#lang racket/base (require racket/list racket/contract racket/rerequire racket/file racket/format xml racket/match racket/set racket/string racket/promise racket/path) (require web-server/http/xexpr web-server/dispatchers/dispatch) (require net/url) (require web-server/http/request-structs) (require web-server/http/response-structs) (require 2htdp/image) (require "world.rkt" "render.rkt" sugar txexpr "file.rkt" "debug.rkt" "pagetree.rkt" "cache.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;;; Routes for the server module ;;; separated out for ease of testing ;;; because it's tedious to start the server just to check a route. (provide route-dashboard route-xexpr route-default route-404 route-in route-out) (define (body-wrapper content-xexpr) `(html (head (meta ([charset "UTF-8"])) (link ([rel "stylesheet"] [type "text/css"] [href ,(format "/~a" world:dashboard-css)]))) (body ,content-xexpr (div ((id "pollen-logo")))))) ;; to make dummy requests for debugging (define/contract (string->request u) (string? . -> . request?) (make-request #"GET" (string->url u) empty (delay empty) #f "" 80 "")) ;; print message to console about a request (define/contract (logger req) (request? . -> . void?) (define client (request-client-ip req)) (define localhost-client "::1") (define url-string (url->string (request-uri req))) (message "request:" (string-replace url-string world:default-pagetree " dashboard") (if (not (equal? client localhost-client)) (format "from ~a" client) ""))) ;; pass string args to route, then ;; package route into right format for web server ;; todo: fix inbound contrfact to be proc with (path? . -> . xexpr?) ;; todo: fix outbound contract to be proc with (request? #:rest args . -> . response?) (define/contract (route-wrapper route-proc) (procedure? . -> . procedure?) (λ(req . string-args) (logger req) (define path (apply build-path (world:current-project-root) (flatten string-args))) (response/xexpr (route-proc path)))) ;; extract main xexpr from a path (define/contract (file->xexpr path #:render [wants-render #t]) ((complete-path?) (#:render boolean?) . ->* . txexpr?) (when wants-render (render-from-source-or-output-path path)) (dynamic-rerequire path) ; stores module mod date; reloads if it's changed (dynamic-require path world:main-pollen-export)) ;; todo: rewrite this test, obsolete since filename convention changed ;;(module+ test ;; (check-equal? (file->xexpr (build-path (current-directory) "tests/server-routes/foo.p") #:render #f) '(root "\n" "foo"))) ;; read contents of file to string ;; just file->string with a render option (define/contract (slurp path #:render [wants-render #t]) ((complete-path?) (#:render boolean?) . ->* . string?) (when wants-render (render-from-source-or-output-path path)) (file->string path)) ;; add a wrapper to txexpr that displays it as monospaced text ;; for "view source"ish functions ;; takes either a string or an xexpr (define/contract (format-as-code x) (xexpr? . -> . txexpr?) (body-wrapper `(tt ,x))) (define (handle-image-path p) (pathish? . -> . xexpr?) (define path (->complete-path p)) (define img (bitmap/file path)) (define relative-path (->string (find-relative-path (world:current-project-root) path))) (define img-url (format "/~a" relative-path)) `(div (p "filename =" ,(->string relative-path)) (p "size = " ,(bytecount->string (file-size path))) ,@(when/splice (not (equal? (get-ext path) "svg")) `(p "width = " ,(->string (image-width img)) " " "height = " ,(->string (image-height img)))) (a ((href ,img-url)) (img ((style "width:100%;border:1px solid #eee")(src ,img-url)))))) (require file/unzip) (define (handle-zip-path p) (pathish? . -> . xexpr?) (define path (->path p)) (define relative-path (->string (find-relative-path (world:current-project-root) path))) (define ziplist (zip-directory-entries (read-zip-directory path))) `(div (p "filename =" ,(->string relative-path)) (p "size = " ,(bytecount->string (file-size path))) (ul ,@(map (λ(i) `(li ,(~a i))) ziplist)))) (define/contract (make-binary-info-page p) (pathish? . -> . xexpr?) (define path (->complete-path p)) (cond [((get-ext path) . in? . '("gif" "jpg" "jpeg" "png" "svg")) (handle-image-path path)] [((get-ext path) . in? . '("zip")) (handle-zip-path path)] [else '(p "We got some other kind of binary file.")])) ;; server routes ;; these all produce an xexpr, which is handled upstream by response/xexpr ;; server routes that show