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#lang racket/base
(require racket/syntax syntax/strip-context)
(require (only-in scribble/reader make-at-reader) pollen/world pollen/project racket/list)
(provide define+provide-reader-in-mode (all-from-out pollen/world))
(define (make-custom-read custom-read-syntax-proc)
(λ(p) (syntax->datum (custom-read-syntax-proc (object-name p) p))))
(define (split-metas tree)
(define (meta-matcher x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) (world:current-define-meta-name))))
(define matches empty)
(define rest
(let loop ([x tree])
[(meta-matcher x)
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(loop empty)]
[(list? x)
(define-values (new-matches rest) (partition meta-matcher x))
(set! matches (append new-matches matches))
(map loop rest)]
[else x])))
(values matches rest))
(define (make-custom-read-syntax reader-mode)
(λ (path-string p)
(define read-inner (make-at-reader
#:command-char (if (or (eq? reader-mode world:mode-template)
(and (string? path-string)
(regexp-match (pregexp (format "\\.~a$" (world:current-template-source-ext))) path-string)))
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t))
(define source-stx (read-inner path-string p))
(define-values (meta-matches meta-free-file-data) (split-metas (syntax->datum source-stx)))
(define reader-here-path (cond
[(symbol? path-string) (symbol->string path-string)]
[(equal? path-string "unsaved editor") path-string]
[else (path->string path-string)]))
(define parser-mode (if (eq? reader-mode world:mode-auto)
(let* ([file-ext-pattern (pregexp "\\w+$")]
[here-ext (string->symbol (car (regexp-match file-ext-pattern reader-here-path)))]
[auto-computed-mode (cond
[(eq? here-ext (world:current-pagetree-source-ext)) world:mode-pagetree]
[(eq? here-ext (world:current-markup-source-ext)) world:mode-markup]
[(eq? here-ext (world:current-markdown-source-ext)) world:mode-markdown]
[else world:mode-preproc])])
(define meta-keys (cons 'here-path (map second meta-matches)))
(define meta-values (cons reader-here-path (map third meta-matches)))
(with-syntax ([(KEY ...) (datum->syntax source-stx meta-keys)]
[(VALUE ...) (datum->syntax source-stx meta-values)])
(replace-context source-stx
#`(module runtime-wrapper racket/base
(module metas racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define #,(world:current-meta-export) (apply hash (append (list 'KEY VALUE) ...))))
(module pollen-lang-module pollen
(define parser-mode '#,parser-mode) ; change names of exports for local use, to avoid conflicts
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) parser-mode)
(prefix-out inner: parser-mode))
#,(require+provide-directory-require-files path-string)
(require (submod ".." ".." metas)) ; get metas from adjacent submodule
(provide (all-from-out (submod ".." ".." metas)))
(require (submod pollen/runtime-config show) 'pollen-lang-module)
(provide (all-from-out 'pollen-lang-module))
(show #,(world:current-main-export) inner:parser-mode)))
'#(pollen/language-info get-language-info #f)))))
(define-syntax-rule (define+provide-reader-in-mode mode)
(define reader-mode mode)
(define custom-read-syntax (make-custom-read-syntax reader-mode))
(define custom-read (make-custom-read custom-read-syntax))
(define (get-info in mod line col pos)
(λ (key default)
(case key
(define make-scribble-inside-lexer2
(dynamic-require 'syntax-color/scribble-lexer 'make-scribble-inside-lexer (λ () #f)))
(cond [make-scribble-inside-lexer2
(make-scribble-inside-lexer2 #:command-char #\◊)]
[else default])]
[else default])))
(provide (rename-out [custom-read read] [custom-read-syntax read-syntax]) get-info)))