#lang racket/base (require (planet mb/pollen/tools) (planet mb/pollen/main-helper)) (provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) #%module-begin) (rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin])) (define-syntax-rule (module-begin expr ...) (#%module-begin ; this is here only so that dynamic-rerequire of a pollen module ; transitively reloads the extras also. ; if this isn't here, then dynamic-rerequire can't see them ; and thus they are not tracked for changes. (require-extras) ; We want our module language to support require & provide ; which are only supported at the module level, so ... ; create a submodule to contain the input ; and export as needed ; doclang2_raw is a clone of scribble/doclang2 with decode disabled ; helpful because it collects & exports content via 'doc (module pollen-inner (planet mb/pollen/doclang2_raw) ; use same requires as top of main.rkt ; (can't import them from surrounding module due to submodule rules) (require (planet mb/pollen/tools) (planet mb/pollen/main-helper)) (require-extras #:provide #t) ; brings in the project require files ; #%top binding catches ids that aren't defined ; here, convert them to basic xexpr ; #%top is a syntax transformer that returns a function ; λ x captures all the args (vs. λ(x), which only catches one) ; and id is not spliced because it's syntax, not a true variable (define-syntax-rule (#%top . id) (λ x `(id ,@x))) expr ... ; body of module (define inner-here here) ; set up a hook for identifier 'here' (different name to avoid macrofication) (provide (all-defined-out))) (require 'pollen-inner) ; provides 'doc (define text (merge-newlines (as-list doc))) ; if single line, text will be a string (define main (append ; different setup depending on whether we have (if (named-xexpr? text) `(main ,text) ; a whole xexpr or `(main ,@text)) ; just xexpr content (list (meta "here" inner-here)))) ; append inner-here as meta (provide main) (module+ main (print main) (displayln "") (displayln (format "named-xexpr? ~a" (named-xexpr? main))))))