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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require "define.rkt")
11 years ago
(define+provide/contract (bytecount->string bytecount)
(integer? . -> . string?)
(define (format-with-threshold threshold suffix)
;; upconvert by factor of 100 to get two digits after decimal
(format "~a ~a" (exact->inexact (/ (round ((* bytecount 100) . / . threshold)) 100)) suffix))
(define threshold-kilobyte 1000)
(define threshold-megabyte (threshold-kilobyte . * . threshold-kilobyte))
(define threshold-gigabyte (threshold-megabyte . * . threshold-kilobyte))
(define threshold-terabyte (threshold-gigabyte . * . threshold-kilobyte))
[(bytecount . >= . threshold-terabyte) (format-with-threshold threshold-terabyte "TB")]
[(bytecount . >= . threshold-gigabyte) (format-with-threshold threshold-gigabyte "GB")]
[(bytecount . >= . threshold-megabyte) (format-with-threshold threshold-megabyte "MB")]
[(bytecount . >= . threshold-kilobyte) (format-with-threshold threshold-kilobyte "KB")]
[else (format "~a bytes" bytecount)]))