You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

599 lines
20 KiB

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#lang racket/base
(require racket/list)
(require xml)
(require (only-in racket/function thunk))
(require racket/string)
(require racket/file)
(require xml/path)
(require (only-in racket/format ~a ~s ~v))
(require (prefix-in scribble: (only-in scribble/decode whitespace?)))
(require (only-in racket/path filename-extension))
(require (only-in (planet mb/pollen/library/html) inline-tags))
(require (planet mb/pollen/world))
(require (planet mb/pollen/readability))
;(require (planet mb/pollen/hyphenate))
(define nbsp " ") ; use this for readability in code
(define lozenge "") ; use this instead of escape syntax
(provide (all-defined-out)
describe whitespace? xexpr->string xexpr? filter-not flatten
(all-from-out (planet mb/pollen/readability)))
(define (hash-ref-or hash key [default #f])
(if (in? hash key)
(get hash key)
(define (make-meta-hash x)
(define keys (se-path*/list '(meta #:name) x))
(define values (se-path*/list '(meta #:content) x))
(define meta-hash (make-hash))
;todo: convert this to for/list because map does not guarantee ordering
; probably want to keep it in sequence
(map (ƒ(key value) (change meta-hash (as-symbol key) (as-string value))) keys values)
(define (magic-directory? path)
(and (directory-exists? path)
(or (ends-with? (path->string path) "requires")
(ends-with? (path->string path) "compiled")
(define (filename-of path)
(let-values ([(dir filename ignored) (split-path path)])
(define (pollen-script? path)
(let ([path-string (path->string (filename-of path))])
(or (starts-with? path-string "pollen_") (starts-with? path-string "pollen-"))))
(define (racket-file? path)
(has-ext? path 'rkt))
(define (pmap-source? path)
(has-ext? path POLLEN_MAP_EXT))
(define (template-source? path)
(starts-with? (path->string (filename-of path)) (~a TEMPLATE_FILE_PREFIX)))
(define (preproc-source? path)
(has-ext? path POLLEN_PREPROC_EXT))
(define (make-preproc-in-path path)
(add-ext path POLLEN_PREPROC_EXT))
(define (make-preproc-out-path path)
(remove-ext path))
(define (has-preproc-source? path)
(file-exists? (make-preproc-in-path path)))
(define (pollen-source? path)
(has-ext? path POLLEN_SOURCE_EXT))
(define (make-pollen-source-path thing)
(add-ext (remove-ext (as-path thing)) POLLEN_SOURCE_EXT))
(define (has-pollen-source? path)
(file-exists? (make-pollen-source-path path)))
(define (insert-subdir path [subdir-in OUTPUT_SUBDIR])
(let-values ([(dir filename ignored) (split-path path)])
(when (equal? dir 'relative)
(set! dir (string->path ".")))
(letrec ([subdir-name (string->path (~a subdir-in))]
[subdir (build-path dir subdir-name)])
(when (not (directory-exists? subdir))
(make-directory subdir))
(build-path subdir filename))))
; Moved from template.rkt
; All from* functions should return a named-xexpr
(define (from x query)
; cache x
(let ([x (put x)])
; try finding it in metas, if not, find it in main, if not then return false
(or (from-metas x query) (from-main x query))))
(define (from-main x query) ; this used to be plain from
; check results first
(let* ([x (put x)]
[results (se-path*/list (list query) x)])
; if results exist, send back xexpr as output
(if (not (empty? results))
`(,query ,@results) ; todo: why use query as tag?
(define (from-metas x key)
(let* ([x (put x)]
[meta-hash (make-meta-hash x)]
[key (as-symbol key)])
(if (in? meta-hash key)
`(value ,(get meta-hash key)) ;todo: why use value as tag?
(define (put x)
; handles either xexpr or pollen file as input
; pass through xexpr as is
; put is optional for xexprs.
; it's only here to make the idiom smooth.
[(named-xexpr? x) x]
; todo: how to externalize pollen main tag into world name?
[(file-exists? (as-path x)) (dynamic-require x 'main)]
; also try adding pollen file extension
; this makes put compatible with map references
[(let ([x (make-pollen-source-path x)])
(when (file-exists? x)
(put x)))]
[else (error "put: need named xexpr or pollen file, but got" x)]))
(define (merge x)
[(named-xexpr? x)
; return content of xexpr.
; pollen language rules will splice these into the main flow.
(if (empty? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (xexplode x)])
[(string? x) (list x)]))
#|(define (merge-strings x)
(when (empty? x) (error "merge-strings got empty x"))
;todo: filter metas?
; leaning toward no. Simplest behavior.
; function is not intended to be used with whole pollen body anyhow.
