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#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; editability can't be handled as pure css because firefox requires extra content-editable attribute.
; does it still? todo: further research, maybe this can be css only.
(define (editable . stuff)
(define editable-string (make-css-editable))
`(div ((style ,editable-string)(contenteditable "true")) ,@stuff))
(define (make-css-editable)
(join-css-strings (list "user-modify: read-write"
"-moz-user-modify: read-write"
"-webkit-user-modify: read-write-plaintext-only"
"outline-style: none")))
(define (make-media-query starting-size ending-size max-width interval)
(string-join (cons (format "@media all {html {font-size: ~apx;}}" starting-size)
(for/list ([size (in-range starting-size (sub1 ending-size) -1)])
(format "@media all and (max-width:~apx){html {font-size: ~apx;}}"
(- max-width (* interval (- starting-size size))) size))) "\n"))
(module+ main
(display (make-media-query 15 11 980 60)))