#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/strip-context "../setup.rkt" "split-metas.rkt") racket/list "to-string.rkt" "../pagetree.rkt" "splice.rkt" "../core.rkt" "../setup.rkt" (prefix-in doclang: "external/doclang-raw.rkt")) (provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) #%module-begin) (rename-out [pollen-module-begin #%module-begin]) (all-from-out "../core.rkt" "../setup.rkt")) (define (strip-leading-newlines doc) ;; drop leading newlines, as they're often the result of `defines` and `requires` (if (setup:trim-whitespace?) (dropf doc (λ (ln) (member ln (list (setup:newline) "")))) doc)) (define (stringify xs) (apply string-append (map to-string xs))) (define (parse xs-in parser-mode root-proc) (define xs (splice (strip-leading-newlines xs-in) (setup:splicing-tag))) (cond [(eq? parser-mode default-mode-pagetree) (decode-pagetree xs)] [(eq? parser-mode default-mode-markup) (apply root-proc (remove-voids xs))] [(eq? parser-mode default-mode-markdown) (let* ([xs (stringify xs)] [xs ((dynamic-require 'markdown 'parse-markdown) xs)] [xs (map strip-empty-attrs xs)]) (apply root-proc xs))] [else (stringify xs)])) ; preprocessor mode (define-syntax (pollen-module-begin stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ PARSER-MODE . EXPRS) (with-syntax ([META-HASH (split-metas #'EXPRS (setup:define-meta-name))] [METAS-ID (setup:meta-export)] [METAS-ID-CALLER (datum->syntax #'EXPRS (setup:meta-export))] [ROOT-ID (datum->syntax #'EXPRS (setup:main-root-node))] [POLLEN/TOP (datum->syntax #'EXPRS 'pollen/top)] [DOC-ID (setup:main-export)] [ALL-DEFINED-OUT (datum->syntax #'EXPRS '(all-defined-out))]) #'(doclang:#%module-begin DOC-ID ; positional arg for doclang-raw: name of export (λ (xs) ; positional arg for doclang-raw: post-processor ;; wait till the end to restore prev-metas ;; because tag functions may edit current-metas ;; and we want root to see those changes (begin0 (parse xs PARSER-MODE ROOT-ID) ;; pick up any imperative changes to current-metas by tag functions (set! METAS-ID-CALLER (current-metas)) ;; restore previous value of metas (current-metas prev-metas))) (module METAS-ID racket/base (provide METAS-ID) (define METAS-ID META-HASH)) (require POLLEN/TOP (submod "." METAS-ID)) (provide ALL-DEFINED-OUT; implicitly picks up METAS-ID-CALLER DOC-ID) ;; we set current-metas imperatively rather than using `splicing-parameterize` ;; so that we can restore it in the post-processor, rather than out here (define METAS-ID-CALLER METAS-ID) ; grab the new metas (define prev-metas (current-metas)) ; stash the old metas (and (current-metas METAS-ID-CALLER) "") ; because empty strings get stripped, voids don't (begin . EXPRS)))]))