(let ([x (merge x)])
(string-join (filter string? (flatten x)) " ")))|#
(define (merge-strings x)
(string-join (filter string? (flatten x)) " "))
(define (make-html x)
(if (named-xexpr? x)
(xexpr->string x)
(let ([x (as-list x)])
(when (all xexpr? x)
(string-join (map xexpr->string x) "")))))
; generate *-as-html versions of functions
(define-values (put-as-html merge-as-html merge-strings-as-html)
(apply values (map (ƒ(proc) (ƒ(x) (make-html (proc x)))) (list put merge merge-strings))))
(define (as-literal x)
(set! x (flatten (list x))) ; coerce text or list to new list
(merge `(literal-thing ,@x)))
(define (make-url x)
(if (exists? x)
(str x ".html")
"#")) ; funny null url that means "stay here"
; make these independent of local includes
(define (map-topic topic . subtopics)
`(,(string->symbol topic) ,@(filter-not whitespace? subtopics)))
(define (meta key value)
`(meta ((name ,(as-string key))(content ,(as-string value)))))
; scribble's whitespace function misses trailing spaces wrapped in a list
(define (whitespace? x)
[(list? x) (all scribble:whitespace? x)]
[else (scribble:whitespace? x)]))
; remove empty elements
(define (remove-empty x)
[(list? x) (map remove-empty (filter-not empty? x))]
[else x]))
(define (remove-void x)
[(list? x) (map remove-void (filter-not void? x))]
[else x]))
; common idiom with lists:
; if list is empty, return empty
; otherwise do procedure
(define (empty/else thing proc)
(if (empty? thing)
(proc thing)))
; common idiom with files:
; if the file exists, do procedure with it
(define (file-exists?/do path proc)
(if (file-exists? path)
(proc path)
; simple timer
(define-syntax-rule (time expr)
(define start-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(define result expr)
(define stop-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(message "Time for" 'expr "=" (- stop-time start-time))
; utilities for working with file extensions
(define (.+ x) (format ".~a" x))
(define (get-ext path)
(bytes->string/utf-8 (filename-extension path)))
(define (has-ext? path ext)
(let ([path-ext (filename-extension path)])
; returns true if f-ext exists, and equals ext, otherwise false
(and path-ext (equal? (bytes->string/utf-8 path-ext) (~a ext)))))
(define (remove-ext path)
(path-replace-suffix path ""))
(define (add-ext path ext)
(string->path (string-append (path->string path) (.+ ext))))
; find all xexpr names within another xexpr
(define (gather-xexpr-names x)
[(named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (xexplode x)])
(flatten (cons name (map gather-xexpr-names content))))]
[else empty]))
; shorthand for define + dynamic require
(define-syntax-rule (define-from module symbol)
(define symbol (dynamic-require module 'symbol)))
; dynamic require or return false if not found
; allows constructs like:
; (or (require-now module symbol) "default value")
(define (require-now module symbol)
(dynamic-require module symbol (thunk #f)))
; define & provide in one easy step
(define-syntax-rule (define/provide name expr ...)
(begin (define name expr ...)(provide name)))
; xexpr->html
(define (xexpr->html x)
; (string-join (map xexpr->string x)))
(xexpr->string x))
(define (html->xexpr . stuff)
(string->xexpr (string-join stuff "")))
; do a set of actions on same item
(define ((tee . procs) thing)
(apply values (map (ƒ(proc)(proc thing)) procs)))
; python-style try/except syntax
(define-syntax-rule (try body (except tests ...))
(with-handlers (tests ...) body))
; xexpr shortcut; map tag across items
(define (map-tag tag-name xs)
(map (ƒ(x) (list tag-name x)) xs))
; trim from beginning & end of list
(define (trim things test)
(dropf-right (dropf things test) test))
; trim whitespace from beginning & end of list
(define (trim-whitespace things)
(trim things whitespace?))
; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------
(define (splice-xexpr-content x [acc '()])
; takes a list and splices top-level sublists into main list
; used by merge function
[(empty? x) acc]
[(and (xexpr-content? (car x)) (not (named-xexpr? (car x)))) (splice-xexpr-content (cdr x) `(,@acc ,@(car x)))]
[else (splice-xexpr-content (cdr x) `(,@acc ,(car x)))]))
(define (named-xexpr? x)
; meets basic xexpr contract, and is also a list starting with a symbol
; todo: rewrite this using match?
