#lang racket/base (require racket/string racket/list) (require (planet mb/pollen/readability)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CSS Helper functions. ; use these either in CSS style block, ; or inline style. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define css-property-prefixes '("-moz-" "-webkit-" "-o-" "-ms-" "")) (define (join-css-strings properties) (define line-ending ";\n") (define out-string (string-join properties line-ending)) (if (ends-with? out-string line-ending) ; might already have the line ending, so don't duplicate it out-string (string-append out-string line-ending))) (define (make-css-strings property-prefixes property-suffix values) ; general function for creating groups of css properties ; with browser prefixes and one value (define (map-suffix suffix prefixes) (map (λ(prefix) (string-append prefix suffix)) prefixes)) (define (join-css-prop-and-value p v) (string-join (list (->string p) (->string v)) ": ")) (define properties (map-suffix property-suffix property-prefixes)) ; if single value provided, convert to list of values ; so that it will work with map in the next step (when (not (list? values)) (set! values (make-list (len properties) values))) (map join-css-prop-and-value properties values)) (define (make-css-columns #:count count #:gap [gap #f]) ; shorthand for css column declaration (join-css-strings (append (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-count" count) (if gap (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-gap" gap) empty)))) (define (make-css-avoid-column-break-inside) ; this gets applied to list items to keep them from breaking across columns ; however it doesn't work in Firefox due to bug; workaround is stupid (join-css-strings (append (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-break-inside" "avoid") (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "break-inside" "avoid-column")))) (define (make-css-transition property duration #:timing-function [timing-function #f] #:delay [delay #f]) (define transition-prefixes '("-moz-" "-webkit-" "")) (join-css-strings (append (make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-property" property) (make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-duration" duration) (if timing-function (make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-timing-function" timing-function) empty) (if delay (make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-delay" delay) empty)))) (define (make-css-ot-features feature-tags [feature-values 1]) ; if single value provided, upconvert to list (when (not (list? feature-tags)) (set! feature-tags (list feature-tags))) ; same here: convert single value into list (when (not (list? feature-values)) (let ([single-value feature-values]) (set! feature-values (make-list (len feature-tags) single-value)))) ; use single quotes in the formatter because css string might be used in an inline tag ; with form style="[string]" so double quotes are irritating (define feature-tag-string (string-join (map (λ(tag value) (format "'~a' ~a" tag value)) feature-tags feature-values) ", ")) ; I hate accommodating old browsers but I'll make an exception because OT support is ; critical to most MB projects ; if this comes before new-style -moz- declaration, it will work for all. (define feature-tag-string-old-firefox (string-join (map (λ(tag value) (format "'~a=~a'" tag value)) feature-tags feature-values) ", ")) (define feature-tag-property "font-feature-settings") (join-css-strings (append (make-css-strings '("-moz-") feature-tag-property feature-tag-string-old-firefox) (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes feature-tag-property feature-tag-string)))) (define (make-css-hyphens [value "auto"]) (join-css-strings (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "hyphens" value))) (define (make-css-background-gradient colors [stops #f] #:radial [radial #f] #:horizontal [horizontal #f]) ; this doesn't handle old-style webkit syntax. todo: add it? I think I don't care ; check inputs for failure (when (or (not (list? colors)) (< (len colors) 2)) (error "Not enough colors to make gradient in" colors)) (when (and stops (< (len stops) (len colors))) (error "Not enough stops for given number of colors in" stops)) (when (not stops) ; distribute colors evenly between 0 and 100 ; new-stops is range of steps incremented properly and rounded to int, then append 100 to end (let ([new-stops `(,@(map ->int (range 0 100 (/ 100 (sub1 (len colors))))) 100)]) ; convert to list of percentages (set! stops (map (λ(x) (format "~a%" x)) new-stops)))) ; color / percentage pairs separated by commas (define color-stop-string (string-join (map (λ(color stop) (format "~a ~a" color stop)) colors stops) ", ")) ; set up gradient options (define gradient-type (if radial "radial" "linear")) (define gradient-direction (if horizontal "left" "top")) ; can't use standard make-css-strings in this case because the prefixes appear in the value, ; not in the property (which is always "background") (define gradient-strings (map (λ(prefix) (format "background: ~a~a-gradient(~a, ~a)" prefix gradient-type gradient-direction color-stop-string)) css-property-prefixes)) ; just fill with the last color if gradient not available (define fallback-string (format "background: ~a" (last colors))) ; put fallback string at front of list (join-css-strings (cons fallback-string gradient-strings))) (define (make-css-small-caps) (join-css-strings (list "text-transform: lowercase" (make-css-ot-features "c2sc")))) (define (make-css-caps) (join-css-strings (list "text-transform: uppercase" (make-css-ot-features "case")))) (define (make-css-kerning) (join-css-strings (list "text-rendering: optimizeLegibility" (make-css-ot-features "kern")))) (define (make-css-ligatures) (join-css-strings (list "text-rendering: optimizeLegibility" (make-css-ot-features "liga")))) ; editability can't be handled as pure css because firefox requires extra content-editable attribute. ; does it still? todo: further research, maybe this can be css only. (define (editable . stuff) (define editable-string (make-css-editable)) `(div ((style ,editable-string)(contenteditable "true")) ,@stuff)) (define (make-css-editable) (join-css-strings (list "user-modify: read-write" "-moz-user-modify: read-write" "-webkit-user-modify: read-write-plaintext-only" "outline-style: none"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (provide (all-defined-out))