#lang racket/base (require racket/path racket/list racket/match sugar/coerce sugar/define sugar/test sugar/list txexpr/base) (require "setup.rkt" "private/whitespace.rkt" "private/file-utils.rkt" "decode.rkt" "cache.rkt") (define+provide current-pagetree (make-parameter #f)) (define+provide (pagenode? x) (->boolean (and (symbol? x) (not (whitespace/nbsp? (symbol->string x)))))) (module-test-external (check-false (pagenode? "foo-bar")) (check-false (pagenode? "Foo_Bar_0123")) (check-true (pagenode? 'foo-bar)) (check-false (pagenode? "foo-bar.p")) (check-false (pagenode? "/Users/MB/foo-bar")) (check-false (pagenode? #f)) (check-false (pagenode? "")) (check-false (pagenode? " "))) ;; for contracts: faster than (listof pagenode?) (define (pagenodes? x) (and (list? x) (andmap pagenode? x))) (define+provide (pagenodeish? x) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (->boolean (->pagenode x)))) (define+provide (->pagenode x) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (raise-argument-error '->pagenode "can't convert input to pagenode" x))]) (->symbol x))) (define+provide/contract (decode-pagetree xs) (txexpr-elements? . -> . any/c) ; because pagetree is being explicitly validated (define pt-root-tag (setup:pagetree-root-node)) (define (splice-nested-pagetree xs) (apply append (for/list ([x (in-list xs)]) (if (and (txexpr? x) (eq? (get-tag x) pt-root-tag)) (get-elements x) (list x))))) (validate-pagetree (decode (cons pt-root-tag xs) #:txexpr-elements-proc (compose1 splice-nested-pagetree (λ (xs) (filter-not whitespace? xs))) #:string-proc string->symbol))) ; because faster than ->pagenode (define+provide (validate-pagetree x) (and (txexpr? x) (let () (define pagenodes (pagetree-strict->list x)) (for ([p (in-list pagenodes)] #:unless (pagenode? p)) (raise-argument-error 'validate-pagetree "valid pagenodes" p)) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (error 'validate-pagetree "~a" (exn-message e)))]) (members-unique?/error pagenodes)) x))) (define+provide (pagetree? x) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (->boolean (validate-pagetree x)))) (module-test-external (check-true (pagetree? '(foo))) (check-true (pagetree? '(foo (hee)))) (check-true (pagetree? '(foo (hee (uncle foo))))) (check-false (pagetree? '(foo (hee hee (uncle foo))))) (check-equal? (decode-pagetree '(one two (pagetree-root three (pagetree-root four five) six) seven eight)) '(pagetree-root one two three four five six seven eight))) (define+provide/contract (directory->pagetree dir) (coerce/path? . -> . pagetree?) (define (unique-sorted-output-paths xs) (define output-paths (map ->output-path xs)) (define all-paths (filter path-visible? (remove-duplicates output-paths))) (define (path-is-directory? f) (directory-exists? (build-path dir f))) (define-values (subdirectories files) (partition path-is-directory? all-paths)) (define-values (pagetree-sources other-files) (partition pagetree-source? files)) (define (sort-names xs) (sort xs #:key ->string stringstring path) default-cache-names)) (unless (directory-exists? dir) (raise-argument-error 'directory->pagetree "existing directory" dir)) (decode-pagetree (map ->pagenode (unique-sorted-output-paths (filter-not cache-dir? (directory-list dir)))))) (define+provide/contract (get-pagetree source-path) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?) . -> . pagetree?) ((if (pagetree? source-path) values cached-doc) source-path)) (define+provide load-pagetree get-pagetree) ; bw compat (define+provide/contract (make-project-pagetree project-dir) (pathish? . -> . pagetree?) (match (build-path project-dir (setup:main-pagetree)) [(and (? file-exists?) pagetree-source) (load-pagetree pagetree-source)] [_ (directory->pagetree project-dir)])) (define (topmost-node x) (first (->list x))) (define+provide/contract (parent pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)] #:allow-root [allow-root? #f]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?) #:allow-root boolean?) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenode?)) (define pt (get-pagetree pt-or-path)) (define result (and pnish (let loop ([pagenode (->pagenode pnish)][subtree pt]) (match-define (list* current-parent current-children) subtree) (if (memq pagenode (map topmost-node current-children)) current-parent (for/or ([st (in-list (filter list? current-children))]) (loop pagenode st)))))) (if (eq? result (first pt)) (and allow-root? result) result)) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (parent 'three test-pagetree) 'two) (check-equal? (parent "three" test-pagetree) 'two) (check-false (parent 'foo test-pagetree)) (check-false (parent #f test-pagetree)) (check-false (parent 'nonexistent-name test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (children p [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenodes?)) (and pt-or-path p (let loop ([pagenode (->pagenode p)][pt (get-pagetree pt-or-path)]) (match pagenode [(== (first pt) eq?) (map topmost-node (rest pt))] [_ (for/or ([subtree (in-list (filter