; todo: rewrite this recurively so errors can be pinpointed (for debugging)
(and (xexpr? x) (list? x) (symbol? (car x))))
(define (xexpr-attr-list? x)
(define (attr-pair? x)
; list with two elements: first element is a symbol, second is a string
(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (symbol? (car x)) (string? (second x))))
; a list where elements are attr pairs
(and (list? x) (all attr-pair? x)))
(define (xexpr-content? x)
; it's a list whose elements meet xexpr contract
(and (list? x) (all xexpr? x)))
(define (xexpr-has-attrs? x)
(and (named-xexpr? x) (> (length x) 1) (xexpr-attr-list? (second x))))
(define (make-xexpr name (attr empty) (content empty))
(when (not (symbol? name)) (error "make-xexpr: need a name, dude"))
(when (not (xexpr-attr-list? attr))
(error "make-xexpr: attr must be list of attr pairs"))
; todo: fix xexpr-content? test so I can use it here
; (when (not (xexpr-content? content)) content)
(when (not (list? content)) (error "make-xexpr: content must be a list"))
(define xexpr `(,name))
(when (exists? attr) (set! xexpr `(,@xexpr ,attr)))
(when (exists? content) (set! xexpr `(,@xexpr ,@content)))
(define (xexplode x)
(when (not (named-xexpr? x)) (error (format "xexplode: ~v not a named-xexpr" x)))
(define-values (name attr content) (values (car x) empty empty))
(if (xexpr-has-attrs? x)
(set!-values (attr content) (values (second x) (cddr x))) ; attr comes back as a list of lists
(set! content (cdr x))) ; content always comes back as a list
(values name attr content))
; block is a named expression that's not on the inline list
; todo: bear in mind that browsers take the opposite view:
; that only elements on the block list are blocks
; and otherwise are treated as inline
(define (block-xexpr? x)
(and (named-xexpr? x) (not (in? inline-tags (car x)))))
(define (wrap-paragraph x) ; x is a list containing paragraph pieces
; if paragraph is just one block-level xexpr
(if (and (= (length x) 1) (block-xexpr? (car x)))
(car x) ; leave it
`(p ,@x))) ; otherwise wrap in p tag
; wrap initial quotes for hanging punctuation
; todo: improve this
; does not handle <p>“<em>thing</em> properly
(define (wrap-hanging-quotes x) ; x is one paragraph
(define-values (name attr content) (xexplode x))
[(and (not (empty? content))
(string? (car content))
(> (string-length (car content)) 1))
(let ([new-car
(letrec ([x (car content)]
[first (get x 0)]
[rest (get x 1 'end)])
[(member first '("\"" ""))
; this has to be span so that it's explicitly
; an inline element. If not,
; things like linebreak detection won't work.
`(span ((class "dquo")) ,(~a #\“) ,rest)]
[(member first '("\'" ""))
`(span ((class "squo")) ,(~a #\) ,rest)]
[else x]))])
(make-xexpr name attr (cons new-car (cdr content))))]
[(and (exists? content) (named-xexpr? (car content)))
(make-xexpr name attr (cons (wrap-hanging-quotes (car content)) (cdr content)))]
[else x]))
; how a list-item break is denoted: three or more newlines
(define (list-item-break? x)
(and (string? x) (regexp-match #rx"^\n\n\n+$" x)))
; how a paragraph break is denoted: two or more newlines
(define (paragraph-break? x)
; (equal? x PARAGRAPH_BREAK) ; obsolete: two newlines only
(and (string? x) (regexp-match #rx"^\n\n+$" x)))
; convert single newline to br tag
; only if neither adjacent tag is a block
; otherwise delete
(define (convert-linebreaks x) ; x is list
(for/list ([i (len x)])
[(equal? (get x i) LINE_BREAK)
(if (none block-xexpr? (list (get x (sub1 i)) (get x (add1 i))))
[else (get x i)]))))
; find two or more adjacent newlines and bring them together
; works on any number of newlines
(define (merge-newlines x)
(define (newline? x)
(and (string? x) (equal? "\n" x)))
(define (not-newline? x)
(not (newline? x)))
(define (merge-newlines-inner x [acc '()]) ; x is list
(if (empty? x)
(let-values ([(leading-newlines remainder) (splitf-at x newline?)])
(if (not (empty? leading-newlines))
(merge-newlines-inner remainder `(,@acc ,(string-join leading-newlines "")))
(merge-newlines-inner (dropf remainder not-newline?) `(,@acc ,@(takef remainder not-newline?)))))))
((list? x) (merge-newlines-inner (map merge-newlines x)))
(else x)))
(define (typogrify string)
; make set of functions for replacers
(define (make-replacers query+subs)
(map (ƒ(q+s) (ƒ(str) (regexp-replace* (first q+s) str (second q+s)))) query+subs))
; just store the query strings + replacement strings
(define dashes
; fix em dashes first, else they'll be mistaken for en dashes
; [\\s ] is whitespace + nonbreaking space
'((#px"[\\s ]*(---|—)[\\s ]*" "") ; em dash
(#px"[\\s ]*(--|)[\\s ]*" ""))) ; en dash
(define smart-quotes
'((#px"(?<=\\w)'(?=\\w)" "") ; apostrophe
(#px"(?<!\\w)'(?=\\w)" "") ; single_at_beginning
(#px"(?<=\\S)'(?!\\w)" "") ; single_at_end
(#px"(?<!\\w)\"(?=\\w)" "") ; double_at_beginning
(#px"(?<=\\S)\"(?!\\w)" ""))) ; double_at_end
; todo: is this transformation obsolete due to css ligatures?
