#lang racket/base (require racket/contract racket/match xml/path racket/bool) (require "tools.rkt" "world.rkt" "debug.rkt" "decode.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; Load ptree file & return ptree (define/contract (ptree-source->ptree path) (pathish? . -> . ptree?) ;; dynamic require of a ptree source file gets you a full ptree. (message "Loading ptree file" (->string (file-name-from-path path))) (dynamic-require path POLLEN_ROOT)) ;; Synthesize ptree from directory listing. ;; Fallback in case ptree file isn't available. (define/contract (directory->ptree dir) (directory-pathish? . -> . ptree?) (let ([files (map remove-ext (filter (λ(x) (has-ext? x POLLEN_DECODER_EXT)) (directory-list dir)))]) (message "Generating ptree from file listing") (ptree-root->ptree (cons POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME files)))) ;; Try loading from ptree file, or failing that, synthesize ptree. (define/contract (make-project-ptree [project-dir PROJECT_ROOT]) (() (directory-pathish?) . ->* . ptree?) (define ptree-source (build-path project-dir DEFAULT_POLLEN_TREE)) (if (file-exists? ptree-source) (ptree-source->ptree ptree-source) (directory->ptree project-dir))) (module+ test (let ([sample-main `(POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))]) (check-equal? (ptree-root->ptree sample-main) `(POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))))) ;; return the parent of a given name (define/contract (parent name [ptree current-ptree]) (((or/c ptree-name? false?)) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) (and name (if (member (->string name) (map (λ(x) (->string (if (list? x) (car x) x))) (cdr ptree))) (->string (car ptree)) (ormap (λ(x) (parent name x)) (filter list? ptree))))) (module+ test (define test-ptree-main `(ptree-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))) (define test-ptree (ptree-root->ptree test-ptree-main)) (check-equal? (parent 'three test-ptree) "two") (check-equal? (parent "three" test-ptree) "two") (check-false (parent #f test-ptree)) (check-false (parent 'nonexistent-name test-ptree))) ; get children of a particular name (define/contract (children name [ptree current-ptree]) (((or/c ptree-name? false?)) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?)) (and name (if (equal? (->string name) (->string (car ptree))) (map (λ(x) (->string (if (list? x) (car x) x))) (cdr ptree)) (ormap (λ(x) (children name x)) (filter list? ptree))))) (module+ test (check-equal? (children 'one test-ptree) (list "two")) (check-equal? (children 'two test-ptree) (list "three")) (check-false (children 'three test-ptree)) (check-false (children #f test-ptree)) (check-false (children 'fooburger test-ptree))) ;; find all siblings on current level: go up to parent and ask for children (define/contract (siblings name [ptree current-ptree]) ;; this never returns false: name is always a sibling of itself. ;; todo: how to use input value in contract? e.g., to check that name is part of output list ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c (listof string?) false?)) (children (parent name ptree) ptree)) (module+ test (check-equal? (siblings 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one")) (check-equal? (siblings 'foo test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one")) (check-equal? (siblings 'two test-ptree) '("two")) (check-false (siblings 'invalid-key test-ptree))) (define/contract (siblings-split name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (values (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?) (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?))) (let-values ([(left right) (splitf-at (siblings name ptree) (λ(e) (not (equal? (->string e) (->string name)))))]) (values (if (empty? left) #f left) (if (empty? (cdr right)) #f (cdr right))))) (module+ test (check-equal? (values->list (siblings-split 'one test-ptree)) '(("foo" "bar") #f)) (check-equal? (values->list (siblings-split 'bar test-ptree)) (list '("foo") '("one")))) ;; siblings to the left of target name (i.e., precede in tree order) (define (siblings-left name [ptree current-ptree]) (let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split name ptree)]) left)) (module+ test (check-equal? (siblings-left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar")) (check-false (siblings-left 'foo test-ptree))) ;; siblings to the right of target name (i.e., follow in tree order) (define (siblings-right name [ptree current-ptree]) (let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split name ptree)]) right)) (module+ test (check-false (siblings-right 'one test-ptree)) (check-equal? (siblings-right 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one"))) ;; get name immediately to the left in tree (define/contract (sibling-previous name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) (let ([siblings (siblings-left name ptree)]) (and siblings (last siblings)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (sibling-previous 'bar test-ptree) "foo") (check-false (sibling-previous 'foo test-ptree))) ;; get name immediately to the right in tree (define/contract (sibling-next name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) (let ([siblings (siblings-right name ptree)]) (and siblings (first siblings)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (sibling-next 'foo test-ptree) "bar") (check-false (sibling-next 'one test-ptree))) ;; flatten tree to sequence (define/contract (all-names [ptree current-ptree]) (ptree? . -> . (listof string?)) ; use cdr to get rid of root tag at front (map ->string (cdr (flatten ptree)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (all-names test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two" "three"))) ;; helper function for get-previous-names and get-next-names (define/contract (adjacent-names side name [ptree current-ptree]) ((symbol? ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?)) (let ([result ((if (equal? side 'left) takef takef-right) (all-names ptree) (λ(y) (not (equal? (->string name) (->string y)))))]) (and (not (empty? result)) result))) (module+ test (check-equal? (adjacent-names 'left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar")) (check-equal? (adjacent-names 'left 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two")) (check-false (adjacent-names 'left 'foo test-ptree))) ;; get sequence of earlier names (define/contract (previous* name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?)) (adjacent-names 'left name ptree)) (module+ test (check-equal? (previous* 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar")) (check-equal? (previous* 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two")) (check-false (previous* 'foo test-ptree))) ;; get sequence of next names (define (next* name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c (listof ptree-name?) false?)) (adjacent-names 'right name ptree)) (module+ test (check-equal? (next* 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one" "two" "three")) (check-equal? (next* 'one test-ptree) '("two" "three")) (check-false (next* 'three test-ptree))) ;; get name immediately previous (define/contract (previous name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) (let ([result (previous* name ptree)]) (and result (last result)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (previous 'one test-ptree) "bar") (check-equal? (previous 'three test-ptree) "two") (check-false (previous 'foo test-ptree))) ;; get name immediately next (define (next name [ptree current-ptree]) ((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) (let ([result (next* name ptree)]) (and result (first result)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (next 'foo test-ptree) "bar") (check-equal? (next 'one test-ptree) "two") (check-false (next 'three test-ptree))) (define/contract (name->url name [files current-url-context]) ((ptree-name?) ((listof pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c ptree-name? false?)) ;; upconvert all files to their output path ;; then remove duplicates because some sources might have already been rendered (define output-paths (remove-duplicates (map ->output-path files) equal?)) ;; find ones that match name (define matching-paths (filter (λ(x) (equal? (->string x) (->string name))) output-paths)) (cond [((len matching-paths) . = . 1) (->string (car matching-paths))] [((len matching-paths) . > . 1) (error "More than one matching URL for" name)] [else #f] )) (define ptree-name->url name->url) (module+ test (define files '("foo.html" "bar.html" "bar.html.p" "zap.html" "zap.xml")) (check-equal? (name->url 'foo.html files) "foo.html") (check-equal? (name->url 'bar.html files) "bar.html") ;; (check-equal? (name->url 'zap files) 'error) ;; todo: how to test error? (check-false (name->url 'hee files))) ;; this sets default input for following functions (define/contract (ptree-root->ptree tx) ;; (not/c ptree) prevents ptrees from being accepted as input ((and/c tagged-xexpr?) . -> . ptree?) tx) (module+ test (set! test-ptree-main `(ptree-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))) (check-equal? (ptree-root->ptree test-ptree-main) `(ptree-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three"))))) ;; contract for ptree-source-decode (define/contract (valid-names? x) (any/c . -> . boolean?) (andmap (λ(x) (ptree-name? #:loud #t x)) (filter-not whitespace? (flatten x)))) ;; contract for ptree-source-decode (define/contract (unique-names? x) (any/c . -> . boolean?) ;; use map ->string to make keys comparable (elements-unique? #:loud #t (map ->string (filter-not whitespace? (flatten x))))) (define/contract (ptree-source-decode . elements) (() #:rest (and/c valid-names? unique-names?) . ->* . ptree?) (ptree-root->ptree (decode (cons POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME elements) #:xexpr-elements-proc (λ(xs) (filter-not whitespace? xs))))) (define current-ptree '()) (define/contract (set-current-ptree ptree) (ptree? . -> . void?) (set! current-ptree ptree)) (set-current-ptree '(ptree-root)) ;; create the state variable (define current-url-context '()) ;; create the state variable setter (define/contract (set-current-url-context x) ((or/c directory-pathish? (listof pathish?)) . -> . void) ;; try treating x as a directory, ;; otherwise treat it as a list of paths (set! current-url-context (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e) x)]) (visible-files (->path x))))) ;; set the state variable using the setter (set-current-url-context PROJECT_ROOT) ;; used to convert here-path into here (define/contract (path->ptree-name path) (pathish? . -> . ptree-name?) (->string (->output-path (find-relative-path PROJECT_ROOT (->path path))))) #| (module+ main (displayln "Running module main") (set-current-ptree (make-project-ptree (->path "/Users/MB/git/bpt/"))) (set-current-url-context "/Users/MB/git/bpt/") (ptree-previous (ptree-previous 'what-is-typography.html)) (name->url "how-to-pay-for-this-book.html")) |#