#lang racket/base (require xml txexpr/base racket/list sugar/list sugar/define sugar/test "setup.rkt" "private/splice.rkt" "unstable/typography.rkt") (provide (all-from-out "unstable/typography.rkt")) ; bw compat, includes `whitespace?` (define (->list/tx x) ;; same as ->list but catches special case of single txexpr, ;; which is itself a list, but in this case should be wrapped into a list, ;; for use with append-map. (cond [(txexpr? x) (list x)] [(list? x) x] [else (list x)])) (define decode-proc-output-contract (or/c txexpr-element? txexpr-elements?)) ;; decoder wireframe (define+provide/contract (decode tx-in #:txexpr-tag-proc [txexpr-tag-proc values] #:txexpr-attrs-proc [txexpr-attrs-proc values] #:txexpr-elements-proc [txexpr-elements-proc values] #:txexpr-proc [txexpr-proc values] #:block-txexpr-proc [block-txexpr-proc values] #:inline-txexpr-proc [inline-txexpr-proc values] #:string-proc [string-proc values] #:entity-proc [entity-proc values] #:cdata-proc [cdata-proc values] #:exclude-tags [excluded-tags empty] #:exclude-attrs [excluded-attrs empty]) ((xexpr/c) (#:txexpr-tag-proc (txexpr-tag? . -> . txexpr-tag?) #:txexpr-attrs-proc (txexpr-attrs? . -> . txexpr-attrs?) #:txexpr-elements-proc (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?) #:txexpr-proc (txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:block-txexpr-proc (block-txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:inline-txexpr-proc (txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:string-proc (string? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:entity-proc ((or/c symbol? valid-char?) . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:cdata-proc (cdata? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:exclude-tags txexpr-tags? #:exclude-attrs txexpr-attrs?) . ->* . decode-proc-output-contract) (let loop ([x tx-in]) (cond [(txexpr? x) (define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)) (cond [(or (memq tag excluded-tags) (for/or ([attr (in-list attrs)]) (member attr excluded-attrs))) x] ; because it's excluded [else ;; we apply processing here rather than do recursive descent on the pieces ;; because if we send them back through loop, certain element types are ambiguous ;; e.g., ((p "foo")) tests out as both txexpr-attrs and txexpr-elements (define decoded-txexpr (make-txexpr (txexpr-tag-proc tag) (txexpr-attrs-proc attrs) (txexpr-elements-proc (append-map (λ (x) (->list/tx (loop x))) elements)))) (txexpr-proc ((if (block-txexpr? decoded-txexpr) block-txexpr-proc inline-txexpr-proc) decoded-txexpr))])] [(string? x) (string-proc x)] [(or (symbol? x) (valid-char? x)) (entity-proc x)] [(cdata? x) (cdata-proc x)] [else (error "decode: can't decode" x)]))) (module-test-external (require racket/list txexpr racket/function) (define (doubler x) (list x x)) (define (doubletag x) (txexpr (string->symbol (format "~a~a" (get-tag x) (get-tag x))) (get-attrs x) (get-elements x))) (check-equal? (decode #:txexpr-elements-proc identity '(p "foo")) '(p "foo")) ;; can't use doubler on txexpr-elements because it needs a list, not list of lists (check-equal? (decode #:txexpr-elements-proc (λ (elems) (append elems elems)) '(p "foo")) '(p "foo" "foo")) (check-equal? (decode #:block-txexpr-proc identity '(p "foo")) '(p "foo")) (check-equal? (decode #:block-txexpr-proc doubler '(p "foo")) (list '(p "foo") '(p "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:block-txexpr-proc doubler '(p "foo")) (list '(p "foo") '(p "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:txexpr-proc doubletag '(root (p "foo") (b "bar"))) '(rootroot (pp "foo") (bb "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode #:block-txexpr-proc doubletag '(root (p "foo") (b "bar"))) '(rootroot (pp "foo") (b "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode #:inline-txexpr-proc doubletag '(root (p "foo") (b "bar"))) '(root (p "foo") (bb "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode #:inline-txexpr-proc identity '(p (span "foo"))) '(p (span "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:inline-txexpr-proc doubler '(p (span "foo"))) '(p (span "foo") (span "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:string-proc identity '(p (span "foo"))) '(p (span "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:string-proc doubler '(p (span "foo"))) '(p (span "foo" "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode #:entity-proc