#lang racket/base (require racket/date) (require racket/string) (require racket/format) (provide (all-defined-out)) ; todo: contracts, tests, docs (require (prefix-in williams: (planet williams/describe/describe))) (define (describe x) (williams:describe x) x) ; debug utilities (define months (list "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")) (define (message . items) (define (zero-fill str count) (set! str (~a str)) (if (> (string-length str) count) str (string-append (make-string (- count (string-length str)) #\0) str))) (define (make-date-string) (define date (current-date)) (define date-fields (map (λ(x) (zero-fill x 2)) (list (date-day date) (list-ref months (sub1 (date-month date))) (if (<= (date-hour date) 12) (date-hour date) ; am hours + noon hour (modulo (date-hour date) 12)) ; pm hours after noon hour (date-minute date) (date-second date) ; (if (< (date-hour date) 12) "am" "pm") ))) (apply format "[~a-~a ~a:~a:~a]" date-fields)) (displayln (string-join `(,(make-date-string) ,@(map (λ(x)(if (string? x) x (~v x))) items))) (current-error-port))) ; report the current value of the variable, then return it (define-syntax-rule (report var) (begin (message 'var "=" var) var))