#lang racket/base (require txexpr sugar/define racket/string racket/match) (define first car) (define second cadr) (define+provide make-default-tag-function (make-keyword-procedure (λ (outer-kws outer-kw-args . ids) (define (make-one-tag id) (make-keyword-procedure (λ (inner-kws inner-kw-args . attrs+xs) ;; Three possible sources of attrs: ;; 1) normal attrs, in a list at the front of the args ;; 2) colon args, using special 'key: "value" syntax, also at the front of the args ;; 3) keyword args. (define-values (leading-attrs xs) (if (and (pair? attrs+xs) (txexpr-attrs? (car attrs+xs))) (values (car attrs+xs) (cdr attrs+xs)) (values null attrs+xs))) (define-values (kws kw-args) (values (append outer-kws inner-kws) (append outer-kw-args inner-kw-args))) (match-define (list colon-attrs ... body) (let parse-one-colon-attr ([xs xs]) (define (colon-attr-name? x) (let ([result (regexp-match #rx".*?(?=:$)" (symbol->string x))]) (and result (string->symbol (car result))))) ; return name or #f (define maybe-attr-name (and (>= (length xs) 2) (symbol? (first xs)) (string? (second xs)) ; accept strings only as attr value (colon-attr-name? (first xs)))) (if maybe-attr-name (let ([attr-name maybe-attr-name][attr-value (second xs)]) (cons (list attr-name attr-value) (parse-one-colon-attr (cddr xs)))) (list xs)))) (define kw-symbols (map (λ(kw) (string->symbol (string-trim (keyword->string kw) "#:"))) kws)) (define attrs (append (map list kw-symbols kw-args) colon-attrs leading-attrs)) ;; construct the xexpr result "manually" (i.e., not with `make-txexpr` because it may not be a legit txexpr for now ;; (but it may become one through further processing, so no need to be finicky) ;; however, don't show empty attrs. (list* id (if (null? attrs) body (list* attrs body)))))) (let ([tag-proc (apply compose1 (map make-one-tag ids))] [tag-proc-name (string->symbol (format "pollen-tag:~a" (string-join (map symbol->string ids) "+")))]) (procedure-rename tag-proc tag-proc-name))))) (define/contract+provide (split-attributes parts) (list? . -> . (values txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?)) (define dummy-tag (gensym)) (define dummy-txexpr (apply (make-default-tag-function dummy-tag) parts)) (define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values dummy-txexpr)) (values attrs elements)) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define outerdiv (make-default-tag-function 'div #:class "outer" #:style "outer")) (check-equal? (outerdiv "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer")) "foo")) (check-equal? (outerdiv) '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer")))) (check-equal? (outerdiv #:class "inner") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner")))) (check-equal? (outerdiv #:class "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner")) "foo")) ;; `make-keyword-procedure` sorts keyword arguments alphabetically, so 'field' ends up before 'id' (check-equal? (outerdiv #:id "shazbot" #:field "greens" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (field "greens") (id "shazbot")) "foo")) (check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot")) "foo")) (check-equal? (outerdiv '((id "shazbot")) "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot")) "foo")) (check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" 'class: "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot") (class "inner")) "foo")) ;; (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" '((class "inner")) "foo") won't work because colon attrs supplant conventional attrs (docs concur) (check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" #:class "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner") (id "shazbot")) "foo")))