#lang racket/base (require racket/contract racket/list racket/match) (require (planet mb/pollen/tools) (planet mb/pollen/decode)) (provide (all-defined-out)) (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;; todo: contracts & unit tests (define/contract (meta-proc meta) (meta-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?) `(meta ((name ,(second meta))(content ,(third meta))))) (module+ test (check-equal? (meta-proc '(meta "key" "value")) '(meta ((name "key")(content "value"))))) ;; how a paragraph break is denoted: two or more newlines (define/contract (paragraph-break? str) (string? . -> . boolean?) (->boolean (regexp-match #px"^\n{2,}$" str))) (module+ test (check-false (paragraph-break? "foo")) (check-false (paragraph-break? "\n")) (check-true (paragraph-break? "\n\n")) (check-true (paragraph-break? "\n\n\n"))) ;; convert single newline to br tag ;; only if neither adjacent tag is a block ;; otherwise delete ;; todo: contracts & unit tests (define (convert-linebreaks x) ; x is list (filter-not empty? (for/list ([i (len x)]) (cond [(equal? (get x i) "\n") ; todo: don't hardcode this (if (andmap (λ(i) (not (block-xexpr? i))) (list (get x (sub1 i)) (get x (add1 i)))) '(br) '())] [else (get x i)])))) ;; todo: contracts & unit tests (define (prep-paragraph-flow x) (convert-linebreaks (merge-newlines (trim x whitespace?)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (prep-paragraph-flow '("\n" "foo" "\n" "\n" "bar" "\n" "ino" "\n")) '("foo" "\n\n" "bar" (br) "ino"))) ;; todo: contracts & unit tests (define (wrap-paragraph x) ; x is a list containing paragraph pieces ; if paragraph is just one block-level xexpr (if (and (= (length x) 1) (block-xexpr? (car x))) (car x) ; leave it `(p ,@x))) ; otherwise wrap in p tag ;; todo: contracts & unit tests (define (xexpr-content-proc content) (let ([content (prep-paragraph-flow content)]) (if (ormap paragraph-break? content) ; need this condition to prevent infinite recursion (map wrap-paragraph (splitf-at* content paragraph-break?)) ; split into ¶¶ content))) (define (root . items) (named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?) (decode (cons 'root items) ; #:exclude-xexpr-names 'em ; #:xexpr-name-proc [xexpr-name-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:xexpr-attr-proc [xexpr-attr-proc (λ(x)x)] #:xexpr-content-proc xexpr-content-proc ; #:block-xexpr-proc [block-xexpr-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:inline-xexpr-proc [inline-xexpr-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:string-proc string-proc #:meta-proc meta-proc )) (define foo "bar")