identity '(p (span "foo" 'amp))) '(p (span "foo" 'amp))) (check-equal? (decode #:entity-proc identity '(p 42)) '(p 42)) (check-equal? (decode #:entity-proc doubler '(p 42)) '(p 42 42)) (check-equal? (decode #:entity-proc identity '(p amp)) '(p amp)) ;; next text doesn't work because list of symbol elements is ambiguous with tagged X-expression ;; is there a general patch for this? maybe, but for now it's better to not patch selectively ;; otherwise ambiguous expressions will have erratic misbehavior (instead of merely consistent misbehavior) ;;(check-equal? (decode #:entity-proc doubler '(p amp)) '(p amp amp)) (check-equal? (decode-elements #:string-proc identity '("foo")) '("foo")) (check-equal? (decode-elements #:string-proc doubler '("foo")) '("foo" "foo"))) ;; it would be nice to not repeat this, but with all the keywords, it's simpler to repeat than do a macro (define+provide/contract decode-elements ((txexpr-elements?) (#:txexpr-tag-proc (txexpr-tag? . -> . txexpr-tag?) #:txexpr-attrs-proc (txexpr-attrs? . -> . txexpr-attrs?) #:txexpr-elements-proc (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?) #:txexpr-proc (txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:block-txexpr-proc (block-txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:inline-txexpr-proc (txexpr? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:string-proc (string? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:entity-proc ((or/c symbol? valid-char?) . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:cdata-proc (cdata? . -> . decode-proc-output-contract) #:exclude-tags txexpr-tags? #:exclude-attrs txexpr-attrs?) . ->* . decode-proc-output-contract) (make-keyword-procedure (λ (kws kwargs . args) (define temp-tag (gensym "temp-tag")) (define elements (car args)) (define decode-result (keyword-apply decode kws kwargs (list (cons temp-tag elements)))) (get-elements decode-result)))) (define+provide/contract (block-txexpr? x) (any/c . -> . boolean?) ;; Mostly this is used inside `decode`, ;; so rather than test for `txexpr?` at the beginning (which is potentially slow) ;; just look at the tag. (and (pair? x) (memq (get-tag x) (setup:block-tags)) #t)) (define+provide/contract (decode-linebreaks elems [maybe-linebreak-proc '(br)] #:separator [newline (setup:linebreak-separator)]) ((txexpr-elements?) ((or/c #f txexpr-element? (txexpr-element? txexpr-element? . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-element?))) #:separator string?) . ->* . txexpr-elements?) (define linebreak-proc (if (procedure? maybe-linebreak-proc) maybe-linebreak-proc (λ (e1 e2) maybe-linebreak-proc))) (define elems-vec (list->vector elems)) (filter values (for/list ([(elem idx) (in-indexed elems-vec)]) (cond [(= idx 0) elem] ; pass first item [(= idx (sub1 (vector-length elems-vec))) elem] ; pass through last item [(equal? elem newline) (define prev (vector-ref elems-vec (sub1 idx))) (define next (vector-ref elems-vec (add1 idx))) ;; only convert if neither adjacent tag is a block ;; (because blocks automatically force a newline before & after) (if (or (block-txexpr? prev) (block-txexpr? next)) #f ; flag for filtering (linebreak-proc prev next))] [else elem])))) (module-test-external (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "\n" "bar")) '("foo" (br) "bar")) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "\n" "bar") #f) '("foo" "bar")) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("\n" "foo" "\n" "bar" "\n")) '("\n" "foo" (br) "bar" "\n")) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '((p "foo") "\n" (p "bar"))) '((p "foo") (p "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "\n" (p "bar"))) '("foo" (p "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "moo" "bar")) '("foo" "moo" "bar")) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "moo" "bar") "moo") '("foo" "moo" "bar")) (check-equal? (decode-linebreaks '("foo" "\n\n" "bar")) '("foo" "\n\n" "bar"))) ;; Find adjacent newline characters in a list and merge them into one item ;; Scribble, by default, makes each newline a separate list item. ;; Ignore empty strings. ;; Descend into txexprs. (define+provide/contract (merge-newlines x) (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?) (define newline-pat (regexp (format "^~a+$" (setup:newline)))) (define (newline? x) (and (string? x) (regexp-match newline-pat x))) (define (merge-newline-slice xs) (if (newline? (car xs)) ; if