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#lang racket/base
(require racket/rerequire)
;(require racket/contract)
(require "debug.rkt" sugar/coerce)
(provide current-cache make-cache cached-require get-cache-hash)
(define current-cache (make-parameter #f))
(define (make-cache)
; ( -> hash?)
(define (get-cache-hash path-string)
; (path-string? . -> . hash?)
(hash-ref (current-cache) (->complete-path path-string)))
(define (cache-ref path sym)
; (path? symbol? . -> . any/c)
(hash-ref (get-cache-hash path) sym))
(define (cached-require path-string sym)
; (path-string? symbol? . -> . any/c)
(when (not (current-cache)) (error "cached-require: No cache set up."))
(define path (->complete-path path-string))
(define (cache path)
(dynamic-rerequire path)
(hash-set! (current-cache) path (make-hash))
(define cache-hash (hash-ref (current-cache) path))
(hash-set! cache-hash 'mod-time (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path))
(hash-set! cache-hash 'main (dynamic-require path 'main))
(hash-set! cache-hash 'metas (dynamic-require path 'metas))
(when (or (not (hash-has-key? (current-cache) path))
(> (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path) (hash-ref (hash-ref (current-cache) path) 'mod-time)))
(cache path))
(cache-ref path sym))