pair? pt))]) (loop pagenode subtree))])))) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (children 'one test-pagetree) '(two)) (check-equal? (children 'two test-pagetree) '(three)) (check-false (children 'three test-pagetree)) (check-false (children #f test-pagetree)) (check-false (children 'fooburger test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (siblings pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenodes?)) (define pt (get-pagetree pt-or-path)) (children (parent #:allow-root #t pnish pt) pt)) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (siblings 'one test-pagetree) '(foo bar one)) (check-equal? (siblings 'foo test-pagetree) '(foo bar one)) (check-equal? (siblings 'two test-pagetree) '(two)) (check-false (siblings #f test-pagetree)) (check-false (siblings 'invalid-key test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (other-siblings pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenodes?)) (match (for/list ([sib (in-list (or (siblings pnish pt-or-path) empty))] #:unless (eq? sib (->pagenode pnish))) sib) [(? pair? sibs) sibs] [_ #false])) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three four)))) (check-equal? (other-siblings 'one test-pagetree) '(foo bar)) (check-equal? (other-siblings 'foo test-pagetree) '(bar one)) (check-equal? (other-siblings 'two test-pagetree) #f) (check-equal? (other-siblings 'three test-pagetree) '(four)) (check-false (other-siblings #f test-pagetree)) (check-false (other-siblings 'invalid-key test-pagetree))) ;; private helper function. ;; only takes pt as input. ;; used by `pagetree?` predicate, so can't use `pagetree?` contract. (define (pagetree-strict->list pt) (flatten (rest pt))) ;; flatten tree to sequence (define+provide/contract (pagetree->list pt-or-path) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?) . -> . pagenodes?) ; use rest to get rid of root tag at front (pagetree-strict->list (get-pagetree pt-or-path))) (define+provide/contract (pagetree->paths pt-or-path) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?) . -> . (listof complete-path?)) (parameterize ([current-directory (current-project-root)]) (map ->complete-path (pagetree->list (match pt-or-path [(? pagetree? pt) pt] [_ (cached-doc pt-or-path)]))))) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (pagetree->list test-pagetree) '(foo bar one two three))) (define (adjacents side pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (and pt-or-path pnish (let loop ([side side] [pagenode (->pagenode pnish)] [pagetree-nodes (pagetree->list (get-pagetree pt-or-path))]) (case side [(right) (match (memq pagenode pagetree-nodes) [(list _ rest ..1) rest] [_ #false])] [else (match (loop 'right pagenode (reverse pagetree-nodes)) [(? pair? result) (reverse result)] [_ #false])])))) (module-test-internal (require rackunit) (check-equal? (adjacents 'right 'one '(pagetree-index one two three)) '(two three)) (check-false (adjacents 'right 'node-not-in-pagetree '(pagetree-index one two three)))) (define+provide/contract (previous* pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenodes?)) (adjacents 'left pnish pt-or-path)) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (previous* 'one test-pagetree) '(foo bar)) (check-equal? (previous* 'three test-pagetree) '(foo bar one two)) (check-false (previous* 'foo test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (next* pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenodes?)) (adjacents 'right pnish pt-or-path)) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (next* 'foo test-pagetree) '(bar one two three)) (check-equal? (next* 'one test-pagetree) '(two three)) (check-false (next* 'three test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (previous pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenode?)) (match (previous* pnish pt-or-path) [(list _ ... result) result] [_ #false])) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (previous 'one test-pagetree) 'bar) (check-equal? (previous 'three test-pagetree) 'two) (check-false (previous 'foo test-pagetree))) (define+provide/contract (next pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c #f pagenode?)) (match (next* pnish pt-or-path) [(list result _ ...) result] [_ #false])) (module-test-external (define test-pagetree `(pagetree-main foo bar (one (two three)))) (check-equal? (next 'foo test-pagetree) 'bar) (check-equal? (next 'one test-pagetree) 'two) (check-false (next 'three test-pagetree))) (define/contract+provide (path->pagenode path [starting-path (current-project-root)]) ((coerce/path?) (coerce/path?) . ->* . coerce/symbol?) (define starting-dir (match starting-path [(? directory-exists?) starting-path] [_ (dirname starting-path)])) (->output-path (find-relative-path (->complete-path starting-dir) (->complete-path path)))) (define+provide/contract (in-pagetree? pnish [pt-or-path (current-pagetree)]) (((or/c #f pagenodeish?)) ((or/c pagetree? pathish?)) . ->* . boolean?) (and pnish (memq pnish (pagetree->list (get-pagetree pt-or-path))) #t))