first member of slice is newline, they all are (list (apply string-append xs)) xs)) (define empty-string? (λ (x) (equal? x ""))) (let loop ([x x]) (if (and (pair? x) (not (attrs? x))) (let ([xs (map loop (filter-not empty-string? x))]) (append-map merge-newline-slice (slicef xs newline?))) x))) (module-test-external (require racket/list) (check-equal? (merge-newlines empty) empty) (check-equal? (merge-newlines '((p ((id "")) "\n" "" "\n"))) '((p ((id "")) "\n\n"))) (check-equal? (merge-newlines '((p "\n" "" "\n"))) '((p "\n\n"))) (check-equal? (merge-newlines '(p "\n" "\n" "foo" "\n" "\n\n" "bar" (em "\n" "\n" "\n"))) '(p "\n\n" "foo" "\n\n\n" "bar" (em "\n\n\n")))) (define+provide/contract (decode-paragraphs elements-in [maybe-wrap-proc 'p] #:linebreak-proc [linebreak-proc decode-linebreaks] #:force? [force-paragraph #f]) ((txexpr-elements?) ((or/c txexpr-tag? ((listof xexpr?) . -> . txexpr?)) #:linebreak-proc (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?) #:force? boolean?) . ->* . txexpr-elements?) (define (prep-paragraph-flow elems) (linebreak-proc (merge-newlines (trimf elems whitespace?)))) (define (paragraph-break? x) (define paragraph-separator (setup:paragraph-separator)) (define paragraph-pattern (pregexp (format "^~a+$" paragraph-separator))) (and (string? x) (regexp-match paragraph-pattern x))) (define (explicit-or-implicit-paragraph-break? x) (or (paragraph-break? x) (block-txexpr? x))) (define wrap-proc (if (procedure? maybe-wrap-proc) maybe-wrap-proc (λ (elems) (list* maybe-wrap-proc elems)))) (define (wrap-paragraph elems) (if (andmap block-txexpr? elems) elems ; leave a series of block xexprs alone (list (wrap-proc elems)))) ; otherwise wrap in p tag (define elements (prep-paragraph-flow elements-in)) (if (ormap explicit-or-implicit-paragraph-break? elements) ; need this condition to prevent infinite recursion ;; use append-map on wrap-paragraph rather than map to permit return of multiple elements (append-map wrap-paragraph (append-map (λ (es) (filter-split es paragraph-break?)) (slicef elements block-txexpr?))) ; split into ¶¶, using both implied and explicit paragraph breaks (if force-paragraph (append-map wrap-paragraph (slicef elements block-txexpr?)) ; upconverts non-block elements to paragraphs elements))) (module-test-external (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para")) '((p "First para") (p "Second para"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line")) '((p "First para") (p "Second para" (br) "Second line"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" (div "Second block"))) '((p "First para") (div "Second block"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '((div "First block") "\n\n" (div "Second block"))) '((div "First block") (div "Second block"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para") 'ns:p) '((ns:p "First para") (ns:p "Second para"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line") #:linebreak-proc (λ (x) (decode-linebreaks x '(newline)))) '((p "First para") (p "Second para" (newline) "Second line"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" "\n\n" (div "bar") (div "zam"))) '((p "foo") (div "bar") (div "zam"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" "\n\n" (div "bar") "\n\n" (div "zam"))) '((p "foo") (div "bar") (div "zam"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo")) '("foo")) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo") #:force? #t) '((p "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '((div "foo"))) '((div "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '((div "foo")) #:force? #t) '((div "foo"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" "\n\n" (div "bar"))) '((p "foo") (div "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" (div "bar"))) '((p "foo") (div "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" (div "bar")) #:force? #t) '((p "foo") (div "bar"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" (div "bar") "zam")) '((p "foo") (div "bar") (p "zam"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" (span "zing") (div "bar") "zam")) '((p "foo" (span "zing")) (div "bar") (p "zam"))) (check-equal? (decode-paragraphs '("foo" (span "zing") (div "bar") "zam") #:force? #t) '((p "foo" (span "zing")) (div "bar") (p "zam")))) (define+provide detect-paragraphs decode-paragraphs) ; bw compat (define+provide detect-linebreaks decode-linebreaks) ; bw compat