result, formatted as code ;; route-in just gets file from disk; route-out renders it first (define/contract (in path) (complete-path? . -> . xexpr?) (format-as-code (slurp path #:render #f))) (define route-in (route-wrapper in)) (define/contract (out path) (complete-path? . -> . xexpr?) (cond [(or (has-binary-ext? path) (sourceish? path)) (make-binary-info-page path)] [else (format-as-code (slurp path #:render #t))])) (define route-out (route-wrapper out)) ;; dashboard route (define (dashboard dashboard-ptree) (define dashboard-dir (get-enclosing-dir dashboard-ptree)) (define (in-project-root?) (directories-equal? dashboard-dir (world:current-project-root))) (define parent-dir (and (not (in-project-root?)) (get-enclosing-dir dashboard-dir))) (define empty-cell (cons #f #f)) (define (make-link-cell href+text) (match-define (cons href text) href+text) (filter-not void? `(td ,(when text (if href `(a ((href ,href)) ,text) text))))) (define (make-parent-row) (define title (string-append "Project root" (if (equal? (world:current-project-root) dashboard-dir) (format " = ~a" dashboard-dir) ""))) (define dirs (cons title (if (not (equal? (world:current-project-root) dashboard-dir)) (explode-path (find-relative-path (world:current-project-root) dashboard-dir)) null))) (define dirlinks (cons "/" (map (λ(ps) (format "/~a/" (apply build-path ps))) (for/list ([i (length (cdr dirs))]) (take (cdr dirs) (add1 i)))))) `(tr (th ((colspan "3")) ,@(add-between (map (λ(dir dirlink) `(a ((href ,(format "~a~a" dirlink world:default-pagetree))) ,(->string dir))) dirs dirlinks) "/")))) (define (make-path-row filename-path) (define filename (->string filename-path)) (define possible-source (->source-path (build-path dashboard-dir filename-path))) (define source (and possible-source (->string (find-relative-path dashboard-dir possible-source)))) `(tr ,@(map make-link-cell (append (list (cond ; main cell [(directory-exists? (build-path dashboard-dir filename)) ; links subdir to its dashboard (cons (format "~a/~a" filename world:default-pagetree) (format "~a/" filename))] [(and source (equal? (get-ext source) "scrbl")) (cons #f `(a ((href ,filename)) ,filename (span ((class "file-ext")) " (from " ,(path->string (find-relative-path dashboard-dir source)) ")")))] [source (cons #f `(a ((href ,filename)) ,filename (span ((class "file-ext")) "." ,(get-ext source))))] [else (cons filename filename)]) (cond ; in cell [source (cons (format "in/~a" source) "in")] [(or (pagetree-source? filename) (sourceish? filename)) (cons (format "in/~a" filename) "in")] [else empty-cell]) (cond ; out cell [(directory-exists? (build-path dashboard-dir filename)) (cons #f #f)] [(pagetree-source? filename) empty-cell] [else (cons (format "out/~a" filename) "out")])))))) (define (ineligible-path? x) (member x world:paths-excluded-from-dashboard)) (define project-paths (filter-not ineligible-path? (map ->path (pagetree->list (if (file-exists? dashboard-ptree) (cached-require (->path dashboard-ptree) world:main-pollen-export) (directory->pagetree dashboard-dir)))))) (body-wrapper `(table ,@(cons (make-parent-row) (if (not (null? project-paths)) (map make-path-row project-paths) (list '(tr (td ((class "no-files")) "No files yet in this directory") (td) (td)))))))) (define route-dashboard (route-wrapper dashboard)) (define (get-query-value url key) ; query is parsed as list of pairs, key is symbol, value is string ; '((key . "value") ... ) (let ([result (memf (λ(x) (equal? (car x) key)) (url-query url))]) (and result (cdar result)))) (define/contract (req->path req) (request? . -> . path?) (define base (world:current-project-root)) (define file (url->path (request-uri req))) (if (eq? (system-path-convention-type) 'windows) (build-path base file) (reroot-path file base))) ;; default route (define (route-default req) (logger req) (define force (equal? (get-query-value (request-uri req) 'force) "true")) (render-from-source-or-output-path (req->path req) #:force force) (next-dispatcher)) ;; 404 route (define/contract (route-404 req) (request? . -> . response?) (define error-text (format "route-404: Can't find ~a" (->string (req->path req)))) (message error-text) (response/xexpr `(html ,error-text))) ;; server route that returns xexpr (before conversion to html) (define/contract (xexpr path) (complete-path? . -> . xexpr?) (format-as-code (~v (file->xexpr path)))) (define route-xexpr (route-wrapper xexpr))