will run the same way as before. But when it reaches @racket[first-condition?], you willl see in @racket[current-error-port]: @racketerror{(first-condition? x) = #t} You can also add standalone calls to @racket[report] as a debugging aid at points where the return value will be irrelevant, for instance: @racketblock[ (report x x-before-function) (if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x)) (one-thing) (other-thing))] @racketerror{x-before-function = 42 @(linebreak)(first-condition? x) = #t} But be careful — in the example below, the result of the @racket[if] expression will be skipped in favor of the last expression, which will be the value of @racket[_x]: @racketblock[ (if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x)) (one-thing) (other-thing)) (report x)] @defform[(report* expr ...)] Applies @racket[report] separately to each @racket[_expr] in the list. @defform[(repeat num expr ...)] Evaluates @racket[_expr] repeatedly — @racket[_num] times, in fact — and returns the last value. @examples[#:eval my-eval (repeat 1000 (for/sum ([i (in-range 1000)]) i)) ] @defform[(time-repeat num expr ...)] Shorthand for using @racket[time] with @racket[repeat]. Repeats the whole list of expressions, prints the total time, and returns the last value. @examples[#:eval my-eval (time-repeat 1000 (for/product ([i (in-range 1000)]) i) (for/sum ([i (in-range 1000)]) i)) ] @defform[(time-repeat* num expr ...)] Applies @racket[time-repeat] to each @racket[_expr] individually. @examples[#:eval my-eval (time-repeat* 1000 (for/product ([i (in-range 1000)]) i) (for/sum ([i (in-range 1000)]) i)) ]