#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/eval pollen/render pollen/world (for-label racket (except-in pollen #%module-begin) pollen/world pollen/file sugar/coerce/value)) @(define my-eval (make-base-eval)) @(my-eval `(require pollen pollen/file)) @title{Files} @defmodule[pollen/file] A utility module that provides functions for working with Pollen source and output files. The tests rely on file extensions specified in @racket[pollen/world]. Pollen handles six kinds of source files: @bold{Preprocessor}, with file extension @code[(format ".~a" world:preproc-source-ext)]. @bold{Markup}, with file extension @code[(format ".~a" world:markup-source-ext)]. @bold{Template}, with file extension @code[(format ".~a" world:template-source-ext)]. @bold{Null}, with file extension @code[(format ".~a" world:null-source-ext)]. @bold{Scribble}, with file extension @code[(format ".~a" world:scribble-source-ext)]. For each kind of Pollen source file, the corresponding output file is generated by removing the extension from the name of the source file. So the preprocessor source file @code["default.css.pp"] would become @code["default.css"]. Scribble files work differently — the corresponding output file is the source file but with an @racket[html] extension rather than @racket[scrbl]. So @code["pollen.scrbl"] would become @code["pollen.html"]. @deftogether[ (@defproc[ (preproc-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (markup-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (template-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (null-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (scribble-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (pagetree-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] )] Test whether @racket[_v] is a path representing a source file of the specified type, based on file extension. @examples[#:eval my-eval (preproc-source? "main.css.pp") (markup-source? "default.html.pm") (template-source? "main.html.pt") (null-source? "index.html.p") (scribble-source? "file.scrbl") (pagetree-source? "index.ptree") ] @deftogether[ (@defproc[ (has-preproc-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has-markup-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has-template-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has-null-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has-scribble-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] )] Test whether @racket[_v] is the output path for an existing source file of the specified type. @deftogether[ (@defproc[ (has/is-preproc-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has/is-markup-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has/is-template-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has/is-null-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] @defproc[ (has/is-scribble-source? [v any/c]) boolean?] )] Test whether @racket[_v] is a path representing a source file of the specified type, or is the output path for an existing source file of the specified type. In other words, @racket[has/is-preproc-source?] is equivalent to @racket[(or (preproc-source? v) (has-preproc-source? v))]. @deftogether[ (@defproc[ (->preproc-source-path [p pathish?]) path?] @defproc[ (->markup-source-path [p pathish?]) path?] @defproc[ (->template-source-path [p pathish?]) path?] @defproc[ (->null-source-path [p pathish?]) path?] @defproc[ (->scribble-source-path [p pathish?]) path?] )] Convert an output path @racket[_p] into the source path of the specified type that would produce this output path. This function simply generates a path for a file — it does not ask whether the file exists. @examples[#:eval my-eval (define name "default.html") (->preproc-source-path name) (->markup-source-path name) (->template-source-path name) (->scribble-source-path name) (->null-source-path name) ] @defproc[ (->output-path [p pathish?]) path?] Convert a source path @racket[_p] into its corresponding output path. This function simply generates a path for a file — it does not ask whether the file exists. @examples[#:eval my-eval (->output-path "main.css.pp") (->output-path "default.html.pm") (->output-path "index.html.p") (->output-path "file.scrbl") ]