#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/eval pollen/decode pollen/setup txexpr (for-label pollen/unstable/typography txexpr racket (except-in pollen #%module-begin))) @(define my-eval (make-base-eval)) @(my-eval `(require pollen pollen/unstable/typography)) @(require "mb-tools.rkt") @title{Typography} @defmodule[pollen/unstable/typography] Quick & dirty utilities. I use them, but I haven't tested them with enough edge cases to feel like they deserve to live outside @racket[unstable]. I welcome improvements. @defproc[ (smart-quotes [xexpr (or/c string? txexpr?)]) (or/c string? txexpr?)] Convert straight quotes in @racket[_xexepr] to curly according to American English conventions. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tricky-string "\"Why,\" she could've asked, \"are we in O‘ahu watching 'Mame'?\"") (display tricky-string) (display (smart-quotes tricky-string)) ] @defproc[ (smart-dashes [str string?]) string?] In @racket[_str], convert three hyphens to an em dash, and two hyphens to an en dash, and remove surrounding spaces. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define tricky-string "I had a few --- OK, like 6--8 --- thin mints.") (display tricky-string) (display (smart-dashes tricky-string)) (code:comment @#,t{Monospaced font not great for showing dashes, but you get the idea}) ] @defproc[ (wrap-hanging-quotes [tx txexpr?] [#:single-preprend single-preprender txexpr-tag? 'squo] [#:double-preprend double-preprender txexpr-tag? 'dquo] ) txexpr?] Find single or double quote marks at the beginning of @racket[_tx] and wrap them in an X-expression with the tag @racket[_single-preprender] or @racket[_double-preprender], respectively. The default values are @racket['squo] and @racket['dquo]. @examples[#:eval my-eval (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "No quote to hang.")) (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“What? We need to hang quotes?”")) ] In pro typography, quotation marks at the beginning of a line or paragraph are often shifted into the margin slightly to make them appear more optically aligned with the left edge of the text. With a reflowable layout model like HTML, you don't know where your line breaks will be. This function will simply insert the @racket['squo] and @racket['dquo] tags, which provide hooks that let you do the actual hanging via CSS, like so (actual measurement can be refined to taste): @verbatim{squo {margin-left: -0.25em;} dquo {margin-left: -0.50em;} } Be warned: there are many edge cases this function does not handle well. @examples[#:eval my-eval (code:comment @#,t{Argh: this edge case is not handled properly}) (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“" (em "What?") "We need to hang quotes?”")) ] @defproc[ (whitespace? [v any/c]) boolean?] A predicate that returns @racket[#t] for any stringlike @racket[_v] that's entirely whitespace, but also the empty string, as well as lists and vectors that are made only of @racket[whitespace?] members. Following the @racket[regexp-match] convention, @racket[whitespace?] does not return @racket[#t] for a nonbreaking space. If you prefer that behavior, use @racket[whitespace/nbsp?]. @examples[#:eval my-eval (whitespace? "\n\n ") (whitespace? (string->symbol "\n\n ")) (whitespace? "") (whitespace? '("" " " "\n\n\n" " \n")) (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0)) (whitespace? nonbreaking-space) ] @defproc[ (whitespace/nbsp? [v any/c]) boolean?] Like @racket[whitespace?], but also returns @racket[#t] for nonbreaking spaces. @examples[#:eval my-eval (whitespace/nbsp? "\n\n ") (whitespace/nbsp? (string->symbol "\n\n ")) (whitespace/nbsp? "") (whitespace/nbsp? '("" " " "\n\n\n" " \n")) (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0)) (whitespace/nbsp? nonbreaking-space) ]