#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/kerncase)) (provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) #%module-begin) (rename-out [*module-begin #%module-begin])) ;; Module wrapper ---------------------------------------- (define-syntax (*module-begin stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ . body) (with-syntax ([id #'doc-raw] [post-process #'(λ(x) x)] [exprs #'()]) #'(#%module-begin (doc-begin id post-process exprs . body)))])) (define-syntax (doc-begin stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ m-id post-process (expr ...)) #`(begin (define m-id (post-process (list . #,(reverse (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))))) (provide m-id))] [(_ m-id post-process exprs . body) ;; `body' probably starts with lots of string constants; it's ;; slow to trampoline on every string, so do them in a batch ;; here: (let loop ([body #'body] [accum null]) (syntax-case body () [(s . rest) (string? (syntax-e #'s)) (loop #'rest (cons #'s accum))] [() (with-syntax ([(accum ...) accum]) #`(doc-begin m-id post-process (accum ... . exprs)))] [(body1 . body) (with-syntax ([exprs (append accum #'exprs)]) (let ([expanded (local-expand #'body1 'module (append (kernel-form-identifier-list) (syntax->list #'(provide require #%provide #%require))))]) (syntax-case expanded (begin) [(begin body1 ...) #`(doc-begin m-id post-process exprs body1 ... . body)] [(id . rest) (and (identifier? #'id) (ormap (lambda (kw) (free-identifier=? #'id kw)) (syntax->list #'(require provide define-values define-syntaxes begin-for-syntax module module* #%require #%provide)))) #`(begin #,expanded (doc-begin m-id post-process exprs . body))] [_else #`(doc-begin m-id post-process ((pre-part #,expanded body1) . exprs) . body)])))]))])) (define-syntax (pre-part stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ s e) (if (string? (syntax-e #'s)) #'s (with-syntax ([src (syntax-source #'e)] [line (syntax-line #'e)] [col (syntax-column #'e)] [pos (syntax-position #'e)] [span (syntax-column #'e)]) #'(check-pre-part e (vector 'src 'line 'col 'pos 'span))))])) (define (check-pre-part v s) v)