#lang racket/base (require racket/string racket/list racket/contract) (require pollen/readability) (provide (all-defined-out) (all-from-out racket/string racket/list racket/contract pollen/readability)) (define css-property-prefixes '("-moz-" "-webkit-" "-o-" "-ms-" "")) (define (join-css-strings properties) (define line-ending ";\n") (define out-string (string-join properties line-ending)) (if (ends-with? out-string line-ending) ; might already have the line ending, so don't duplicate it out-string (string-append out-string line-ending))) (define (make-css-string p v) (string-join (list (->string p) (->string v)) ": ")) (define (make-css-strings property-prefixes property-suffix values) ; general function for creating groups of css properties ; with browser prefixes and one value (define (map-suffix suffix prefixes) (map (λ(prefix) (string-append prefix suffix)) prefixes)) (define properties (map-suffix property-suffix property-prefixes)) ; if single value provided, convert to list of values ; so that it will work with map in the next step (when (not (list? values)) (set! values (make-list (len properties) values))) (map make-css-string properties values))