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#lang at-exp racket/base
(require rackunit racket/runtime-path pollen/render racket/file pollen/setup)
(define-runtime-path pixel-dir "data/pixel")
(define-runtime-path test-pixel-src "data/pixel/")
(define-runtime-path test-pixel "data/pixel/test-pixel.png")
(define-runtime-path pixel "data/pixel/pixel.png")
(define-runtime-path template "data/pixel/template.png")
;; test makes sure that quick tour files work
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-string)]
[current-directory pixel-dir]
[current-project-root pixel-dir])
(check-not-exn (λ _ (render-to-file-if-needed test-pixel-src)))
(check-true (file-exists? test-pixel))
(check-equal? (file->bytes test-pixel) (file->bytes pixel)))
(for-each (λ (f) (when (file-exists? f) (delete-file f))) (list test-pixel template))