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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require racket/string xml xml/path sugar/define sugar/container sugar/coerce sugar/test)
(require "file.rkt" txexpr "world.rkt" "cache.rkt" "pagetree.rkt" "debug.rkt")
(provide (all-from-out sugar/coerce))
(define/contract+provide (metas->here metas)
(hash? . -> . pagenode?)
(path->pagenode (or (select-from-metas (world:current-here-path-key) metas) 'unknown)))
(define (pagenode->path pagenode)
(build-path (world:current-project-root) (symbol->string pagenode)))
(define+provide/contract (select key value-source)
(coerce/symbol? (or/c hash? txexpr? pagenode? pathish?) . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-element?))
;; of value-source is specfically 'metas or 'doc,
;; restrict the search to there.
;; otherwise look in metas, then in doc for key
(define (do-doc-result)
(define doc-result (select-from-doc key value-source))
(and doc-result (car doc-result)))
[(or (hash? value-source) (equal? value-source (world:current-meta-export))) (select-from-metas key value-source)]
[(equal? value-source (world:current-main-export)) (do-doc-result)]
(define metas-result (and (not (txexpr? value-source)) (select-from-metas key value-source)))
(or metas-result (do-doc-result))]))
(check-equal? (select 'key '#hash((key . "value"))) "value")
(check-false (select 'absent-key '#hash((key . "value"))))
(check-equal? (select 'key '(root (key "value"))) "value")
(check-false (select 'absent-key '(root (key "value"))))
(let ([metas '#hash((key . "value"))])
(check-equal? (select 'key metas) "value")
(check-false (select 'absent-key metas)))
(let ([doc '(root (key "value"))])
(check-equal? (select 'key doc) "value")
(check-false (select 'absent-key doc))))
(define+provide/contract (select* key value-source)
(coerce/symbol? (or/c hash? txexpr? pagenode? pathish?) . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-elements?))
(define metas-result (and (not (txexpr? value-source)) (select-from-metas key value-source)))
(define doc-result (select-from-doc key value-source))
(define result (append (or (and metas-result (list metas-result)) null) (or doc-result null)))
(and (not (null? result)) result))
(define+provide/contract (select-from-metas key metas-source)
(coerce/symbol? (or/c hash? pagenode? pathish?) . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-element?))
(define metas (cond
[(hash? metas-source) metas-source]
[else (get-metas metas-source)]))
(and (hash-has-key? metas key) (hash-ref metas key)))
(let ([metas '#hash((key . "value"))])
(check-equal? (select-from-metas 'key metas) "value")
(check-false (select-from-metas 'absent-key metas))))
(define+provide/contract (select-from-doc key doc-source)
(coerce/symbol? (or/c txexpr? pagenode? pathish?) . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-elements?))
(define doc (cond
[(txexpr? doc-source) doc-source]
[else (get-doc doc-source)]))
(define result (se-path*/list (list key) doc))
(and (not (null? result)) result))
(check-equal? (select-from-doc 'key '(root (key "value"))) '("value"))
(check-false (select-from-doc 'absent-key '(root (key "value"))))
(let ([doc '(root (key "value"))])
(check-equal? (select-from-doc 'key doc) '("value"))
(check-false (select-from-doc 'absent-key doc))))
(define (get-metas pagenode-or-path)
; ((or/c pagenode? pathish?) . -> . hash?)
(define source-path (->source-path (cond
[(pagenode? pagenode-or-path) (pagenode->path pagenode-or-path)]
[else pagenode-or-path])))
(if source-path
(cached-require source-path (world:current-meta-export))
(error (format "get-metas: no source found for '~a' in directory ~a" pagenode-or-path (current-directory)))))
(define (get-doc pagenode-or-path)
; ((or/c pagenode? pathish?) . -> . (or/c txexpr? string?))
(define source-path (->source-path (cond
[(pagenode? pagenode-or-path) (pagenode->path pagenode-or-path)]
[else pagenode-or-path])))
(if source-path
(cached-require source-path (world:current-main-export))
(error (format "get-doc: no source found for '~a' in directory ~a" pagenode-or-path (current-directory)))))
(define (trim-outer-tag html)
(define matches (regexp-match #px"<.*?>(.*)</.*?>" html))
(define paren-match (cadr matches))
(define placeholder-tag (gensym))
(define+provide/contract (->html x-in #:tag [tag #f] #:attrs [attrs #f] #:splice [splice? #f])
(((or/c xexpr? (listof xexpr?))) (#:tag (or/c #f txexpr-tag?) #:attrs (or/c #f txexpr-attrs?) #:splice boolean?) . ->* . string?)
(define x (cond
[(txexpr? x-in) x-in]
[(list? x-in) (cons 'html x-in)]
[else x-in]))
(when (and (not (txexpr? x)) attrs (not tag))
(raise-argument-error '->html (format "can't use attribute list ~v without a #:tag argument" attrs)))
(if (or tag (txexpr? x))
(let ()
(define html-tag (or tag (get-tag x)))
(define html-attrs (or attrs (and (txexpr? x) (get-attrs x)) null))
(define html-elements (or (and (txexpr? x) (get-elements x)) (list x)))
(define html (xexpr->html (make-txexpr html-tag html-attrs html-elements)))
(if (or splice? (and (list? x-in) (not (txexpr? x-in)) (not tag)))
(trim-outer-tag html)
(xexpr->html x)))
(define tx '(root (p "hello")))
(check-equal? (->html tx) "<root><p>hello</p></root>")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan tx) "<brennan><p>hello</p></brennan>")
(check-equal? (->html #:attrs '((id "dale")) tx) "<root id=\"dale\"><p>hello</p></root>")
(check-equal? (->html #:splice #t tx) "<p>hello</p>")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan #:attrs '((id "dale")) tx) "<brennan id=\"dale\"><p>hello</p></brennan>")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan #:attrs '((id "dale")) #:splice #t tx) "<p>hello</p>")
(define x "hello")
(check-equal? (->html x) "hello")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan x) "<brennan>hello</brennan>")
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ() (->html #:attrs '((id "dale")) x) "hello")) ;; won't work without tag
(check-equal? (->html #:splice #t x) "hello")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan #:attrs '((id "dale")) x) "<brennan id=\"dale\">hello</brennan>")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'brennan #:attrs '((id "dale")) #:splice #t x) "hello")
(define xs '("hello " (em "you") " " 42))
(check-equal? (->html xs) "hello <em>you</em> &#42;")
(check-equal? (->html #:splice #t xs) "hello <em>you</em> &#42;")
(check-equal? (->html #:tag 'div xs) "<div>hello <em>you</em> &#42;</div>"))
(provide when/block)
(define-syntax (when/block stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ condition body ...)
#'(if condition (string-append*
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) (error (format "within when/block, ~a" (exn-message exn))))])
(map ->string (list body ...))))