; maybe not, because soft hyphens mess up css ligature function.
; \u00AD is a soft hyphen, which might appear in between letters
(define ligatures
'((#px"f\u00AD?i" "")
(#px"f\u00AD?f" "")
(#px"f\u00AD?l" "")
(#px"f\u00AD?f\u00AD?i" "")
(#px"f\u00AD?f\u00AD?l" "")))
; put replacers in desired order here
(define replacers (make-replacers (append dashes smart-quotes)))
; compose goes from last to first, so reverse order
; ((apply compose1 hyphenate-text-soft (reverse replacers)) string))
((apply compose1 (reverse replacers)) string))
; find the last word space and replace it with a nonbreaking space
; doesn't work on weirdo cases that need backtracking, like:
; (define t4 '(p "hello from all the freaks" "at the " (em "factory.")))
; but cures enough problems to be worthwhile.
(define (nonbreaking-last-space x)
(define nbsp #\ ) ; use an Ø if you want to make the results visible
(define minimum-word-length (add1 5)) ; add1 to account for final punctuation
; todo: parameterize this, as it will be different for each project
(define tags-to-pay-attention-to '(p aside)) ; only apply to paragraphs
(define (replace-last-space str)
(if (in? str #\space)
(let ([reversed-str-list (reverse (string->list str))])
(define-values (last-word-chars other-chars)
(splitf-at reversed-str-list (λ(i) (not (eq? i #\space)))))
(list->string (reverse (append last-word-chars
; OK for long words to be on their own line.
(if (< (len last-word-chars) minimum-word-length)
; first char of other-chars will be the space, so use cdr
(cons nbsp (cdr other-chars))
(define (find-last-word-space x) ; recursively traverse xexpr
[(string? x) (replace-last-space x)]
[(named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (xexplode x)])
(if (> (length content) 0) ; content is list of xexprs
(let-values ([(all-but-last last) (split-at content (sub1 (length content)))])
(make-xexpr name attr `(,@all-but-last ,(find-last-word-space (car last)))))
[else x]))
(if (in? tags-to-pay-attention-to (car x))
(find-last-word-space x)
(define (prep-paragraph-flow x)
(convert-linebreaks (merge-newlines (trim-whitespace x))))
(define (map-xexpr-content proc x #:only [only-proc (ƒ(x) x)])
; why map and not apply? Because map guarantees a list of the same length.
; whereas apply does not. So it works as an implied constraint.
(if (named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (xexplode x)])
(make-xexpr name attr (map (ƒ(x) (if (only-proc x) (proc x) x)) content)))
(error "map-xexpr-content: Input is not a named xexpr and has no content:" x)))
; Main decode function
(define (decode x)
(define (&decode x)
[(named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (xexplode x)])
(define decoded-x (make-xexpr name attr (&decode content)))
(if (block-xexpr? decoded-x)
; add nonbreaking-last-space to the next line when ready
(wrap-hanging-quotes (nonbreaking-last-space decoded-x)) ; do special processing for block xexprs
[(xexpr-content? x) ; a list of xexprs
(let ([x (prep-paragraph-flow x)])
(map &decode (if (any paragraph-break? x) ; need this condition to prevent infinite recursion
(map wrap-paragraph (splitf-at* x paragraph-break?)) ; split into ¶¶
[(string? x) (typogrify x)]
[else x]))
(define (stringify x) ; convert numbers to strings
[(list? x) (map stringify x)]
[(number? x) (~a x)]
[else x]))
(let* ([x (stringify x)]
[x (trim-whitespace x)])
(if (named-xexpr? x)
(&decode x)
;todo: improve this error message, more specific location
; now, it just spits out the whole defective content
(error (format "decode: ~v not a full named-xexpr" x)))))
(define (splitf-at* pieces test)
; split list into list of sublists using test
(define (splitf-at*-inner pieces [acc '()]) ; use acc for tail recursion
(if (empty? pieces)
(let-values ([(item rest)
(splitf-at (dropf pieces test) (compose1 not test))])
(splitf-at*-inner rest `(,@acc ,item)))))
(splitf-at*-inner (trim pieces test)))
(define (make-missing-source-files map-xexpr)
; use cdr to omit body tag
(define source-names (map (ƒ(x) (add-ext (string->path (as-string x)) POLLEN_SOURCE_EXT)) (flatten (cdr map-xexpr))))
(define (make-source-if-missing x)
(if (not (file-exists? x))
(display-to-file MISSING_FILE_BOILERPLATE x)
(format "Created file: ~a" x))
(format "Already exists: ~a" x)))
(display (string-join (map make-source-if-missing source-names) "\n")))